当前位置:天才代写 > 其他代写 > 代写计算机作业:Scratch代写Assessment task AT2: Programming project

代写计算机作业:Scratch代写Assessment task AT2: Programming project

2018-08-30 08:00 星期四 所属: 其他代写 浏览:2209


Assessment task 

AT2: Programming project


Scratch assessment task

Create an application using the Scratch programming language.

The application type can be anything of your choice including:

· Animation

· Story

· Game


The application must include the following standard requirements:

· At least one sprite that uses a picture of yourself

· At least one backdrop that includes your name

· two or more sprites

· a sprite must be animated using costumes

· Two or more backdrops

· Custom blocks

· Interaction between sprites and/or user

· The use of variables or operators


The application must incorporate at least two of the extended features including:

· Scoring

· Levels

· Timers

· Enemies

· Rewards

· Mouse control

· Restart

· Menu

· Multiplayer



Assessment weighting

This task will contribute 20% to your final grade.


The assessment task will run over five hours. A guide to stages required are shown below:

Time allowed



5 hours

Designing an application

(Design template)


Developing and testing

Scratch application


(Evaluation template)

Evaluation report

Assessment rubric


Very High




Very Low


5 marks

4 marks

3 marks

2 marks

1 mark

0 marks

Application design

The design contains all of the required detail to be able to develop the application.

The design contains most of the required detail to be able to develop the application.

The design contains half of the required detail to be able to develop the application.

The design contains some of the required detail to be able to develop the application.

The design contains little of the required detail to be able to develop the application.

Not demonstrated

Standard programming requirements

The application includes all of the standard programming requirements.

The application includes most of the standard programming requirements.

The application includes several of the standard programming requirements.

The application includes some of the standard programming requirements.

The application includes few of the standard programming requirements.

Not demonstrated

User friendliness

All elements of the application are easy to use and intuitive.

Most elements of the application are easy to use and intuitive.

Several elements of the application are easy to use and intuitive.

Some elements of the application are easy to use and intuitive.

Few elements of the application are easy to use and intuitive.

Not demonstrated

Extended features

Two extended features have been included and are used for appropriate purposes.

Two extended features have been included but are used for superficial purposes.

Two extended features have been included but only one feature is working correctly.

One extended feature has been included and is used for an appropriate purpose.

One extended feature has been included but is only used for a superficial purpose.

Not demonstrated

Testing and debugging

All features of the application are working as expected.

Most features of the application are working as expected.

Several features of the application are working as expected.

Some features of the application are working as expected.

Few features of the application are working as expected.

Not demonstrated

Evaluation report

All questions on the report are answered correctly and fully.

Most questions on the report are answered correctly and fully.

Several questions on the report are answered correctly and fully.

Some questions on the report are answered correctly and fully.

Few questions on the report are answered correctly and fully.

Not demonstrated

Total (out of 30)





编程类:C代写,JAVA代写 ,数据库代写,WEB代写,Python代写,Matlab代写,GO语言,R代写




E-mail:850190831@qq.com   微信:BadGeniuscs  工作时间:无休息工作日-早上8点到凌晨3点






