Data mining 数据挖掘课业代写 1.(20%)(Model selection) according to the following table, draw the ROC charts for M1 and M2. Then, based on the AUCs of these two charts, 1.(20%) (Model selection) according to the following table, draw the ROC charts for M1 and … 继续阅读“数据挖掘课业代写 Data mining代写”
CS 422: Data Mining 数据挖掘作业代写 Exercises (4 points divided evenly among the questions). Please submit a PDF file containing answers to these questions. Department of Computer Science Illinois Institute of Technology Vijay K. Gurbani, Ph.D. Spring 201 … 继续阅读“数据挖掘作业代写 CS代写 CS 422代写”