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都市主义代写 Describing the Campus代写

2021-12-11 15:57 星期六 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:638

Urbanism 1101

Assignment #1 – Describing the Campus

都市主义代写 Describing the Campus:This assignment is designed to help you look at the city in terms of its basic elements, or its building blocks.

This assignment is designed to help you look at the city in terms of its basic elements, or its building blocks.  都市主义代写

In this case, you can use the vocabulary of elements described by Kevin Lynch in his book the Image of the City. These elements are Path, Edge, Node, District and Landmarks. According to Lynch, these basic elements can be used to describe or map a city using our own perceptions of a place. It is understood that each person might generate a different map based on his or her own interpretation of a place. But the exercise is useful in asking you to look at the campus from an experiential perspective – to think of what it is like to be in the campus as opposed to just mapping data.



Your assignment is to develop an experiential map of the Fordham campus using the elements listed above.  都市主义代写

The diagrams will reflect your interpretation of the places you select. As I mentioned in class – you can think of this as the type of diagram you might create on the back of a napkin while describing a place you know to someone who doesn’t know this place. If you find yourself drawing every path or building. You are doing too much – you need to extract the key elements and draw those. Include a key of the symbols you use. You can extend the map/diagram beyond the campus boundaries to describe the surrounding neighborhood should you choose to.

Provide a corresponding (300 word max) written description of your diagram that explains what you mapped and why. Describe the organizing structure of the campus – essentially, what does your diagram look like -and why.


Format  都市主义代写

The diagram should be on an 8 1/2 “ x 11” sheet and can be in color, black and white, drawn freehand or on the computer. You can either scan or photograph it. But you need to create a jpg, or a pdf and send it to me.

Please include your name on the upper left side of the page. On the written portion, include under your name, the class , and the date. (Urbanism and then either AM or PM depending on your class time)





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