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现代自然科学论文代写 现代自然科学研讨代写

2023-12-11 11:15 星期一 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:354

Modern natural science


Topic 1. History of natural science: traditions of studying nature

Stages of development of natural scientific thinking. Paradigm change in the development of natural science. Changing types of scientific rationality. Revolutions in the development of natural science. Sociocultural foundations for the development of natural science. The influence of historical features of social practices, paradigms of philosophical thinking, scientific picture of the world, etc. on the formation of research tasks, techniques, methods and results of natural science knowledge. The unity of sociocultural (external) and internal factors in the development of science.

Features of the ancient understanding of nature: the world as an organism. Understanding nature in the Middle Ages: nature as a text. Synthesis of science and art during the Renaissance. Classical modern European science: the formation of experimental natural science. Non-classical science of the twentieth century. Scientific and technological progress and development of science. Differentiation and integration of scientific knowledge. The phenomenon of interdisciplinarity. Modern natural science and problems of society


Topic 2. Modern scientific cosmology.   现代自然科学论文代写

Cosmology and cosmogony. Specific scientific content and ideological foundations of cosmological concepts in the history of science and culture (Ptolemy, N. Copernicus). The Universe and its structural components. Space. Metagalaxy. Galaxy. Star system.

The specific scientific content and ideological foundations of cosmogonic theories. Evolution of the Universe. Big Bang concept. Chaos. Models of the origin of the solar system. Modern models of the future of the Universe.

Modern methods of studying the Universe. The problem of infinity. The essence of the theory of relativity. A. Einstein’s principle of relativity.

The anthropic principle in the cosmology of the twentieth century. Cosmic mythology of the twentieth century: rational meaning and place in culture.


Topic 3. The phenomenon of life. Unity and diversity of living matter.   现代自然科学论文代写

The problem of defining life. The main stages in the development of ideas about the essence and origin of living things. Religious and mythological ideas (creationism) in the history of intellectual culture and modern scientific context. The concept of spontaneous, spontaneous origin of life. The concept of the origin of life from Space (the concept of panspermia). Directed and non-directed panspermia. The concept of the evolutionary origin of life based on physicochemical laws. Evolutionary model of the origin of life: hypothesis of A.I. Oparina-J. Haldane. The problem of experimental confirmation of ideas about the origin of life in the history of science (F. Redi, L. Pasteur, S. Miller). Modern research into the problem of the origin of life.

Modern ideas about the essential characteristics of living things. Living and nonliving matter:

differences in material, structural and functional aspects. The problem of identifying viruses as “objects at the edge of life.” Diversity of living things. Principles of building a system of the organic world and the main stages of its development. Concept of taxon. Evolution of classification systems for living organisms. Formation and development of the concept of biological species. Levels of organization of living matter and their reflection in the disciplinary palette of modern natural science.


Topic 4. Evolutionary paradigm in modern science.   现代自然科学论文代写

The idea of development in natural science: the main stages of formation. Evolutionary ideas of the New Age. Theory of evolutionary development J.-B. Lamarck. The principle of gradation. The theory of evolution of Charles Darwin. The concept of natural selection and the mechanism of its action. The emergence of genetics and the formation of ideas about the general patterns of heredity and variability. Darwinism and genetics. The diversity of anti-Darwinian concepts and the sociocultural effects of popularizing the ideas of Darwinism. Catastrophism and saltationism about the factors of progressive development of living matter. Formation of the synthetic theory of evolution (STE) and its main provisions. Micro- and macroevolution. Modern understanding of the factors and mechanisms of evolution.

Evolutionary paradigm in scientific knowledge. Evolution, development, progress. Principles of global evolutionism. The significance of evolutionist views for the development of science and culture.


Topic 5. Interaction between nature and society: environmental and demographic aspects.   现代自然科学论文代写

Stages of interaction between nature and society. Anthropogenic impacts on the biosphere. Formation of ideas about the interdependence of nature and society, conceptualization of environmental issues. Ecology as a science: essence and main stages of development. Man and the biosphere: transformation of the principles of interaction. Conceptualization of the problem of biodiversity conservation: main stages and current state. Nature conservation as a set of social practices based on natural sciencex performances.

Formation of ideas about global (planetary) problems. Implementation of global issues on the agenda of international organizations (Club of Rome). Models for resolving planetary problems. Ecological strategy in the development of modern civilization. The doctrine of the noosphere V.I. Vernadsky: basic principles, elements of a scientific utopia. Ideas about the possibility of co-evolutionary development of nature and society.

Biosphere resources and demographic problems. Natural scientific aspects of the population problem. General biological mechanisms for regulating population numbers and their manifestation in human populations. Environmental risk factors and human health. Limits of biosphere stability. The role of natural science knowledge in the formation of the concept of sustainable development of nature and




Topic 6. The world as a system. Systems approach in modern science.

Science as a special form of knowledge, science as a type of activity, science as a social practice and a social institution. Functions of scientific knowledge. Science and other forms of spiritual exploration of the world. The nature of scientific knowledge and its main characteristics. Specificity of the subject of science. Basic methods of scientific knowledge. Features of scientific language.

Structural levels of organization of matter. Mega-, macro- and microworld. The problem of the relationship between the part and the whole. Orderliness and integrity, integrity and expediency. Mechanism and vitalism.

Space and time in natural science. Evolution of views on space and time. Properties of space and time. Dimensions of space and time. Symmetry and asymmetry of space and time. Specifics of the spatio-temporal organization of living things. Chronobiology: main results and prospects of research. The problem of social time.

Self-organization in living and inanimate nature. Entropy and information. Dissipative systems far from equilibrium. Synergetics. Laws of conservation of energy in macroprocesses, the principle of increasing entropy


The student’s examination grade is based on   现代自然科学论文代写

1.Attendance at seminars and lectures

2.Writing test papers during seminar classes (receiving “credit” for each test paper)

3.Preparing an essay on a topic proposed by the course teacher

4.Defense of the abstract (the ability to talk in Russian about the main provisions of the prepared abstract)


Requirements for the abstract:

Abstract evaluation criteria:

A) independence of work (that is, the text was written by the student independently, there are no incorrect borrowings, all quotations are properly formatted);

B) relying on the content of lectures and seminars when performing work;

C) compliance of the student’s work results with the assignment in terms of topic, completeness, accuracydisclosure of material, task structure;

D) the presence of links to the sources used, including regulations, the design of sources must comply with the requirements of the current GOST; The Wikipedia resource (http://ru.wikipedia.org) and abstract sites (sites of any finished educational work) should not be used when preparing work;

D) compliance with the norms of the Russian literary language and academic style of presentation.


SAMPLE abstract format:    现代自然科学论文代写

The following information is placed in the work footer.

Student’s name

The work is performed as a single file in Microsoft Word format, font Times New Roman, 12 pt, one and a half

line spacing. Margins: left and top – 2 cm, right and

bottom – 1.5 cm. Volume – no more than 6 pages. File name


Essay topics (each student chooses 1 topic):

  1. Natural sciences and humanities, criteria for their identification, main points of view regarding their similarities and differences.
  2. Sociocultural foundations for the development of natural science. The unity of sociocultural (external) and internal factors in the development of science and its manifestation.
  3. Features of the ancient understanding of nature: the world as an organism.
  4. 4.Understanding nature in the Middle Ages: nature as a text.
  5. Synthesis of science and art during the Renaissance.
  6. 6.Classical new European science: the formation of experimental natural science.
  7. Non-classical science of the twentieth century. Scientific and technological progress and development of science
  8. System approach in modern science: features of formation, basic provisions and research opportunities.
  9. The concept of the Big Bang. Chaos. Models of the origin of the solar system. Modern models of the future of the Universe.
  10. Basic concepts of the origin of life on Earth, their status in modern natural science.
  11. The significance of evolutionary views for the development of science and culture.


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