澳洲Math数学代写 MATH代考

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MATH 413/513, Section 001, Fall 2020

澳洲Math数学代写 Prove:  there  exists  an  invertible  operator  T         (V )  such  that  T ˙u = S˙u for  every ˙u      U  if and only if S is injective.

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Test 2

General hint: For problems in this test you can use any of the theorems we covered in class.

PART 1, in class, to be submitted no later than 1:00 p.m.  澳洲Math数学代写

(1)(10+10pt) Suppose ˙v1, …, ˙vm is a list of vectors in V. Define T   L(Fm, V ) by

T (z1, …, zm) = z1˙v1 +  zm˙vm

(a)Whatproperty of T  corresponds to ˙v1, …, ˙vm spanning V ?  Prove your assertion.

(b)Whatproperty of T  corresponds to ˙v1, …, ˙vm being linearly independent?  Proveit.  澳洲Math数学代写

(2)(15 pt) Suppose S, T ∈ L(V ) and ST = T S. Prove that null S is invariant under T.

(3)(15 pt) Consider differentiation operator D ( 4(R)), e. we are only considering polynomials of degree 4. Suppose polynomials 1, z, z2, z3, z4are chosen as a basis of 4(R). What’s the matrix M (D) of the operator D with respect to this basis? Provide the details of your derivation.


PART 2, take-home, to be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m.   澳洲Math数学代写

(4) (15 pt)

For Math 413 only: Suppose V is finite dimensional, U is subspace of V , and S (U, V ). Prove:  there  exists  an  invertible  operator  T         (V )  such  that  T ˙u S˙u for  every ˙u      U  if and only if S is injective.

For Math 513 only: Show that V and L(F, V ) are isomorphic vector spaces.

(5) (15 pt)  澳洲Math数学代写

For  Math 413 only: Suppose T (R2) is defined by T (x, y) = ( 3y, x). Find the eigen- values of T. Prove your answer. No determinants, please.

For Math 513 only: Suppose V is finite dimensional, T ∈ L(V ), and λ F. Prove that there exists α  F such that |α  λ| < 0.001 and T  αI  is invertible.

(6) (20 pt) Suppose p (R) (p is arbitrary!).  Prove that there  exists q (R) such that

qjjj + 3qjj + 4qj = p. Use notions of injectivity, surjectivity, dimension, etc.



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