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模拟电子电路课业代写 EE4321代写

2023-03-10 13:57 星期五 所属: ee代写 浏览:596

EE4321 Analog Electronics Circuits

Homework Transistor Simulations

模拟电子电路课业代写 Intro:We are using the EE4312_SpiceModel_2021.inc model library for a 0.5um CMOS technology with a supply voltage of 3.0V. You can use any

Intro:   模拟电子电路课业代写

We are using the EE4312_SpiceModel_2021.inc model library for a 0.5um CMOS technology with a supply voltage of 3.0V.

You can use any W >= 1um and L = 0.5um, 1um, 2um, 4um or 8um with the associated model cards given below. The models provided are LEVEL 2 models1 which are simple models, however, they have the benefit that parameters can easily be interpreted. In order to obtain proper output conductances, a different model card is provided for different transistor lengths2 .

1 Much more sophisticated models exist that model the sub-micron effects better and where one model card can be used for different lengths, but we choose to use a simple model that can be easily interpreted for educational reasons.

2 If you need longer transistors, then you will need to add an additional model card to the library with a proper value for the LAMBDA parameter.

You can assume that LDIF = 2*LMIN or 1um. For a simple transistor layout AD = AS = W*LDIF and PS = PD = 2W + 2LDIF.

L Model Card NMOS Model Card PMOS
0.5um CMOSN_05 CMOSP_05


Assignments:   模拟电子电路课业代写


Simulate the IDS/VGS characteristics of the NMOS and PMOS transistors3 in the table below with VDS = 1.5V using a .DC simulation sweeping VGS from 0V to 3V.

a. Estimate the VT of the transistor (Hint: plot sqrt(IDS) vs VGS and extrapolate the intersection with the VGS axis from the current region of the device operating instrong inversion)

3 The VGS and VDS values used below are for an NMOS transistor; for the PMOS transistors use the appropriate signs. Note that you can set up a single schematic with all the transistors so you can simulate all transistors in one go.

b. Plot the gm of the transistors (Hint: d(id(Mx)) is the derivative dIds/dVGS)

c. Plot the (gm/IDS) of the transistors (Hint: plot d(id(Mx)/IDS)

d. Find the current IDS and gate voltage VGS for which (VGS-VT) = Vov = 200mV, 400mV and 600mV and summarize in a table; review how the current scales with Vov and W/L

e. With an .OP simulation for a Vov = 200mV check that the operating point information reported in terms of Vov and current corresponds your findings above

Transistor W L W/L
M1 1u 0.5u 2
M2 2u 1u 2
M3 16u 8u 2
M4 16u 2u 8
M5 16u 0.5u 32

2.   模拟电子电路课业代写

Simulate the IDS/VDS characteristics of the NMOS and PMOS transistors with VGS such that Vov = 200mV, 300mV, 400mV, 500mV (Hint: VGS can be calculated based on VT in 1)

a. Check the VDSsat

b. Check the gout (Hint: plot d(id(Mx)) which is the derivative dIds/dVDS)

c. Compare to .OP simulations


Simulate the gm/gds of the NMOS and PMOS transistors biased with current such that Vov is 200mV and 400mV using the schematic below:



a. Summarize the results in a table

b. Compare simulations against hand calculations based on the small-signalparameters reported by a .OP simulation.

c. Review the gm/gds, gm, and gds scaling with Vov, W/L and L


Simulate the fT ofthe NMOS and PMOS transistors biased with a Vov of 200mV and 400mV for a VDS of 1.5V

a. Summarize the results in a table

b. Compare simulations against hand calculations based on the small-signal parameters reported by a .OP simulation.

c. Review the scaling with Vov, W/L and L




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