BTEC National Diploma level 3 in Business
国际商业作业代写 Scenario You are an intern at Unilever which is based in the UK. The international business environment is very important to your business.
Unit number: Unit 39
Unit title: International Business
Assignment title: International Business
Criteria | To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to: | Task | Task deadline | Page
numbers |
attempted |
achieved |
P1 | Explain the international business environment in which a selected organisation operates | 1
Intranet pages |
25/11/20 | |||
P2 | Describe the mechanisms that regulate international trade | 1
Intranet pages |
25/11/20 | |||
P3 | Describe how the environment and culture of another country affects a business operating internationally | 3
02/12/20 | |||
P4 | Describe how the monetary environment affects businesses that trade internationally | 4
04/12/20 | |||
P5 | Identify why businesses operate internationally | 5
video |
09/12/20 | |||
P6 | Explain the business strategies used by a business operating internationally | 6
Booklet |
11/12/20 | |||
M1 | Assess the methods to increase trade between countries and the methods to restrict trade between countries | 2
table |
27/11/20 | |||
M2 | Compare how cultural differences and foreign business environments affect multinational corporations | 3
02/12/20 | |||
D1 | Evaluate the potential problems faced by businesses that trade internationally when entering new markets | 6
Booklet |
11/12/20 | |||
D2 | Evaluate the impact of cultural differences on international business performance in the market | 3
report |
03/12/20 |
Scenario 国际商业作业代写
You are an intern at Unilever which is based in the UK. The international business environment is very important to your business. As the international business environment changes, your team produces new updated information each year for middle management staff in your company.
Great products from our range of more than 400 brands give us a unique place in the lives of people all over the world.
When consumers reach for nutritionally balanced foods or indulgent ice creams, affordable soaps that combat disease, luxurious shampoos or everyday household care products, there’s a good chance the brand they pick is one of ours.
Seven out of every ten households around the world contain at least one Unilever product, and our range of world-leading, household-name brands includes Lipton, Knorr, Dove, Axe, Hellmann’s and Omo.
Task 1 – Intranet (P1 and P2) – International business environment 国际商业作业代写
You have been asked to produce 4 pages on the intranet about the international business environment in which Unilever operates. The information should be short and easy to read for Middle Management staff to understand how the business operates globally.
The intranet information must include:
Page 1 – International trade in the UK (P1)
- how international trade affects the UK business environment, eg value and volume of import and export
- balance of trade of the UK
- balance of payments of the UK
Page 2 – International trade and Unilever (P1)
- economic value to Unilever and the UK of international trade
- trends in international trade of the UK and Unilever
- labour movement
- Unilever in developing countries
- Importance of international trade to Unilever
Page 3 and 4 – Barriers and incentives to international trade for Unilever (P2) 国际商业作业代写
- free trade and economic blocs
- barriers to trade – Tariff and non-tariff
- embargoes
- quotas
- subsides
P1 | Explain the international business environment in which a selected organisation operates |
P2 | Describe the mechanisms that regulate international trade |
Task 2 Table (M1)
You will now produce a table assessing the barriers and incentives to international trade for Unilever.
The table should use the following headings:
- Method for encouraging or restricting trade between countries
- How this method is used in that country
- Why this method is used in that country
- Assess whether the method is successful or not – and why
M1 | Assess the methods to increase trade between countries & the methods to restrict trade between countries |
Task 3 Powerpoint (P3, M2) 国际商业作业代写
a)Powerpoint -Business Environment and Cultural differences (P3)
Unilever operates throughout the world. Choose one of those countries it operates in and produce a powerpoint presentation – the presentation is about the business environment and culture of the other country and how it would affect Unilever’s business operations. You must do a minimum of 6 slides, but you can do more or use the notes section below each slide. You will deliver this presentation.
For business environment – you should consider some of the following:
- ideology
- political and economic
- technology
- social and environmental issues
- legal ethics
For culture – you should consider some of the following:
- language
- religion and values
- attitudes
- customs and manners
- education
- material culture
- institutions
- infrastructure
- work attitudes

b)Powerpoint – Comparison (M2)
- For the merit you should add to your P3 PowerPoint presentation.
- You must compare how cultural differences and business environments overseas affect Unilever.
- Your comparison should include examples of the different business practices of Unilever in the UK and your chosen country. This could include adapting products or marketing techniques in order to sell successfully in a different market (which has different expectations and requirements.
P3 | Describe how the environment and culture of another country affects a business operating internationally |
M2 | Compare how cultural differences and foreign business environments affect multinational corporations |
c)Evaluation of the impact of cultural differences on international business performance (D2)
Cultural issues such as health, welfare, social considerations, environmental issues and belief systems all influence how well organisations do in different international settings.
Therefore your manager has asked you to prepare a short report to evaluate how cultural differences in your chosen country affect Unilever’s performance.
- Make sure you use examples to highlight how these differences will affect your organisation, eg if it is for the better or worse, and why you think this is the case.
- Give some reasoned suggestions on how to overcome these differences.
- Where possible give some actual examples of real businesses who have done this and ensure you reference your examples accordingly.
D2 | Evaluate the impact of cultural differences on international business performance in the market |
Task 4 (P4) – Quick Reference Guide – monetary environment 国际商业作业代写
One of your responsibilities is to help your manager produce information for the Unilever staff to understand the global business. To do this, you will describe how the money environment affects Unilever’s business internationally.
You should produce a Quick Reference Guide: include at least 7 methods from list 1 and all 3 methods from list 2.
List 1: How the international monetary environment financially supports international businesses like Unilever and businesses that are new to international trading:
- foreign exchange system
- European Monetary Systems (EMS)
- balance of payments
- international money markets
- international banking
- trade credit
- letters of credit
- Export Credit Guarantees
- forfeiting
- factoring
- bills of lading
- international debt
- methods of protection against exchange rate fluctuations

List 2: Trade support for international business (which aim to reduce possible risks)
- government agencies
- trade associations
- insurance
P4 | Describe how the monetary environment affects businesses that trade internationally |
Task 5 – Video or article on reasons for international trade (P5)
Some of Unilever staff do not understand the reasons for a UK business to operate internationally. Therefore your manager has asked you create a video or write an article for all staff to view on the Intranet giving reasons why Unilever trades abroad.
i) You should explain at least 4 of the following reasons why Unilever trades internationally:
- growth (value, volume, market coverage)
- diversification
- emerging markets
- economies of scale
- cost reduction
- taxation regime
- legal and regulatory regime
ii) Describe 3 problems or issues Unilever face when operating abroad.
iii) Finish with a conclusion
P5 | Identify why businesses operate internationally |
Task 6 – Booklet for investors (P6 and D1) 国际商业作业代写
P6: Your manager liked your article for the Company Accounts. Therefore she has asked you to prepare a booklet for investors describing the strategies used by Unilever to operate internationally. The strategies need to include the methods used to manage the following in order to operate internationally:
- Marketing
- Production and distribution
- Human resources management
- Technology
Make the booklet attractive with suitable headings, graphics and examples where appropriate.
Marketing: identifying markets; data analysis; marketing information systems; promotion; advertising; adaptation/standardisation of product and promotion, licensing, co-production, joint ventures
Production and distribution: standardisation of products; product differentiation; product pricing; distribution channels; transportation; supply chain; logistics
Human resources management: staff; foreign personnel; expatriate personnel; labour expertise; labour mobility; recruitment; induction and training; cross-cultural training
Technology: internet; industrial development; transfer of technology; adapting technology to conditions
P6 | Explain the business strategies used by a business operating internationally |
D1 – Evaluation of potential problems 国际商业作业代写
Finally you will add to the booklet an evaluation of the potential problems by Unilever that trades internationally when entering new markets (eg China, Russia, Saudi Arabia).
a) Identify the possible problems Unilever may encounter when entering new markets
b) Evaluate how those problems will affect the business, eg cost, operations, funding, staffing etc
c) Give at least 5 examples of the different problems and how they are overcome by using various strategies relating to the management of human resources, production & distribution, marketing and technology.
D1 | Evaluate the potential problems faced by businesses that trade internationally when entering new markets |
