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古代文明科学写作代写 writing assignment代写

2021-11-11 15:39 星期四 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:707

Scientific Traditions in Ancient Civilizations

Core Course CORE-UA 400 010, Texts and Ideas

Second writing assignment, 5-6 pp. (approx. 2000 words)

古代文明科学写作代写 Using an appropriate selection of the ancient texts that you have read, and referring to specific items in them, write a well-organized essay

Using an appropriate selection of the ancient texts that you have read, and referring to specific items in them, write a well-organized essay on one of the following topics. For this essay you should not make use of outside sources beyond the course readings (including passages quoted from ancient texts in the slides, but not other contents of the slides). Cite or quote no more than 8 passages from the readings, taking care to explain (if it isn’t obvious) what they mean and how they contribute to your argument. Your references should make it absolutely clear which texts you are referring to, with page numbers where appropriate, and, for primary sources, any line numbers or section numbers that the translations provide.

(A)  古代文明科学写作代写

Discuss and compare Greek astronomy/cosmology and Greek medicine with respect to how people working in these traditions used beliefs and/or knowledge concerning diverse and sometimes remote places.


(B)  古代文明科学写作代写

Discuss and compare the role and purpose of methods of prediction or forecasting in two ancient scientific traditions. (For the purposes of this question, “ancient scientific traditions” means a field of science or near-science in a specific cultural context, for example “Egyptian medicine,” “Mesopotamian omen divination,” “Greek astronomy”.)



Bibliography and citations  古代文明科学写作代写

At the end of your essay, provide a bibliography of cited sources. Bibliography does not count towards the page or word limit. For course readings, the necessary information will usually be retrievable from the work itself (e.g. title page included in pdf) or from the syllabus. The following are examples of bibliography entries for a book, a chapter in a multi-authored book,and a journal article:

Gehlken, Erlend. 2012. Weather Omens of Enūma Anu Enlil. Leiden: Brill.- 2 –

Koch, Ulla. 2011. “Sheep and Sky: Systems of Divinatory Interpretation.” In Karen

Radner and Eleanor Robson, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Culture. Oxford:

Oxford University Press. 447-469.
  These page numbers aren’t easy to find in the online version uploaded to  NYUClasses. If you don’t have page numbers, just leave them out, and say  “Online version.”

Robson, Eleanor. 2001. “The Tablet House: A Scribal School in Old Babylonian Nippur.” Revue d’Assyriologie 95, 39-67.

Works listed in the bibliography should be cited either in-line in your essay (in parentheses) or in footnotes, using author’s last name, year of publication, and (if appropriate) specific pages:

Gehlken (2012). [If citing the entire work.]

Robson (2001) 42-43. [If citing a specific passage.]

Class slides can be cited in-line or in footnotes thus:

Week 2 class 1 slides, slide 24.





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