Assignment 1 | Due April 7 by 11:59pm
社会学essay代写 Most memos are two to five pages long, depending on the complexity of the issue and the level of risk associated with the decision
Choose a social issue that matters to you and write a 4-6 page memo analyzing the tradeoffs that occur when that problem is addressed by the public sector (government), the private sector (business), or the social sector (nonprofits/NGOs). Your analysis should be situated in the real world context in which those tradeoffs exist — the costs and benefits are quite different in countries where there is a robust government-funded social safety net (e.g. Switzerland) vs. those where virtually no social safety net exists (e.g. Gambia). 社会学essay代写
Key questions to consider:
- What are the root causes of the problem you are trying to solve, and what interventions would be most effective in solving thatproblem?
- What public sector interventions exist today in this social context, and how are they working or not working?
- Arethere social sector programs that exist in this context, and what gaps are they filling?
- Whatrole does the business community play in helping to mitigate (or exacerbate) this problem?
Your memo should be 4-6 pages, 1.15 spaced, with 1” margins and 12 point font. Be sure to use standard memo format and follow the guidelines in my “memo on memos.”
To: From: Re: Date:
Students Prof. Tom
Writing an effective business memorandum March 2021
Class, this memo outlines my expectations for memos submitted for the first assignment in Building and Scaling Social Impact Programs. 社会学essay代写
Although the goals for effective persuasive writing are the same in any context – lay out a clear and cogent argument, with strong supporting evidence – the best practices for writing a business memo differ from those used in public policy analysis or academic writing.
A business memo should guide your reader to a specific decision or course of action. Although policy analysis or academic writing can delve into the complexities and nuances of a given topic, in business writing you must synthesize the most essential and critical pieces of information for your audience. You must distill the most vital facts and data points to ensure your reader can grasp the issue and make an informed decision with imperfect information. 社会学essay代写
To that end, you must understand your reader. Whether your reader is a CEO, elected official, executive director, or board chair, she will have limited time and bandwidth to spend significant time reading and researching the topic to come to her own conclusion. You must make the clearest case for the best course of action, without sacrificing intellectual rigor or analytical insight. You must distill your arguments to their essence.
Most memos are two to five pages long, depending on the complexity of the issue and the level of risk associated with the decision your reader must make.
Although there are no hard and fast rules for writing an effective memo, this document aims to provide recommendations and considerations that should be helpful both for the purposes of this assignment and in your professional careers.
1. Structure 社会学essay代写
Use a predictable structure that guides your reader. The strategies for good writing (the “five paragraph essay”) that many of you learned in elementary school apply to business writing. Aim for clarity, precision, and accessibility.
- Foreground your argument. Lay it out in the first paragraph. Start every memo with the sentence “This memo….,” followed by a clear summation of your argument. Do not wait until the end of your memo to lay out your recommendations or suggested course of action.
- Start every paragraph with a topic sentence. When reviewing your memo, you should be able to understand the key points and principles of the memo’s argument just by reading the topic sentences.
- Provide supporting evidence. Cite external sources using footnotes, endnotes, or hyperlinks. Do not include too much detail. You want to ensure your memois data-rich without getting bogged down in the details.
- Use formatting to guide your Create headers for each section to organize your narrative. Use bulleted lists to group ideas together and make your argument scannable. Bold topic sentences and key points. Preserve lots of white space on thepage.
- Uselanguage to guide your Start sentences with action verbs. Provide reader cues such as, “There are three tactics for writing an effective memo. First…..” Avoid jargon and doublespeak.
2. Style 社会学essay代写
An effective memo must have impeccable spelling and grammar. Consider the following style recommendations while writing and editing.
- Use the active voice always. The only exception is when the passive voice provides a good transition, improves clarity, or shortens the
- Active voice: The man bit the
- Passive voice: The man was bitten by the
● Uncover hidden verbs.
- Reach an agreement (agree); reach a decision (decide); draw a conclusion (conclude); place a limitation on (limit); make allegations (allege); be in compliance with (comply); make a statement (state, assert); put emphasis on(emphasize).
- Avoid hiding verbs in nouns (nominalization). Nominalizations add extra words and drain the life out of
- Examples: the usage of the property (property use); the storage of chemicals (chemical storage); an agreement was made by the parties (the parties agreed); the intention of Congress (Congress’intent).
● Avoid “throat clearers.” 社会学essay代写
- Examples: It should be noted that; it appears that; it is clear that; it is important to note that; the fact that; the issue of; upon considering relevant data.
- Avoid lazy adverbs and adjectives. Adverbs are the enemy of good writing. When you are editing your document, search for the letters “ly” and remove as many adverbs as
- Examples: clearly, very, plainly, obviously, simply, completely,
- Keep the subject as close to the verb as possible. Avoid long sentences that invite confusion by separating the subject from the verb. Break up sentences if your modifying phrase is
- Donot use Spell them out. Use cannot, not can’t; there is, not there’s, they have, not they’ve, and so on. 社会学essay代写
- Useformatting that demonstrates professionalism and creates clarity for the Write in 12-point font with 1.15 line spacing and 1” margins. Choose a common and readable font (Arial, Calibri, Georgia, Proxima Nova, or Times New Roman). Include page numbers.
- Check your work. One way to do this is to print out a hard copy and read it out loudto Another way is to have someone else read it and offer feedback.
Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to reading your memos, and please be in touch with any questions you may have.