留学生实验报告代写 The objective of the laboratory report in this study is to analyze the application of FIR low-pass screen into a DSP with use of a header file
Purpose of the lab report
The objective of the laboratory report in this study is to analyze the application of FIR low-pass screen into a DSP with use of a header file which is also referred to as a filter coefficient. The use of the header file is produced in the Lab 3 as a test sample for the piano which is also the bird2 sample and a wave file. The comparison aspect is built by making a direct comparison using the input verses the output.
实验室报告的目的 留学生实验报告代写
本研究中实验室报告的目的是使用头文件(也称为滤波器系数)分析 FIR 低通屏幕在 DSP 中的应用。 头文件的使用是在Lab 3中制作的,作为钢琴的测试样本,也是bird2样本和波形文件。 比较方面是通过使用输入与输出进行直接比较来构建的。
Methodology of the lab report 留学生实验报告代写
Open the code composer to proceed by making copies of lab 2. This copies have to be pasted into the lab to cater for the formulated case which is mode=5. This will have attained the desired idea behind creation of the switching across the modes. For the presentation of the changing data types, the creation of a MATLAB should equally const float to present a definition of the filter coefficients which is located in the main file. The analysis of the sample numbers is critical as per previous input values. This is defined in this phase of the report.
To achieve the record of the past input models, the addition of the magnitude of the input buffers is relevant and will guide of the history path. The input history is attained by rearranging existing IO streams and the definite values of & inBuf[0][0] and &inBuf[1][0]. The definition of the declarations in the audio Task( ) si obtained by the additional of new short static pointers to indicate the past input buffer. The pointer to the past input is set on the existing input through an establishment of the new case located inside the available switch statement which enables the management of FIR filter. The final phase is now completed for a prototype functionality of the filter FIR opertation. This has been achieved by clicking debug as a procedure test for the file wave which is ensured by graphing the input and also considering the output.

实验室报告方法论 留学生实验报告代写
打开代码编写器以继续制作实验室 2 的副本。必须将此副本粘贴到实验室中以适应模式 = 5 的公式化案例。这将实现创建模式切换背后的理想想法。为了表示不断变化的数据类型,MATLAB 的创建同样应该使用 const float 来表示位于主文件中的滤波器系数的定义。根据先前的输入值,样本数量的分析至关重要。这在报告的这一阶段进行了定义。
为了实现过去输入模型的记录,输入缓冲区大小的增加是相关的,并将指导历史路径。输入历史是通过重新排列现有的 IO 流和 &inBuf[0][0] 和 &inBuf[1][0] 的确定值来获得的。音频 Task() si 中声明的定义通过添加新的短静态指针来指示过去的输入缓冲区。通过建立位于可用 switch 语句内的新 case 来在现有输入上设置指向过去输入的指针,这使得管理 FIR 滤波器成为可能。现在完成了滤波器 FIR 操作的原型功能的最后阶段。这是通过单击调试作为文件波的程序测试来实现的,这是通过绘制输入并考虑输出来确保的。
Code Explanations
During the methodology, the header file is maintained by replacement of the float with a const float to indicate the constant values of the filter coefficients. Since the compiler is not able to efficiently translate the header file an additional # is included to entail the header file name. The sample numbers that formed part of the requirement are defined as the numbers are previous input values due to the equation
The filter is represented as order N and the computation nrequirement is presented as N-1 from the past samples that also have two channels from the audio. The history in the methodology is = (2 * (FILTER_SIZE – 1)) and its size=(HISTORY * sizeof(short)). To position the past input samples, the input buffers are increased in size and the history of two buffer lengths are added. The interchange of the IO streams is achieved by priming the input buffer index at the index [HISTORY]
The addition of the newly formed static short pointer at the variable declarations of Audio_Task() is used to indicate the past input buffer so as to enhance making copies of the previous HISTORY number of the samples obtained in the past input.
This is also used to balance part of the memory which is prior to the existing input while initializing the existing values of the pointer which indicates the second buffer input inBuf[1][HISTORY]. The process of making copies in the switch case uses the memory copy (memcpy) to the past input on the history of the existing input. The existing input arrangement varies in the destination, the source and the bytes quantity copied. The observance of the destination and the source is presented as (&) of pIn and pPrior respectively. The destination is also presented as &pIn[-History] and the source is presented as&pPrior[2*BUFLEN-History]. The number of bytes will be 2*History (as in the chart conclusion section). 留学生实验报告代写
The creation of FIR functionality is named the switch mode with the writing as the prototype in the audioSample_io.h. The basic step in application of the above equation (1) is used to achieve the desired output. This cannot be obtained by C instead the variable are declared. The three existing variable are identified as (I, k and sum) this begins with a loop from loop from i=0 to i=buffer length to process each sample of the input. The process is precede by the summation of k as a variable and the loops from from k=0 until k=max filter size and based on equation (1), we can change to: sum += coeff[k] * pIn[(i-k)*2].
代码说明 留学生实验报告代写
在该方法期间,通过用常量浮点数替换浮点数来维护头文件,以指示滤波器系数的常数值。由于编译器无法有效地翻译头文件,因此包含一个额外的 # 以包含头文件名。构成要求一部分的样本数被定义为由于等式,这些数字是先前的输入值
滤波器表示为 N 阶,计算 nrequirement 表示为来自过去样本的 N-1,这些样本也具有来自音频的两个通道。该方法中的历史是 = (2 * (FILTER_SIZE – 1)) 并且它的大小=(HISTORY * sizeof(short))。为了定位过去的输入样本,输入缓冲区的大小会增加,并添加两个缓冲区长度的历史记录。 IO 流的交换是通过在索引 [HISTORY] 处启动输入缓冲区索引来实现的
这也用于平衡现有输入之前的部分内存,同时初始化指示Buf[1][HISTORY]中的第二个缓冲区输入的指针的现有值。在 switch case 中制作副本的过程使用内存副本 (memcpy) 到现有输入的历史记录上的过去输入。现有的输入安排在目的地、来源和复制的字节数量方面有所不同。目标和源的遵守分别表示为 pIn 和 pPrior 的 (&)。目的地也显示为 &pIn[-History],源显示为 &pPrior[2*BUFLEN-History]。字节数将为 2*History(如图表结论部分)。
FIR 功能的创建被命名为 switch 模式,在 audioSample_io.h 中写入为原型。应用上述等式 (1) 的基本步骤用于实现所需的输出。这不能通过 C 获得,而是声明了变量。三个现有变量被标识为(I、k 和 sum),它以从循环 i=0 到 i=buffer length 的循环开始,以处理输入的每个样本。该过程之前是 k 作为变量的总和以及从 k=0 到 k=max 滤波器大小的循环,基于等式 (1),我们可以更改为: sum += coeff[k] * pIn[( ik)*2]。
Following the findings, the possibility of a recommendation is minimal.
建议 留学生实验报告代写
The beginning of the lab presentation is preceded by several errors of about ten. This is basic errors that include variable declaration, functionality request, prototype record in the header file and also the summation of FIR.
The chart is basic to performing the lab and writing the lab report. The chart summarizes the core indication of the lab objectives and provides explanations of how the source is obtained and the desired destination:
Low pass filter transmits low frequency indicators and also attenuates signals point on the frequencies higher than the terminated frequency. The input/output charts demonstrate the variances. In the Pin graph; there is a signal from 3000 to 7500 also, its amplitude higher than 150000:

The short pass filter used in the input reduced the complex frequencies to be lower than 150000 or =150000. The signal is easily noticed at 3000 to 6000 to be removed due to the cut off frequency that was initiated from 3000:
实验演示开始之前有几个错误,大约十个。 这是基本错误,包括变量声明、功能请求、头文件中的原型记录以及 FIR 的总和。
该图表是执行实验和编写实验报告的基础。 该图表总结了实验室目标的核心指示,并提供了如何获得源和所需目的地的解释:
低通滤波器传输低频指标,并衰减高于终止频率的频率点上的信号。 输入/输出图表展示了差异。 在引脚图中; 还有一个信号从 3000 到 7500,其幅度高于 150000:
输入中使用的短通滤波器将复杂频率降低到低于 150000 或 =150000。 由于从 3000 开始的截止频率,很容易注意到信号在 3000 到 6000 处被移除:

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