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热力学网课代修 Thermodynamics代写

2021-10-25 09:16 星期一 所属: course代写,Online course代写代做-品原创拿高分! 浏览:829


ME 201: Thermodynamics 

 Section 1; 3 credits

Class meeting VIRTUAL – Zoom Meeting ID 916 6456 4083, PW 647282

M,W,F. 11:30-12:20

热力学网课代修 Textbook: Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, Moran, Shapiro, Boettner, and Bailey, 7th, 8th or 9th edition, John C. Wiley

Textbook: Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, Moran, Shapiro, Boettner, and Bailey, 7th, 8th or 9th edition, John C. Wiley and Sons Publishing.

Grading: 5% Participation

50% Quizzes (10 total)

25% Midterm Exams (2 total)  热力学网课代修

20% Final Exam (Wednesday 12/16, 7:45-9:45am)

total % 90-100 85-89 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 0-59
grade 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.0

If your grades are low, please come see me as soon as possible so together we can figure out a way to help you improve.

MODE: Online-only  热力学网课代修

Lectures: asynchronous, recorded lectures to go hand-in-hand with textbook readings Class times: synchronous (live) problem-solving and question/answer, required and RECORDED Office hour: synchronous (live), NOT RECORDED

Exams: Administered online via Crowdmark or D2L (TBD)

Desire2Learn: There is a D2L webpage set up for this course. There, you can see the syllabus and class schedule, view posted lecture materials and assignments, download homework assignments and solutions, and see your grade. Please enable email notifications from D2L, and if you want, you can forward your D2L email to an external email address (https://help.d2l.msu.edu/node/4410).

Course Requirements

Internet connection (DSL, LAN, or cable connection desirable) Access to Desire2Learn (D2L)

Ability to scan and upload documents (e.g., CamScanner or Adobe Scanner app) Access to Crowdmark (for submission of assignments and online grading) Access to Zoom (for class meetings and office hours)  热力学网课代修

If you do not have the necessary technology and/or equipment to adequately address the above requirements, the College of Engineering will make every attempt to assist you in obtaining access by loaning this technology for use during the semester. Please be aware that supplies are limited, and we may not be able to fulfill all requests. If you need assistance securing technology (laptops, tablets, web cams, hotspots), please contact Theodore Caldwell, Assistant Dean for Equity and Inclusion, by email at tc@msu.edu.


One of the foundations of engineering is understanding the ways that energy, work, and heat interact in defined systems. In this course, the thermodynamics principles of engineering systems will be explored. In covering these principles, students will be equipped to analyze systems in terms of the processes and states that lead to transfer of energy, work, and heat, building the foundations for how to improve system performance in terms of input, output, and efficiency.

Course Goals: ME201 is designed to equip students with basic knowledge of the principles of thermodynamics and the relationships between the properties of materials. The course will teach students to apply the First and Second Laws of thermodynamics to systems, and introduce applications of thermodynamics in an engineering setting.

Student Learning Outcomes:

The learning objectives are listed in more detail on the D2L website. Basically, by the end of this course, students should be able to:

  • Classify and define control volumes and system boundaries, both steady andtransient
  • Identify intensive and extensive properties, and use property tables to findthem
  • Differentiatebetween simple compressible substances, incompressible substances, and ideal gases, and apply the correct state equations
  • Understandenergy and how it is exchanged via work, heat, and mass  Based on this,Students should be able to apply the First Law to steady and unsteady control volumes and systems to evaluate information.  热力学网课代修
  • Interpretthe concept of Entropy from the standpoints of reversibility and  Utilize the Second Law to help define the state of a system and solve for the entropy change of a system.
  • Apply the First Law and Second Law to thermodynamic cycles to evaluateefficiency. 热力学网课代修

Lectures: Lectures are posted online, with completion dates listed. Your log of access to the D2L videos as well as your participation (attendance, polling) during live class meetings will feed into your participation grade.

In-Class Activities: Prior to class times, you are expected to view the assigned lecture videos and considerany questions you may have. During the class time, I will work through example problems and answer your questions about the lectures. Wednesdays during class time, the last 20 minutes is reserved for weekly quizzes (that is, 12:00 noon – 12:20pm)



 Homework assignments in the form of “Recommended Problems” will not be graded, although they are required for success in the other graded portions of the class.

Quizzes: There will be quizzes offered during class times on Wednesdays almost every week. 10 of these will count towards your final quiz grade (2 lowest scores automatically dropped, with 12 quizzes offered). Each quiz will consist of one problem that is based on what we’ve done during the last week and the recommended homework problems.  热力学网课代修

Exams: There will be two midterm exams and one final exam. The tentative midterm exam dates are Friday 10/09 and Wednesday 11/18. The final exam date is Wednesday 12/16/2020, from 7:45pm-9:45AM.

Grading Scale: Exam and quiz problems are graded on a 10-8-3-0 scale.
  • 10 points: Everything was correct.
  • 8 points: You did the problem correctly but had 1-2 minor errors (decimal, calculationerror)
  • 3 points: You made some progress but had a fatal concept flaw or multiple errors as above.  热力学网课代修
  • 0 points: You did not understand how to solve the problem and made little progress.

Missed exams: If you have a known absence and need to miss a midterm, you must let me know in advance and schedule a make-up date. Scheduling make-up quizzes is generally not permissible but will be considered in special circumstances.

In the case of an emergency situation where you must miss an exam or quiz unexpectedly, you must let me know BEFORE the time of the exam that you will be absent, or you will receive a zero grade.  热力学网课代修

Contact: The best way to contact me is via email (ranthony@msu.edu). I will do my best to respond within 48 hours. Emails must be respectful, as though you were speaking to me face-to-face.

How to succeed:  热力学网课代修

  • Step 1: Watch lectures on schedule and note down any
  • Step2: Read the  No, you don’t have to memorize each chapter. But be sure you skim

the chapter at least once before or after synchronous class sessions, and identify any places where you feel confused. Pay special attention to any pictures or charts.

  • Step3: Do the recommended problems WITHOUT CHEGG and check the  Practicing problems is directly related to the exam and quiz content! DO NOT USE CHEGG because you are never going to learn how to do a problem if you copy someone else’s solution. I promise. 热力学网课代修
  • Step4: Seek help when  Set up a meeting or come to my “office hours” if you are confused about something – or better yet, ask your question in class so we can all discuss! Or talk to your classmates. Chances are good that one of your friends can help explain something to you.

Academic Integrity: 热力学网课代修

I encourage you to work with your colleagues to complete homework assignments, as the spirit of science is collaborative. However, by no means do I encourage cheating, plagiarizing, collaborating on quizzes or exams, or any other form of dishonesty. You should turn in your own work. This class will adhere to the standards at Michigan State University for academic integrity, as outlined by the Office of the Ombudsperson: (https://www.msu.edu/~ombud/academic-integrity/index.html). Academic dishonesty in this class will be dealt with according to the full extent of Michigan State University’s policies.

Student Academic Integrity

“Academic Integrity is honest and responsible scholarship. As a student, you are expected to submit original work and give credit to other peoples’ ideas. Maintaining your academic integrity involves:

  • Creating and expressing your own ideas in coursework;  热力学网课代修
  • Acknowledging all sources ofinformation;
  • Completing assignments independently or acknowledgingcollaboration;
  • Accurately reporting results when conducting your own research or with respect tolabs;
  • Honesty during

Academic integrity is the foundation of university success. Learning how to express original ideas, cite sources, work independently, and report results accurately and honestly are skills that carry students beyond their academic career. Academic dishonesty not only cheats the student of valuable learning experiences, but can result in a failing grade on assignments, a failing grade in a course, or even expulsion from the university for the student.”  热力学网课代修

Within this course, a student responsible for scholastic dishonesty can be assigned a penalty up to and including a 0.0 grade for the course. If you have any questions regarding the expectations for a specific assignment or exam, ask.


Academic dishonesty includes using the internet to seek solutions for quiz or exam problems, and also include posting these problems on general-use websites (for example, Chegg). This includes posting problems after the assignment is over, using in-person, SMS, or digital messaging means to communicate with others during these assignments, and using non-approved resources during a timed graded assignment. If you participate in cheating, problem-posting, or other internet-enabled or in-person academic dishonesty, you will receive a zero score for the assignment on your first offense and I will file the Academic Dishonesty Report which will remain on your private record until you graduate. On your second offense, you will receive a zero for the class and I will file the Academic Dishonesty Report again, which may result in your expulsion from the College or the University.

Sexual Harassment:

The respectful way that we treat each other in class should preclude any sexual harassment from occurring. In fact, sexual harassment is prohibited by Michigan State University. The University’s statement on Sexual Harassment can be found here:


Disabilities Accommodations:  热力学网课代修

The policy of Michigan State University is to make accommodations for students with documented disabilities, whether they be physical, mental, or learning. If you have a disability and would like special accommodation or consideration, you should contact me and Disability Services. Visit: https://www.rcpd.msu.edu/services

Diversity and Respect:

In this class, the broad diversity of student experiences, traits, and backgrounds is valuable in providing us with a positive learning environment, rich with many perspectives. We must treat each other in person, in email, and in other communication with respect and courtesy. I don’t expect conflicts arising from our diverse student body or mutual respect to come up, but if they do then all steps will be taken to resolve the conflict civilly. If further action or resolution is necessary, additional steps will be taken to ensure that everyone feels comfortable and accepted in class.

COVID-19 considerations: These are unprecedented times and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on our ability to function, focus, and meet our daily needs cannot be underestimated.  热力学网课代修

If you are struggling with meeting the demands of class because you are sick, you have a family member or loved one who is sick an hospitalized, you are having trouble finding food or shelter due to the pandemic’s effect on the economy, or you do not have access to reliable internet, please contact me or the Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies Dr. Amanda Idema (agidema@msu.edu) so that we can try to ensure your success at MSU this semester.


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