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数据库管理代写 database management代写

2021-10-16 15:05 星期六 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:1043


database management

数据库管理代写 Question 1:  Using MySQL (Workbench or at the Command line):Write and execute the SQL code that will create the table structure for ···


Use the following diagram in answering Questions 1-7


Question 1:  (20 points)

Using MySQL (Workbench or at the Command line):

  • Write and execute the SQL code that will create the table structure for tables named EMPLOYEE and PROJECT tables. Note: it’s good practice to insert the “DROP TABLEIF EXISTS” command before attempting to create a stored procedure in case it already exists.  Refer to the MySQL documentation for additional details.
  • Use “insert” or “import” functions per your choice to load all 18 records appearing in the EMPLOYEE table and all 4 records appearing in the PROJECT table.
  • Create a copy of the EMPLOYEE table for only the 6 columns defined in the table below, and name the new table EMP_1.
  • Use “insert” (not “select from EMPLOYEE”) to add EMP_1 the data you see in the first two records of EMPLOYEE.
  • Provide image(s) from MySQL showing:
    • the queries you wrote and their execution, and
    • the resulting tables (PROJECT, EMPLOYEE and EMP_1), including the table structures and contents.

The EMP_1 table will be a subset of the EMPLOYEE table.  As the table below indicates, EMP_1 has only 6 columns while EMPLOYEE has 7 columns.

The EMP_1 table structures are summarized in the following table.  Use EMP_NUM as the primary key.  Note that the JOB_CODE is the PK to JOB so be certain to enforce referential integrity.  Your code should also ensure the table does not allow null entries in EMP_LNAME and EMP_FNAME.



Question 2:  (10 points)  数据库管理代写

Using MySQL (Workbench or at the Command line):

  • Write and execute a MySQL subquery to insert into EMP_1 the remaining 16 rows from the EMPLOYEE table.
  • Remember, your subquery should only retrieve the columns needed for the new EMP_1 table and only the employees shown in the figure not already in EMP_1.
  • Write and execute the SQL code to change the job code in EMP_1 to 501 for the person whose employee number (EMP_NUM) is 107.
  • Provide image(s) from MySQL showing:
    • the subquery you wrote and its execution,
    • the 2 records originally in EMP_1,
    • table EMP_1 with the 18 records after executing the subquery, showing the original job code from employee 107, and
    • the final table EMP_1 contents after executing the query changing the job code for employee 107.


Question 3:  (10 points)  数据库管理代写

Using MySQL (Workbench or at the Command line):

  • Write and execute the SQL code to delete the row in EMP_1 for William Smithfield, who was hired on June 22, 2004, and whose job code is 500. Hint: use logical operators to include all of the information given in this problem.
  • Write and execute the SQL code to create a copy of EMP_1, including all of its data, and naming the copy EMP_2.
  • Provide image(s) from MySQL showing:
    • the queries you wrote and their execution,
    • the final table EMP_1 after deleting William Smithfield, and
    • the new table EMP_2 with its data.


Question 4:  (10 points)  数据库管理代写

Using MySQL (Workbench or at the Command line):

  • Using the EMP_2 table, write and execute the SQL code that will add the attributes EMP_PCT and PROJ_NUM to EMP_2.  The EMP_PCT is the bonus percentage to be paid to each employee.  The new attribute characteristics are:
    • EMP_PCT     DECIMAL(4,2)
    • PRO_NUM   CHAR(3)
  • Using the EMP_2 table, write and execute the SQL code to change EMP_PCT value to 3.85 for the person whose employee number (EMP_NUM) is 103.
  • Provide image(s) from MySQL showing:
    • the queries you wrote and their execution,
    • table EMP_2 after adding EMP_PCT, and
    • table EMP_2 after changing EMP_PCT for employee 103.


Question 5:  (10 points)  数据库管理代写

Using MySQL (Workbench or at the Command line):

  • Using the EMP_2 table, write a single SQL command to change the EMP_PCT to 5.00 for employee numbers 101, 105, and 107.
  • Using the EMP_2 table, write a single SQL command to change the EMP_PCT to 10.00 for all employees who do not currently have a value for EMP_PCT.
  • Provide image(s) from MySQL showing:
    • the queries you wrote and their execution,
    • the original contents of table EMP_2,
    • the contents of table EMP_2 after changing EMP_PCT for employee numbers 101, 105, and 107, and
    • the contents of table EMP_2 after changing EMP_PCT for employees who did not originally have a value for EMP_PCT.


Question 6:  (10 points)  数据库管理代写

Using MySQL (Workbench or at the Command line):

  • Using the EMP_2 table, write a single SQL command to add 0.15 to the EMP_PCT of the employee whose name is Maria D. Alonzo.  Use the employee’s name to determine the correct employee.
  • Using the EMP_2 table, write a single SQL command to change the PROJ_NUM to 18 for all employees whose job code is 500.
  • Provide image(s) from MySQL showing:
    • the queries you wrote and their execution,
    • the original contents of table EMP_2,
    • the contents of table EMP_2 after adding to the EMP_PCT of the employee whose name is Maria D. Alonzo, and
    • the contents of table EMP_2 after changing PROJ_NUM to 18 for all employees whose job code is 500.


Question 7:  (10 points) 数据库管理代写

Using MySQL (Workbench or at the Command line):

  • Using the EMP_2 table, write a single SQL command to change the project number (PROJ_NUM) to 25 for all employees whose  JOB CODE is 502 or higher.
  • Using the EMP_2 table, write a single SQL command to change the PROJ_NUM to 14 for all employees who were hired before January 1, 1994, and whose job code is at least 501.
  • When you finish Question 7, the EMP_2 table will contain the data shown below.
  • Provide image(s) from MySQL showing:
    • the queries you wrote and their execution,
    • the original contents of table EMP_2,
    • the contents of table EMP_2 after changing changing PRO_NUM for employees whose JOB_CODE is 502 or higher,
    • the contents of table EMP_2 after changing PROJ_NUM to 14 for all employees who were hired before January 1, 1994, and whose job code is at least 501.




Question 8:  (20 points)

Using MySQL (Workbench or at the Command line):

  • Write a stored procedure using a cursor to count the number of projects in the PROJECT table you created in Question 1 whose value are (a) at or above 2,000,000 and (b) below 2,000,000. Note: it’s good practice to insert the “DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS” command before attempting to create a stored procedure in case it already exists.
  • Use a Call to execute the stored procedure.
  • Provide image(s) from MySQL showing:
    • the stored procedure you wrote including a cursor to group the respective totals,
    • the original contents of table EMP_2.




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