Managing Key Functions in Human Resource Management:
Training and Development
Part A- Extended Essay
培训与发展代写 Instructions:1.Both parts of the extended assignments (i.e., extended essay and reflective journal) are COMPULSORY.
Word Limit: 1,000 to 1,200 words
Coverage: All topics of MGT B342F
Weighting: 40% (of the total course assessment)
Instructions 培训与发展代写
- Both parts of the extended assignments (i.e., extended essay and reflective journal) are COMPULSORY. Failure to submit either part will result in a “Failure” grade of this course.
- Students must allow enough time to upload the extended assignment. You are strongly advised to submit both parts of the extended assignment once completed before the last date.
- No extension will be allowed for the extended assignment. Late submission of extended assignment will also result in a “Failure” grade of the course.
Extended Essay 培训与发展代写
Due to the outbreak of new coronavirus (COVID-19), many local employers have implemented the work from home policy and required their employees to stay and work at home during office hours. Some employees may work from home for the first time, so they may need help to figure out how to stay on task at home and to keep on their productivity, thus leading to numerous challenges to human resource management among companies. For example, a recent news reported that a group of young management trainees at a local bank flouted work-from-home rules to go hiking and posted their photos online, while they were supposed to be working from home as part ofcompany measures against the coronavirus outbreak (SCMP, 11 February 2020).
Assume you are an HR manager of an existing company (i.e., you can choose a company that you currently work or previous worked for or a company that you are familiar with; please specify the company and its background information in the introduction section). Your CEO has asked you to draft an action plan of HRM under a work from home policy, which aims to ensure the productivity of current employees when they are working from home. The action plan will cover three important HRM areas, including training, performance management, and compensation.
With reference to the knowledge learnt in MGT B342F and the information you collected about the chosen company, prepare the action plan of HRM in the form of an extended essay
specifying the following 培训与发展代写
1.Introduction (100-120 words)
- Brief background of the chosen company (such as industry, business, products or services, areas of operations, customers, etc.)
- Objectives of the action plan
2.Training (200-250 words)
- Training provided to employees to ensure their productivity when they are working from home (hints: specify training content and training method(s) of training programme with clear explanation)
3.Performance Management (300-350 words)
- Ways to monitor and appraise employees’ performance when they work from home (hints: specify the performance standards, appraiser(s), technique(s) and method(s) for appraising performance with clear explanation)
4.Compensation (300-350 words)
- Financial or non-financial compensation to ensure and motivate high productivity of employees when they work from home
5.Expected Impacts and Limitation (100-130 words)
- Short discussion of the expected impacts and limitation of the proposed ideas on the chosen company
6.References (in OUHK referencing style)