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WEB htmlCriterion for Assignment 1 Personal Website Criterio

2017-09-06 08:00 星期三 所属: 其他代写 浏览:1543

Criterion for Assignment 1
Personal Website Criterion
• At least 5 separate pages
• Be xhtml compliant (http://validator.w3.org/)
• all pages should have the following xml declaration:
– <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
– <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
– <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
• all open tags must be closed, all tags must stay between < and >
• all tags must be lowercase < HTML >must be converted to < html >
• empty tags must be closed No standalone < br >tag is allowed; < br/ >must be
• attributes must always be quoted < td rowspan=3 >must be converted to <
rowspan="3" >
• Meet web accessibility guidelines (http://www.w3.org/W AI/eval/Overview)
• Include simple JavaScript for things like date of last modification
• Include a simple navigation scheme
• Include one or more images
• Make u
• Assignments
• Begin development of a personal web site • Get yourself familiar with the tools
• Netbeans and JDK
I hope by now you have downloaded and are playing with netbeans, crimson editor or notepad++, irfanview, and xmlpad.  We won't need them right away, but when we do start, you need to know how to use them.
Also, make sure you have read the chapters assigned from the XML book — see the assignment slide set on the mbsclass website.
As a reminder, Mahdi will be available in the eigth floor collaboration space on Friday from 1-3.
I wrote a couple very simple java programs in netbeans to allow you to get familiar with the IDE and more importantly with debugging.  The zip files are on the mbsclass website in the Zip Files folder for Web Tech and Std.  (go to http://www.sis.pitt.edu/mbsclass/, click on Web Tech and Std in the upper box, and thenon Zip Files in te lower box.)
The first is "AJavaSample" which has a command line java program that is only about 10 lines long.  Copy the zip file, unzip it, and use netbeans "open project" to open and run it.  It simply takes a series of numbers from the command line, until you enter a zero.  Each number is written to a file and when done they are totaled and the total is written to the file.  Add stuff to it, debug it to see values, add breakpoints, etc.
The second is "BlockChainPOW".  Most of you know about or have heard of BitCoin.  Bitcoin uses a structure called a BlockChain to record transactions.  The BlockChain uses a concept called "Proof of Work" to insure people don't try to falsify transactions. The blockChain hashes transactions in a linked chain — hense BlockChain.   Basically, Proof of Work involves taking a message and adding prefixes to it such that the resulting MD5 hash begins with a certain number of zeros.  This program simulates proof of work.  Enter a string, calculate the hash, and then work generating random prefixes until you generate some leading zeros.  It starts with 1000 iterations, but you can increase it to 10000 or 100000 and see what it produces.  You can google Proof of Work and BitCoin to get more info. A simple explanation is here — https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Proof_of_work

