LI-Maths 数学习题代写 1. Let H be a general Hermitian matrix with TrH = 0 and detH = −1. (a) Show that any such a matrix can be represented as 1. 数学习题代写 Let H be a general Hermitian matrix with TrH = 0 and detH = −1. (a) Show that any such a matrix can b … 继续阅读“数学习题代写 Maths代写 equation代写”
STAT375 Linear Models Assignment 3, 2018 Linear Models Assignment代写 Instructions•You should submit the assignment using the Turnitin tool on iLearn.•When finding the “best” model, do not give Due date: Tuesday 29 May, 1pm Instructions Linear Models A … 继续阅读“Linear Models Assignment代写 dataset代写 statistical model代写”