地铁大作战代写 本游戏为2d横屏像素⻛风闯关⼩小游戏。游戏背景为⽶米兰,⼀一共三个关卡。游戏主⻆角⼀一共只有⼀一条⽣生命,主⻆角消灭敌⼈人或收集奖励会获得分数。如果主⻆角被敌⼈人碰到或者是掉下悬崖,就⽴立即重新返回 到开始界⾯面。
java poker游戏代写 In a previous programming project, you figured out how to make a Card. A Card class is given to you. In this section, you will create the class Deck which represents a deck of 52 cards with no duplicates.
lotto java代写 Island Paradise just started running their city lotto. You’ve been tasked with writing a program for them.