ECO 5116 – PhD Micro II Problem Set # 1 代写微观经济作业 Argue that (pure) strategy M is never a best response for player 1 to any independent randomizations by players 2 and 3. 1 Strictly Dominant Strategies 代写微观经济作业 (a) Prove that (i) there can be … 继续阅读“代写微观经济作业 ECO 5116代写”
Midterm 代考宏观计量经济学 Above: the βs and &s are parameters; the ρ parameters are numbers strictly between zero and 1; and ηt is white noise. Problem 1 (25 points total) Suppose you are interested in running the following regres- sion: yt = β0 + β1xt … 继续阅读“代考宏观计量经济学 Macroeconometrics代写”