MA 583 Midterm Exam
Stochastic Modeling代考 Use fifirst-step analysis, conditioning on the possible values of X1,to show that the generating function ψn(s) solves the recursion
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- Some summation formulas are on the back page.Salins
1.(25 points) Let Xn be a Markov chain on the states {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} with the one-step transition matrix
and initial distribution

Let T = min{n : Xn ≥ 2} be the fifirst time that the Markov chain hits one of the absorbing states.
(a) Calculate P(XT = 4|X0 = 0). Show all of your work and explain each step.
(b) Calculate P(XT = 4). Show all of your work and explain each step.
2.Let ξ be a non-negative integer-valued random variable with probability generating function Stochastic Modeling代考
(a) Calculate the pmf for ξ. That means calculate P(ξ = k) for every integer k ∈ N. Show all of your work and explain each step.
(b) Calculate the expectation E[ξ]. Show all of your work and explain each step.
(c) Show that there exists a random variable X with generating func-tion
Hint: Random sums of random variables.


be a transition probability matrix for a MArkov chain on the states {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}.
(a) Identify the communicating classes of the matrix. Show all of your work and explain each step.
(b) Show that µ = is an invariant distribution of P. Show all of your work and explain each step.
(c) Find an invariant distribution of the form ν =(0 0 0 a b).Show all of your work and explain each step.
(d) Show that is an invariant distribution of P where a and b are the numbers from part (c). Show all of your work and explain each step.
4.Let Xn be a branching process where the descendant distribution has generating function φ(s) and the initial population is X0 = 1. Let Stochastic Modeling代考
be the cumulative population size up to time n. Let ψn = be the generating function of Sn.
(a) Let µ = φ’ (1). Calculate E(Zn) for any n. Show all of your work and explain each step. For full credit, your answer should not have a summation in it.
(b) Use fifirst-step analysis, conditioning on the possible values of X1,to show that the generating function ψn(s) solves the recursion
ψn(s) = sØ(ψn−1(s)).
Show all of your work and explain each step.
(c) Assume that the descendant distribution has generating function
In this case, the limit

exists (You do not need to prove this claim). Use the recursion formula from part (b) to fifind ψ∞(s). Show all of your work and explain each step.

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