Discipline of Finance
SAS作业代写 Your argument must flow logically, the points you make must be grounded in the literature and your analysis must be written clearly and well.
The Covid Pandemic and Dividend Payouts of US Corporations
Research Project Report (50%)
Issued: In the seventh week of semester.
Due: This assignment must be submitted using Turnitin before 4pm on Friday, May 27th, 2022.
Length: 2,500 words (not including the reference section, tables and the appendices).
Please include your word count in the title page; it is a strict limit.
This project is to be done individually, not as part of a team. SAS作业代写
Topic: The Covid Pandemic and Dividend Payouts of US Corporations
In addition to claiming too many lives and destroying a number of careers, the Covid-19 pandemic has challenged firms operating in troubled economies. Using data from the year immediately before the pandemic (2019) as a baseline, analyse the impact, if any, on dividends paid by listed US firms in 2020 and 2021. Additionally, consider if there is any relationship between earnings and dividends that might be consistent with arguments presented in Benartzi, Michaely and Thaler, 1997 (which may be found in your reading list) Present your report as a research paper using the following sections:
- Introduction (where you will say what you are doing and why it isimportant)
- Data
- Method
- Results
- Conclusion
Appendix A: This requirement is fundamentally the same as your SAS assignment. Attach your SAS code and code from any statistics package you might use (Robert Durand prefers Stata). The code must be annotated to show us what you did

Grades SAS作业代写
You will be able find a rubric on this Blackboard site and it contains three components”
- Quality of writing and presentation (up to 10marks)
The work should be well written, with no grammatical errors, typographical errors or spelling mistakes. It should be considerate to your reader: your future bosses will want something that flows well and is clear to read (more importantly, so will the person who marks this project). It should be concise.
2.The validity of your reasoning (up to 10marks)
The previous point referred to the quality of your writing (how you say things), this refers to the quality of your thinking (what you say). You could score very highly against the first criterion and score low against this criterion. Finance is full of people who present well and say and write rubbish! You should not be in this group after completing your Masters degree.
Your argument must flow logically, the points you make must be grounded in the literature and your analysis must be written clearly and well.
- Analysis (up to 30marks). SAS作业代写
After your training in SAS and data analysis, it is still going to be a challenge to present the type of analysis you see in the papers we are studying in this course. An ambitious and skilled student could try this and, if done well, this would score very high marks.
You should also follow the following typing conventions:
- Times New Roman Font (at minimum, 12pitch);
- 1 ½ linespacing;
- Top, bottom, left and right margins to be at least 2½cm from the edge of the page;and
- A4
Where to start
You should start as soon as possible. The mid-semester break will be a good time to get your work done (so do not delay with the first SAS assignment).
The most daunting aspect of this assignment is the data and you will need to use the Compustat database. Register at https://wrds-www.wharton.upenn.edu/register/ . I suggest that you do that as soon as you can. Remember that you will not use every observation (for example, it is customary to delete financial institutions and utilities) so clean the data (and remember to have a data table in your report). SAS作业代写
Descriptive statistics are useful and will be especially so in this analysis. So I would suggest a descriptive statistics table. Make it useful, clear and informative. Make sure your discussion makes the most of it. Additionally, a table showing how you got to your final data set is also typical in this literature and will probably help. I will leave it to you to conduct the statistical analysis without further interference. Remember to justify what you choose to do.
Excellent writing is important. Draft, redraft and edit!
Access to SAS SAS作业代写
The Trading Room (408.1010) has SAS on its computers. You can either work in the Trading Room or remotely log on to its computers. Let me know if the licenses run out (I’ll get that fixed) but, for other issues, see DTS at (https://students.connect.curtin.edu.au/app/answers/detail/a_id/2407 ).