Risk Management and Derivatives
Risk Management and Derivatives代写 This exam is worth 35% of the total grade for the course. Below is the information about the exam.
Information for Final Exam Risk Management and Derivatives代写
This exam is worth 35% of the total grade for the course. Below is the information about the exam.
- The final exam will be available on MS Teams under the Assignments folder on Friday, July 14, 2023 at 11:30 a.m. Taiwan time.
- It is a closed note/book exam. You have to take the test independently without conferring with others. I will provide formulas and the standard normal distribution tables for the exam. I will post a file that contains formulas and tables on the exam date under the Assignments folder.

3.Bring a calculator for the exam.
4.The final exam covers the following topics from Class 11 (Monday, July 10th) through Class 14 (Thursday, July 13th). The topics for the final exam include:
- The Greek Letters
- Interest Rates and Interest Rate Risk
- Duration-Matching
- Interest Rate Futures
- Swaps
- Valuation of Interest Swaps
- Valuation of Currency Swaps
- To study for the exam, focus on what we covered in the lectures. Review your lecture notes from the daily videos, problem sets, and assignments. I also posted some practice questions in MS Teams in the Practice Problem Sets folder under General.
6.On the day of the exam, you will have access to two assignments that read “FIN320/FIN520 Risk Management and Derivatives Final Exam” and “Please Upload Your Work for the Final Exam Problems Here”. Risk Management and Derivatives代写
The “FIN320/FIN520 Risk Management and Derivatives Final Exam”assignment contains all the multiple choice questions and problems for the exam. You have to access this one first for the exam and you will see:
- Multiple choice questions. There will probably be 10 to 15 multiple choice questions. This section is worth 30% to 40% of the total score of the exam. It consists of conceptual questions and/or small problems. You must select the choice for your answer to each question directly in MS Teams in the “FIN320/FIN520 Risk Management and Derivatives” assignment. Please mark your answers to all multiple choice questions but do not click “Submit” at the end of the test yet. You will have to do it later. Risk Management and Derivatives代写
- Problem solving part. This part has about 5 to 6 problems. You must show your work for each problem for credit. Do not just provide the final answers. This part of the exam is worth 60% to 70% of the total exam score. For the problem solving part of the test, it is perhaps easier and more efficient use of time to write your work for the problems on pieces of paper and convert them into digital files for submission. Please make certain that the files contain the work for all problems. You may use a cell phone to take pictures of your work. If you have access to a scanner, you may scan your work into a PDF file. Please ensure that they are legible. You then go to the assignment “Please Upload Your Work for the Final Exam Problems Here” and upload the digital files. Once you are certain that you have answered all multiple choice questions and have done all the problems, click Submit for the FIN320/FIN520 Risk Management and Derivatives Final Exam” at the end of the exam. You should see a message that confirms the submission.
- Please budget your time for each question/problem so that you do not spend too much time on
- You may want to move on to the next one and return to the problem later.

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