R time series micro Economic
The objective of the presentation and paper is for you to apply the tools you have developed in your applied microeconomics class to analyze a microeconomic issue of your choice. Upon completing the paper and presentation, you will have acquired the skills to identify a research question, construct an economic hypothesis, apply the theory to the question, and identify and describe the data that you would use to answer your question.

Graduate-level economics study is designed to prepare you to not just be a more advanced
consumer, but also a producer of research and analysis. To that end it is important to practice the
research process: identifying a problem, gathering and analyzing data, and communicating your results. Students will write a short original research paper. Students will be graded on the research proposal and the final version of the paper. The goal of the paper is for you to apply the tools you have developed in this class to address an economic question involving time series data. You likely have a topic from previous classes or your professional or personal life that lends itself to time series analysis, and I encourage you to choose a topic that is familiar and of interest to you.
The research proposal is a few paragraphs (no longer than 2 pages) that poses the research question and answers the who/what/where/when/why of the research project. It should also
include the data set and variables to be used and brief discussion on the methodology approach you will use. It is necessary that by this time, you should have a clear research strategy and the data available to analyze.
Papers should be well written – meaning in good English with no typos or grammatical errors – and be no longer than 8-10 pages (with normal margins and type face), excluding references.
A (94-100) |
Very Good
A- (90-93) |
B+ (86-89) |
B (83-85) |
B- (80-82) |
C+/C/C- Less than 80 |
Project | Thorough, well reasoned, creative, sophisticated, exceptional scholarly or practical quality | Strong understand-
ing of material and analytical approaches; meets professional standards |
Sound work with some weaknesses well-reasoned without serious analytical shortcom-
ings |
Competent work with some weaknesses; understanding or application of some important ideas is incomplete | Weak but meets minimal expectations, understand-ing, analysis, or application is incomplete | Inadequate work, doesn’t meet minimal expectations; work is poorly developed and is flawed by errors and misunderstand-ing of important issues |
Overall organization | ||||||
Description of the question | ||||||
Literature Review | ||||||
Econometric Specification
Economic content
Charts and Tables