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Python HW代写 Programming代写

2022-01-10 11:50 星期一 所属: Python代写,python代做代考-价格便宜,0时差服务 浏览:680

Python HW代写


Python HW代写 Submit a single file named hw7.py that contains the solutions to the two problems below.  When you are finished,


Submit a single file named hw7.py that contains the solutions to the two problems below.  When you are finished, test your solutions using doctest.  Include the following code at the bottom of your module in order to run the doctest:

if __name__==’__main__’:
import doctest
print( doctest.testfile( ‘hw7TEST.py’))


1.  Python HW代写

Develop a class Volumethat stores the volume for a stereo that has a value between 0 and 11.  Usage of the class is listed below the problem descriptions.  Throughout the class you must guarantee that:

  • The numeric value of the Volumeis set to a number between 0 and 11.  Any attempt to set the value to greater than 11 will set it to 11 instead, any attempt to set a negative value will instead set it to 0.
  • This applies to the following methods below: __init__, set, up, down

You must write the following methods:

  • __init__- constructor.   Construct a Volume that is set to a given numeric value, or, if no number given, defaults the value to 0.   (Subject to 0 <= vol <=11 constraint above.)
  • __repr__- converts Volume to a str for display,  see runs below.
  • set – sets the volume to the specified argument (Subject to 0 <= vol <=11 constraint above.)
  • get– returns the numeric value of the Volume
  • up– given a numeric amount, increases the Volume by that amount. (Subject to 0 <= vol <=11 constraint above.)
  • down– given a numeric amount, decreases the Volume by that amount. (Subject to 0 <= vol <=11 constraint above.)
  • __eq__ – implements the operator ==.   Returns True if the two Volumes have the same value and False


2.  Python HW代写

Write a standalone function partyVolume() that takes accepts one argument, a string containing the name of a file.  The objective of the function is to determine the a Volume object that is the result of many people at a party turning the Volume up and down.  More specifically: the first line of the file is a number that indicates the initial value of a Volume  The remaining lines consist of a single character followed by a space followed by a number.  The character will be one of ‘U”or ‘D’ which stand for “up” and “down” respectively.  The function will create a new Volume object and then process each line of the file by calling the appropriate method of the Volume object which changes the value of the Volume.  The function then returns the final Volume object.   Guidelines/hints:

  • This is a standalone function, it should NOT be inside (indented within) the class. It should be listed in the module after the Volumeclass and without indentation.
  • Note that the first line of the file will be treated differently than all the other lines.  Probably the easiest way to do this is to 1) open the file, 2) call the .readline() method (no s!) which reads a single line, the initial value of the Volume, then 3) call the .readlines()method which reads the rest of the lines.  Item 2) will be used to set the initial Volume and 3) will be iterated over to represent turning the volume up and down some number of time.
  • Make sure you returnthe final Volume


Python HW代写
Python HW代写


##### Volume #####

# set and get

>>> v = Volume()
>>> v.set(5.3)
>>> v
>>> v.get()
>>> v.get()==5.3 # return not print

# __init__, __repr__, up, down

>>> v = Volume(4.5) # set Volume with value
>>> v
>>> v.up(1.4)
>>> v
>>> v.up(6) # should max out at 11
>>> v
>>> v.down(3.5)
>>> v
>>> v.down(10) # minimum must be 0
>>> v

# default arguments for __init__

>>> v = Volume() # Volume defaults to 0
>>> v

# can compare Volumes using ==

>>> # comparisons
>>> v = Volume(5)
>>> v.up(1.1)
>>> v == Volume(6.1)
>>> Volume(3.1) == Volume(3.2)

# constructor cannot set the Volume greater
# than 11 or less than 0

>>> v = Volume(20)
>>> v
>>> v = Volume(-1)
>>> v

##### partyVolume #####

>>> partyVolume('party1.txt')
>>> partyVolume('party2.txt')
>>> partyVolume('party3.txt')

# make sure return not print

>>> partyVolume('party1.txt')==Volume(6.35) # return not print
>>> partyVolume('party2.txt')==Volume(3.75)
>>> partyVolume('party3.txt')==Volume(0.75)

Python HW代写
Python HW代写



更多代写:计算机留学生网课代做  雅思代考  英国Chemistry网课作业代做  留学生物理essay代写  Finance代写范文  代写英国硕士论文价格

合作平台:随笔代写 论文代写 写手招聘 英国留学生代写

