python">""" python 3个文件合并成3列.py 依山居 7:47 2015/12/15 先写个简单的实现。主要是itertools.zip_longest()的用法: """ import itertools with open("1.txt") as f: txt1=[r.rstrip("\n") for r in f.readlines()] with open("2.txt") as f: txt2=[r.rstrip("\n") for r in f.readlines()] with open("3.txt") as f: txt3=[r.rstrip("\n") for r in f.readlines()] result=itertools.zip_longest(txt1,txt2,txt3,fillvalue=' ') #[print(r) for r in result] with open("result.txt","w+") as f: [f.write(','.join(r)+"\n") for r in result]
python 3个文件合并成3列.py
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