MATH1058 coursework [40% of the total marks]
Python code代写 Shortest Path Length (SPL): given a directed graph tt = (V, A), two nodes s, t V , and a length function A : A R+
Consider the following problem:
Shortest Path Length (SPL): given a directed graph tt = (V, A), two nodes s, t V , and a length function A : A R+, find the length of a shortest s–t path.Python code代写
In this coursework, you are asked to write a Python code which implements two variants of Dijkstra’s algorithm for the solution of SPL, run your code to produce data on how the two variants behave in terms of computing time as the size of the graph increases, analyze this data in Excel, and, finally, write up your findings in LaTeX. The LaTeX report is conceived to be similar to a research paper, albeit in a smaller scale.
Python Python code代写
Write a Python script containing two functions, dijkstra1() and dijkstra2(), capable of computing the length of a shortest path between the first node of the graph (0) and a second node other_node supplied as input.
Note that, in this activity, we are only interested in the length of a shortest path, rather than in which arcs it contains. The functions should have two inputs: the successors list of the graph, successors, and the destination node other_node.
Assume that successors is implemented as a list of dictionaries where, for all i in V, successors[i] is a dictionary whose keys are the indices of the nodes adjacent to node i and whose values are the lengths of the arcs from i to such nodes.
The function dijkstra1() should contain an implementation of Dijkstra’s algo- rithm in the version seen in the lectures (which solves the “Single Source Shortest Path” problem by computing the shortest path length between 0 and each other node in the graph), modified to return, at the very end of the algorithm, the length of a shortest path between s=0 and t=other_node.Python code代写
The function dijkstra2() should contain a modified implementation which, after the destination node other_node has been reached, halts the execution of the algorithm (this is correct; do you see why?). Its return value should be the same as dijkstra1().
Comparing the practical efficiency of these two versions of the algorithm is the main aim of this activity.
Notes on the implementation Python code代写
Consider the following example of a successors list
successors = [{1 : 2, 2 : 5},
{2 : 3},
{3 : 4},
{0 : 21, 1: 8}]
which encodes the graph reported in Figure~1.
Figure 1: Graph represented by successors
As an example of how to navigate a graph encoded with this data structure, given a Python variable v equal to the index of a node v V of the graph, you can loop over the forward star of v (called δ+( v )inthelectures) with the following code:
for w, lvw in successors[v].items():
print(“node “, w, ” is a successor of node “, v) print(“the length of the corresponding arc is”, lvw)
Suggestion: compute the shortest paths from node 0 to each other node in the previous graph on a piece of paper, and check in Python whether your implementations produce the correct results. You could also construct a larger graph and test them there.Python code代写
Data generation
Download the file from Blackboard and im- port it (with import graph_generation) in your script contains a function graph_timings() which, given as input
- thename of a function (written by you) containing an implementation of an algorithm for the solution of the SPL problem to be tested (dijkstra1() or dijkstra2())
- your(8 digit) student ID
generates a set of graphs (based on your ID) and runs the supplied implementa- tions (dijkstra1() or dijkstra2()) on all of them. The function not only runs the supplied implementation, but also measures the amount of microseconds taken to compute the shortest path length between node s=0 and each other node t=other_node in the graph, recording it in an Excel file (see further).Python code代写
You can run the function on both implementations with:
graph_generation.generate_timings(`dijkstra1`, ID) graph_generation.generate_timings(`dijkstra2`, ID)
When running, the function produces an output similar to this one:
Your implementation named dijkstra1 will be run on a total of 8 graphs Working on graph number 1 of size n = |V| = 8 and m = |A| = 12Python code代写
Working on graph number 2 of size n = |V| = 16 and m = |A| = 56 Working on graph number 3 of size n = |V| = 16 and m = |A| = 24 Working on graph number 4 of size n = |V| = 32 and m = |A| = 112 Working on graph number 5 of size n = |V| = 24 and m = |A| = 36 Working on graph number 6 of size n = |V| = 48 and m = |A| = 168 Working on graph number 7 of size n = |V| = 32 and m = |A| = 48 Working on graph number 8 of size n = |V| = 64 and m = |A| = 224
Excel Python code代写
When called as specified before, generate_timings() produces two .xls files: dijkstra1_data.xls and dijkstra2_data.xls. Each of them features a col- umn for each graph on which the experiments have been run, containing:
- thenumber of nodes in the graph n = |V|
- thenumber of arcs in the graph m = |A|
- exactlyn-1 rows reporting the computing time (in microseconds) measured when running the implementation you supplied as input on each of the n-1 nodes in V different from 0.
You are asked to create a new spreadsheet called analysis.xls. To begin with, it should contain the following quantities, for each graph:
- the average time (we will call it “empirical time” from now on, omitting “average”)taken by each of the two implementations of Dijkstra’s algorithm you wrote
- the theoretical complexity of Dijkstra’s algorithm (in the version of the algorithm seen in the lectures), computed as a function of the number of nodes

Analysis Python code代写
Let y1 and y2 be the empirical computing time of one of the two implementations as measured by generate_timings() (and then averaged by you on each graph) and let n = |V | be the number of nodes of the graph.
- PartI:
- Youare asked to estimate two functions, namely, y1 = c1nk1 and y2 = c2nk2 , corresponding to the empirical computing time of, respectively, dijkstra1() and dijkstra2(), from the data you have
- This can be done by linear (actually, affine) regression. Indeed, for n,k, c > 0, y = cnk implies log y = log c + k log n; letting yr := log y and nr := log n, we deduce yr = log c + knr; one could, therefore, plot yr versus nr and, then, infer k and log c (respectively, slope intercept of the affine function yr = log c + knr) by affine
- In Excel, slope and intercept of an affine function can be estimated with the functions SLOPE andINTERCEPT.
- PartII:
- Analyzethe speedup of dijkstra2() with respect to dijkstra1()
as a function of n, defined as: y2 . Does this quantity increase with n?
LaTeX report Python code代写
Write a LaTeX document to explain your results and your analysis. The report should contain four sections, plus an abstract and, if necessary, an appendix (see further):
- Abstract [2marks]:
- providea short summary (no more than 10 lines) of the activity
- the abstract should be fairly general and, in particular, it should not contain any mathematicalformulas
Introduction [5marks]:
- formallyintroduce the problem tackled in this activity
- briefly describe Dijkstra’s algorithm in the version presented in the lectures to solve the Single Source Shortest Path (SSSP) problem; you aresuggested (although it is not mandatory) to include its pseudocode
- reportthe algorithm’s complexity and explain how it is deduced
- clarify the difference between the SSSP problem and the one (SPL) tackled in thisactivity
Solutionapproach and implementation [10 marks] Python code代写
- explain how to modify Dijkstra’s algorithm to compute (and return) thelength of a single shortest path between a given pair of nodes
- explain how you implemented the two functions dijkstra1() and dijkstra2()in Python, reporting a copy of your code and comment- ing on it; if the two implementations are very similar, you can report the code of one of them only, explaining in words what has to be changed to obtain the other one
- commenton the differences between the two implementations
- if you do not have enough space to report your code in full, you can include only a (relevant) snippet in this section, reporting your code (but just your code, without any extra text around it which is not Python code or Python comments) as an appendix; the appendix will notcount towards the page limit
- Experimentalresults and analysis [15 marks] Python code代写
- briefly mention which machine the experiments are run on and what version of Python and what libraries you are using (such as, e.g., NetworkX or numpy)
- explainwhat experiments you have run and their purpose
- report in a table the theoretical and empirical computing times; the table should have a column for each value of n on which the experiments have beenrun
- report your observations on how the empirical computing time of the two implementations, compared to the theoretical one, varies with respect to the number of nodes in the graph; in particular, illustrate the empirical complexity in the form y1= c1nk1 and y2 = c2nk2 you have deduced for the two implementations, and explain how it
compares to the theoretical computing time
- comment on the difference between the empirical computing time of dijkstra1() and dijkstra2(); do the data suggest that the differencein efficiency between the two would change with the size of the instance?
- report two charts produced in Excel comparing, as a function of the number of nodes of the graph, the theoretical complexity of Dijkstra’s algorithm to the empirical computing time of dijkstra1() anddijkstra2():
∗ in linear-linear scale
∗ in log-log scale.
- Caveat: you should apply suitable scaling factors to the two empirical computing times for the linear-linear chart to be legible—you have computedthose factors already though, have you not?
- Conclusions [6marks] Python code代写
- reporta brief summary of your findings (no more than 20 lines)
- youcan think of the conclusions as a more informative version of your abstract, providing more detail on your findings
- Bibliography [2marks]
- citeany sources you mentioned in your document
- for instance, when introducing Dijkstra’s algorithm you could cite a textbook,the lecture slides, or even a web source
Length of your report and what to submit
Your latex document should be no more than four pages long, excluding the appendix. Reports longer than four pages will not be marked. Use the template.tex template (accessible on Blackboard), without altering any of its typesetting parameters (font size, margins). You should submit (via Blackboard) four files:
- py
- xls
- zip(a compressed archive containing all the files necessary to compile your report—if you have figures, do not forget to include them)Python code代写
- pdf: yourreport as a PDF file
Style, a few notes
- Write everything in first person plural: “we assume, we report on, we analyze”even if there is a single author to your report (you).
- Write almost everything in present tense: “we illustrate, we conclude that, we report”, but do switch to present perfect in the conclusions; present perfectsentences do make sense here and there outside the conclusions,
such as when introducing the experimental results: “the code has been written in Spyder” or “the experiments have been run on a Unix machine”. The general idea is that what you are writing about is happening while you are writing about it.Python code代写
- Avoid “you” as impersonal subject: use “one can see” or “we can see”, ratherthan “you can see”.
- In general, if you can write something in first person plural, do so; for instance, use “we observe that” rather than “it can be observed that”: it isyou who are making that observation

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