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law法律作业代写 essay作业代写

2023-09-28 16:49 星期四 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:443



law法律作业代写 We as a nation have developed short-term memory loss concerning mass shooting in our country. 

Every now and then we hear about a shooting incident in which a few people get killed and a lot get injured, but after a week or so we tend to forget about it.  law法律作业代写

We as a nation have developed short-term memory loss concerning mass shooting in our country. Sometimes the number of victims is less and sometimes it’s higher, but one thing is certain that we have not made any improvement in the realm during the past few decades.

We have become numb to mass shooting incidents. It appears that we care, but do we really? Have we really thought about it thoroughly? Have we every pressurized any administration to do something about it, literally? Registering your protest and showing sympathies to the victims and their families on social media, is all we do. We have become Good Samaritans but only in the digital world or perhaps on the coffee shops where we hang out and take some time out to discuss this issue with our friends, family or colleague.  law法律作业代写

But the time has come to ask, is it enough to do? Shouldn’t we do more? Shouldn’t we demand the current administration to do more? Should we demand strict gun control laws? There are millions of questions regarding this and people may have millions of answers based on their own understanding and interpretation of it. But I think it’s the right time to start evaluating what we (the general public) can do to stop mass shooting. We have all heard that restricting access to guns or strengthening background check laws will make things better, but these laws have been place for years yet they remain ineffective. So what should we, as a nation, do? How can we stop it?


The answer to this apparently somewhat impossible question is very simple – enact a new law.  law法律作业代写

It is evident that easier access to guns makes us vulnerable to mass shooting. A disgruntled employee may enter the workplace with a gun and shoots everyone. A student with mental health issue can kills dozens of students, because his mental health problems were not addressed. So what this new law that we propose is? It is a very simple approach, just like before granting anyone citizenship, the government conducts thorough interviews, multiple background checks, and if a person is fit to become a US citizen. We would recommend enacting such a law before every gun purchase. The law should also enclose a clause that would require all existing gun owners to go through this process. This seemingly impossible task is the only way we can ensure that those are mentally able to carry a gun and have no mala fide intentions can purchase a gun. Let us walk you through the entire process we suggest and then we will tell you what role you can play in stopping mass shootings in the United States.

First, any person that expresses intention after the enactment of this law, should made a formal request to the police stating why a gun is needed, which type is needed, why that specific type, and what are the intentions of that person? After receiving the answer, the police should take a 15 day time to get back to that person and let a psychologist analyze all the answers.

Then an interview should be scheduled between the person who wishes to purchase a gun with the psychologist.  law法律作业代写

Now the responsibility would lie more on the shoulders of the psychologist and we can expect a mistake or a human error. That’s why the third step should entail another interview with the police department – even if the psychologist does not find anything wrong with the applicant. This would automatically instill some sort of fear in the person that they may have been requested to contact the police, who would then analyze the situation on the basis of their own experience. Even if the applicant clears this process, he should not be made aware of the progress and should be asked to wait another 15 days. After that the requested weapon should be issued to a mentally fit person but should be given bullets no more than what would actually serve the purpose. A gun with limited bullets will be of no use to a person who have bad intentions but still crossed all the tests.  law法律作业代写

The last part of the law should provide the government the authority to seize a weapon of any suspected person while giving him a clear reason that he’s being watched and to regain access to the weapon, that person should go through the entire process again. This may appear to some an issue of rights or violation of Second Amendment, but let us tell you this is our best chance to stop mass shooting.

What you can do? You are the voters, you are the power. Unify under one umbrella and start pushing for this cause. Pressurize the government and use all media to convey your message and stage protest demonstrations if need be. We have lost enough lives to this gun violence. And those who genuinely need a weapon for their own protection can wait and have no reason to worry. But those who even have slightly wrong intention cannot agree to it. We need to create a majority and to do that we need to start convincing other people – our friends, colleagues, and family – that this is the way.


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