Javascript作业代写 Using a w3.css template, create a site about winter sports.Use your css skills to completely change the design of a page
Objectives Javascript作业代写
- Using a w3.css template, create a site about winter sports.
- Use your css skills to completely change the design of a page that someone else created.
- Add a Javascript function.
Instructions Javascript作业代写
- Re-read the Academic Honesty Statement.
- Go to the css templatespage and select the Startup Template.
- Click the button that says Try It Yourselfto see the code behind the page.
- Copy all the code and paste it into a new HTML document.
- Save it as A4.html.
- Modify A4.html as follows:
- Change the title to Assignment 4: Winter at Bentley.Javascript作业代写
- Add a commentwith your initials and the date on the line after the opening html tag
- Make the following changes:
- Modify the navigation bar as follows:
- Change the background colorand font of the main navigation bar; use a Google font.
- Modify the navigation bar as follows:
- Change what happens when you hover over anything in the nav bar.
- Replace the navigation bar icons with other fontawesome icons. (Hint: remember you can Google the Font Awesome Cheatsheet!).
- Remove the LOGO entry (none of the nav bar links need to go anywhere!)
- Replace all picture(s) on the page with something different than the default.
- Replace all text to talk about winter at Bentley – snow storms, sports, etc.
- Using the CSS tools you have learned so far, make 5 other big changesto the page so it looks nothing like it did originally.Javascript作业代写
- Add a multi-lined commentthat lists the five big changes so I will know what you did.
- Add a JavaScript functionthat uses an alert box to welcome users to your page.
- Cite anything that needs to be cited!Javascript作业代写
- Save the file. View the page with two browsers. Fix any issues and make sure it looks good! Make corrections as necessary and save your file.
- Validate your code using the W3C validator. Fix any errors! Validate again. Add an image of the perfect validation score to your page.
- Save A4.html.
- Add A4 to your nav bar in index.html.
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