表10.2 OutputStream的范例
Class |
Function |
Constructor Arguments |
How to use it |
ByteArray-OutputStream |
Creates a buffer in memory. All the data that you send to the stream is placed in this buffer. |
Optional initial size of the buffer. |
To designate the destination of your data. Connect it to a FilterOutputStream object to provide a useful interface. |
File-OutputStream |
For sending information to a file. |
A String representing the file name, or a File or FileDescriptor object. |
To designate the destination of your data. Connect it to a FilterOutputStream object to provide a useful interface. |
Piped-OutputStream |
Any information you write to this automatically ends up as input for the associated PipedInput-Stream. Implements the “piping” concept. |
PipedInputStream |
To designate the destination of your data for multithreading. Connect it to a FilterOutputStream object to provide a useful interface. |
Filter-OutputStream |
Abstract class which is an interface for decorators that provide useful functionality to the other OutputStream classes. See Table |
See Table 10-4. |
See Table 10-4. |
类 成果 构建器参数/如何利用
ByteArrayOutputStream 在内存中建设一个缓冲区。我们发送给流的所有数据城市置入这个缓冲区。 可选缓冲区的初始巨细/用于指出数据的目标地。若将其同FilterOutputStream工具毗连到一起,可提供一个有用的接口
FileOutputStream 将信息发给一个文件 用一个String代表文件名,或选用一个File或FileDescriptor工具/用于指出数据的目标地。若将其同FilterOutputStream工具毗连到一起,可提供一个有用的接口
PipedOutputStream 我们写给它的任何信息城市自动成为相关的PipedInputStream的输出。实现了“管道化”的观念 PipedInputStream/为多线程处理惩罚指出本身数据的目标地/将其同FilterOutputStream工具毗连到一起,便可提供一个有用的接口
FilterOutputStream 对作为粉碎器接口利用的类举办抽象处理惩罚;谁人粉碎器为其他OutputStream类提供了有用的成果。拜见表10.4