Section B: Assessment Brief and Requirements
Information Economy代写 Generic assessment criteria are included in section E. Any additional criteria specific to this assessment are detailed in section F.
Details of the assessment brief. Generic assessment criteria are included in section E. Any additional criteria specific to this assessment are detailed in section F.
There are three choices of question to attempt. In each the maximum word count for your answer is 1250 words,and you will be penalised if you write over this limit. Graphs and references are not counted in the word count.
Question 1: Information Economy代写
Over the last few years, there has been a growing sense that antitrust enforcement is needed to deal with the biggest internet and technology companies. Decisions have been taken in Europe by the European Commission, some successfully, some overturned on appeal to the courts. You have been asked by an internationally renowned newspaper (that happens to print on pink papers) to provide some clarity to the arguments. The Editor would like you to consider:
- The purpose of the decisions (is there reasonable evidence to say that consumers experience detriment as a result of the conduct cited in the cases.
- What particular actions have been taken by the monopolies under investigation, which parts of 102 TFEU they are alleged to have violated.
- The issue of whether the consumer welfare standard is appropriate as a yardstick by which to evaluate whether there is detriment in this case.
- Whether investigation and/or prosecution will lead to an increase in consumer welfare or not.
- Whether the introduction of the Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act in Europe are likely to change the position regarding the antitrust actions taken against these companies.
In answering this brief, you have a number of options. You may, if you wish, focus on the EU antitrust actions taken against the sector as a whole (using individual cases as examples and concentrating on the economic principles) or you may focus your essay on one company within the range of companies.Published September 3rd 2022
Question 2:
A non-compete clause (non-compete for short) is a clause in a contract of employment that forbids the employee from taking another job within a certain amount of time of leaving the job for which they are contracted. In 2023 the Federal Trade Commission in the US announced that it was taking action to forbid the use of non-competes in the labour market. This has caused some stir. Your employer has noted that its American subsidiary is worrying about what to do about the situation in the US and has asked you to investigate the position in the EU and UK. It asks for a briefing on the situation in Europe that covers:
- Whether non-competes may be used in the European Union.
- Whether the use of a non-compete leads to higher wages (as critics claim) and higher on-job training.
- Whether there are significant differences in firms and non-competes and if there is a difference in the benefits or costs of non-competes when looking at different types of workers and clauses.
- What effects might there be in enforcing a ban on non-competes. Information Economy代写
Question 3.
In 2021, analysts were claiming that Netflix (NFLX) was a “recession proof stock”. In 2022, on the basis of declining subscriber numbers, Netflix cut production on a number of its shows and introduced a new advertiser supported tier of pricing. This has led to questions about the business model of the “streaming television industry” and whether it can continue to be supportable in a world where investors are prioritising cash flow over number of subscribers.
Your task is to analyse the economics of the streaming industry in the UK. Your client, a large independent producer, is interested in the effect on budgets for production, and would like you to look at and examine what you think will happen in the marketplace for premium, paid for, subscription, streaming services.
- You may assume that the market is competitive. The principal competitors in the premium streaming service market are Amazon Prime, Netflix, BritBox, Now TV, and Apple TV.
- You should investigate Network Effects in the Industry and whether they affect the performance of companies in the industry.
- You should have a description of likely entry barriers in the industry.
- You may compare streaming to a public good with potential for exclusion (meaning it is a club good).
- You should use both economic insight and real data to explain what you think will happen in the next few years, whether that be entry, exit, or consolidation.
Section D: Groupwork Instructions (where relevant/appropriate)
Specific requirements for groupwork are available here. If this section is blank, no specific requirements for groupwork are applicable to this assessment.
F: Additional information from module leader (as appropriate) Information Economy代写
Published September 3rd 2022Any additional information is available here. If no additional information is included in this section, none are applicable.
Here are some points specific to each of the essays:
1) The cases that have been adjudicated include: Google Shopping, Google Adwords, Android, Intel, Apple vs Epic Games, Meta, and Amazon. All cases can be found as summary and in depth on the Eu Europa web site.
2) You will find: Competition Law by Richard Whish to be a useful reference. The chapters to focus on are Chapter 5 and chapter 23: The Link to UCL Library is here:
CL_INST:UCL_VU2&lang=en&search_scope=UCLLibraryCatalogue&adaptor=Local%20Search%20Engine&isFrbr=true&tab=UCLLibraryCatalogue&query=any,contains,Richard%20Whish&sortby=date_d&facet=frbrgroupid,incl ude,9051583031469338317&offset=0
3) Although courts would look at evidence from the US as part of a determination, the jurisdiction here is the EU and that therefore the framework of 102 TFEU and and the Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act are the operative laws in this case.
4) The most recent change in antitrust enforcement comes from the FTC in the US. The current director of the FTC, Lina Khan, is noted for her contribution to the discussion on the scope of antitrust enforcement. Her seminal article is here: . Please remember that the legal scholarship and cited cases refer to US antitrust law, so you will have to look up the EU counterparts to her case. Information Economy代写
5) You must cite the cases correctly. We will at minimum not award marks for cases cited incorrectly and may deduct if you do not refer to the correct case. In addition, this essay should NOT be written in bullet points. It is expected that your answer would, in reality, be edited by an experienced sub-editor. That paper which publishes in pink is about the last newspaper left that actually has proper editors and the paper version will be found in the lobbies of the best hotels for a discerning readership so there is no way that anyone, no matter what their reputation, gets into the final paper unedited. Your mark will reflect the time and effort that editor has to put into making your thoughts comprehensible to your final readership.
1) Your starting point should be searching to find out “are non-compete clauses valid in Europe.” You may be surprised by what you find out.
2) There’s been a recent ineresting twitter discussion between US antitrust scholar Herbert van Hoevenkamp and Matt Stoller. You can go and look it up. One thing to emerge from it is a piece by Brian Albrecht on scepticism over the FTC’s choice to block non-competes. You can find Albrecht’s article here: . It’s a very good article, but you get no credit for citing it. Instead, follow the US discussion and look (using Google scholar or elicit) for any EU or UK based examples. You will find that Daron Acemoglu has written about this (in the US) and he’s a very good source, but there are multiple studies on the subject, and you should find some way to categorise them by what they find.
3) It is entirely acceptable to use a bulletpoint structure for this essay
QUESTION 3: Information Economy代写
1) You will need to understand that this industry is not monopolised according to either the economics textbook definition or for the purposes of 102TFEU. That means that you are assuming that the industry structure is either differentiated products oligopoly or monopolistic competition.
2) The essential economics of broadcasting are discussed in Spence and Owen (1976) (can be found enter your UCL credentials when prompted for access).
For a more rounded view, see Eli Noam: The Technology, Business, and Economics of Streaming Video: The Next Generation of Media Emerges (,contains,Video%20Economics&tab=Everything &vid=44UCL_INST:UCL_VU2&offset=0&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI ) Naturally, since we’ve told you about these two sources, they carry less credit for citation than something you have found yourself.
3) We would like you to use data and charts to back up any arguments you have about the subject – we will give more credit to those where you’ve created the chart from scratch than those where you’ve copied and pasted in the chart. This is because IP is still a thing, and copying charts like that is regarded as fine for a blogpost and not for a business report.
4) It is entirely acceptable to use a bulletpoint structure for this essay.
How are you going to grade this?
The three questions have different requirements. These will be addressed on a special presentation to be made available in a week’s time. What is common to all is that they require:
1) The correct application of theory. All the theory required will be covered by week 5. All the theory to make it better will be covered in weeks six and seven. (The first two after reading week.)
2) Understanding where the theory interacts with the real world.
3) The ability to explain, concisely, to an intelligent person something that is important to understanding the world.
This is a test ground for you, and a place to start practicing being a bridge between disciplines, and just being able to communicate how smart you are when it’s necessary to do so.
4) The ability to understand that someone is actually going to read every word of what you write a to have consideration for that reader by making your words count.
Published September 3rd 20225) Where data is available and usable in your argument, adduce it and cite it. Information Economy代写
6) The ability to tell the difference between a good source and a bad one.
Are graphs counted in the word count….
No, they are not. What counts against you is not labelling your graphs, and where the meaning of the graph isn’t immediately obvious you really must at least have a sentence about what it’s telling the reader. Most often,economic equilibrium diagrams don’t add anything, but sometimes they do. The choice will be yours.
And biblio and references.
No. By the way, you should use any acceptable academic referencing standard, but if you have the URL for things and date accessed that would be useful too. Remember the editor of an article will create links out of your references, so don’t have them reduced to four letter words and throwing things at the famous tea trolley, if you’re doing essay one.
How will you know if my essay is written by Chat GPT?
You’d have asked me the question, and I’d probably have really good fun making up an answer that made you look silly.