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haskell Vote代写 | haskell作业加急代写 | 北美作业代写

2019-09-27 12:01 星期五 所属: haskell代写 浏览:1049

haskell Vote代写
— A Vote is a list of Country, Vote Count pairs.
— A Vote will be comparable to a dictionary.

— A Vote is a list of Country, Vote Count pairs.
— A Vote will be comparable to a dictionary.

haskell Vote代写
haskell Vote代写
type Vote = [(String, Integer)]

— In the European talent competition, EuroVision,
— Countries are voted upon using weighted votes.
— Voters might submit sets of votes of votes that
— appear like the following:

sub1 :: Vote
sub1 = [("Lithuainia", 12), ("Spain", 10), ("Finland", 8), ("Lichtenstein", 7),
("Greece",6), ("Serbia",5), ("Cyprus",4), ("Poland",3), ("Malta",2), ("Germany",1)]

sub2 :: Vote
sub2 = [("Portugal", 12), ("Finland", 10), ("Greece", 8), ("Sweden", 7),
("Albania",6), ("Cyprus",5), ("Malta",4), ("Poland",3), ("Spain",2), ("Bulgaria",1)]

sub3 :: Vote
sub3 = [("Belgium", 12), ("Poland", 10), ("Portugal", 8), ("Lithuainia", 7),
("Netherlands",6), ("Iceland",5), ("Spain",4), ("Greece",3), ("Germany",2), ("Bulgaria",1)]

sub4 :: Vote
sub4 = [("Lithuainia", 12), ("Malta", 10), ("Germany", 8), ("Iceland", 7),
("Lichtenstein",6), ("Poland",5), ("Portugal",4), ("Cyprus",3), ("Malta",2), ("Serbia",1)]

sub5 :: Vote
sub5 = [("Iceland", 12), ("Germany", 10), ("Lithuainia", 8), ("Sweden", 7),
("Lichtenstein",6), ("Cyprus",5), ("Spain",4), ("Poland",3), ("Albania",2), ("Greece",1)]

sub6 :: Vote
sub6 = [("Poland", 12), ("Bulgaria", 10), ("Portugal", 8), ("Malta", 7),
("Germany",6), ("Iceland",5), ("Albania",4), ("Greece",3), ("Cyprus",2), ("Sweden",1)]

ex1 :: [Vote]
ex1 = [sub1] ++ [sub2] ++ [sub3] ++ [sub4] ++ [sub5] ++ [sub6]

— We will build up a set of functions to perform useful
— operations on Lists of Votes.

— 1. For a vote, return the vote count for Country, C.

-- c

lkupCtry :: Vote -> String -> Vote
lkupCtry v c =

— Then, write a function that given a vote
— and a country’s name, it returns just the
— vote count of that country. Return 0 if the country is not present.
— Use lkupCtry to help.

voteCount :: Vote -> String -> Integer
voteCount v c = undefined

— 2. Calculate the total vote values for a list of Votes

-- First, write a function that adds a tuple of a
-- Country and its Vote Count to a Vote. This should
-- append a country if it is not in the list, and it should
-- add a country's vote count if it is already present
-- ex:
-- INPUT: combine [("Germany", 5), ("Albania", 3)] ("Germany", 2)
-- OUTPUT: [("Germany", 7), ("Albania", 3)]
-- INPUT: combine [("Germany", 5), ("Albania", 3)] ("France", 2)
-- OUTPUT: [("Germany", 5), ("Albania", 3), ("France", 2)]
combine :: Vote -> (String, Integer) -> Vote
combine vote v@(c,i) = undefined
-- Secondly, write voteCombine, which which combines two
-- Votes into one, using combine.
-- ex:
-- INPUT: voteCombine [("Germany", 5), ("Albania", 3), ("France", 2)] [("Germany", 5), ("Albania", 3), ("France", 2)]
-- OUTPUT: [("Germany", 10), ("Albania", 6), ("France", 4)]
-- INPUT: voteCombine [("Germany", 5), ("Albania", 3), ("France", 2)] [("Germany", 5), ("Belgium", 3), ("Malta", 2)]
-- OUTPUT: [("Germany", 10), ("Albania", 3), ("France", 2), ("Belgium", 3), ("Malta", 2)]

voteCombine :: Vote -> Vote -> Vote
voteCombine v1 (v2:v2s) = undefined

— Now, use foldr() to create a function that takes a list of
— Votes and creates one vote, with the values summed.

— Remember, foldr does the following:
— foldr < function f > < data d > < list of data ds >
— applies f(ds[i-1], f(ds[i-2], …..f(ds[1], f(ds[0], d)))
— ex:
— INPUT: totalVote [ [(“Germany”,2), (“France”,1)],
— [(“Germany”,2), (“France”,1)],
— [(“Germany”,2), (“France”,1)] ] — OUTPUT: [(“Germany”, 6), (“France”, 3)]

totalVote :: [Vote] -> Vote
totalVote (v:vs) = undefined -- foldr (voteCombine) ???? ?????

— 3. From a list of Votes, sort the total Vote such that the first
— Country in the list is the Country with the most votes

— Hint: QuickSort is easily implemented in functional languages
— thanks to List Comprehensions and Anonymous Functions and filters

sortVote :: Vote -> Vote
sortVote vs = undefined

— 4. Write a function that takes a list of votes, vs,
— and an integer, n, and returns the countries with
— the n most votes in descending order.

— First, write a function that returns the first N
— (Country, Vote Count) pairs of a Vote

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takeVotes :: Integer -> Vote -> Vote
takeVotes n vs = undefined
-- Then, use totalVote, sortVote and takeVotes to implement
-- bestCountries, which returns the n most voted-for
-- Countries and their Vote Countes.
-- You can use the operator "$" to string functions together.
-- For example,
-- sqrt(abs(x)) = sqrt $ abs x
-- ex :
-- INPUT: bestCountries [("Germany", 5), ("Albania", 3), ("France", 4), ("Belgium", 2), ("Malta", 2)] 3
-- OUTPUT: [("Germany", 5), ("France", 4), ("Albania", 3)]

bestCountries :: [Vote] -> Integer -> Vote
bestCountries votes n = undefined
