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FIN research project代写 VBA代写 Excel代写

2021-08-11 11:53 星期三 所属: 商科代写,金融经济统计代写-100%原创拿高分 浏览:749

FIN research project代写

FIN2020 Excel/VBA group research project

FIN research project代写 Design, evaluate and detail a property pricing and insurance premium calculator using Microsoft Excel/VBA.Use comments, graphs

Your team is required to:

Design, evaluate and detail a property pricing and insurance premium calculator using Microsoft Excel/VBA.

Use comments, graphs and visual aids where appropriate to showcase your calculation method.

Automate the analysis so that it dynamically updates to the most recent date and/or user inputted data (e.g., property location, property type, applicant’s attributes); upon opening the file or after some user action.FIN research project代写

Firstly, you should construct a model that produces the market value of the property based on its attributes. Once you have established a market value of the property, this should then feed into a separate model that is used to establish an appropriate insurance premium, for the associated risks.

Where possible, link to relevant database information retrievable online inform your pricing decisions and methodology – representative examples include: https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/inflationandpriceindices/bulletins/housepriceindex/june2018, http://landregistry.data.gov.uk/app/ukhpi, https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-rppi/residentialpropertypriceindexapril2018/stats.FIN research project代写

FIN research project代写
FIN research project代写

Produce a brief accompanying report that outlines the development process for the Excel/VBA application (max 3000 words).

It is okay to mix sources from different countries, if unavoidable (i.e., assume the data is the same for the UK and Ireland). As you may not have access to fully comprehensive data for each factor you consider, you will be required to make simplifying assumptions – state such assumptions clearly in both the workbook and the report.

The report should contain the following:

An outline of the assumptions of the calculation – providing rationale.

An overview of the back testing methodology employed and how this was implemented (data retrieved, functions used).

What development iterations, evolution and testing the application underwent.

Citations of any sources used to construct the spreadsheet and code.

Marks will be awarded for: FIN research project代写

The depth and originality of research undertaken to inform the pricing models.

The accuracy, sophistication, originality and professionalism of the implementation.

Is the model user friendly, transparent and intuitive?FIN research project代写

How easy it is to understand and use the spreadsheet and report. Clear labelling – comments and names. Logical flow and presentation of information. Are the inputs, outputs and assumptions clear?

How well it conveys the steps of the exercise. Calculations should be intuitive without going into formula editing mode.

The efficiency of the coding utilised. Avoid overtly complicated long or nested functions where possible.FIN research project代写

No hard coding and cells should not contain a mixture of numbers of formulas.

Section the workbook into specific areas (cell ranges) for inputs.

The workbook and the report should complement each other well, with circa 60% of the grade being awarded for the workbook and 40% for the quality of its associated report.

Useful resources: FIN research project代写

Textbooks (students do not need to buy all of them)

Gaskin, Shelley, et al. GO! with Excel 2013. Prentice Hall Press, 2013.

Poatsy, Mary Anne, et al. Exploring Microsoft Excel 2013, Volume 1. Prentice Hall Press, 2013.

Walkenbach, John. Excel 2013 Bible. John Wiley & Sons, 2013.

Lambert, Joan. MOS 2013 Study Guide for Microsoft Excel. Pearson Education, 2013.

Townsend, Kris. Skills for Success with Microsoft Excel 2013 Comprehensive. Pearson Higher Ed, 2013.

‘Excel VBA Programming For Dummies’ by John Walkenbach

‘Financial Analysis and Modeling Using Excel and VBA’ by Chandan Sengupta

ACADEMIC CONDUCT FIN research project代写

Academic honesty is fundamental to the values of Queen’s and the University takes any instances of academic misconduct very seriously.  Students should not be allowed to obtain for themselves, or for anyone else, an unfair advantage as a result of academic dishonesty and, when discovered, the Procedures for Dealing with Academic Offences (including research misconduct) will be invoked.

http://www.qub.ac.uk/cite2write/ is a good resource for guidelines around referencing and plagiarism.

Group Work Requirements  FIN research project代写

When undertaking a group-based assignment of any form, students are expected to manage the group dynamics and interactions in a self-directed and formalised manner. While the vast majority of group work is completed without issue, below are some criteria that each group should be aware of in order to successfully manage the process.

  • All members of each group are should meet within 10 days of the groups being formally established.Over the course of the group work assignment groups are expected to meet (at a minimum) three times. These three meetings should ideally be face to face interactions. Meetings should be held at convenient times (e.g. between 9am-5pm) in convenient locations (e.g. on University campus) so that all group members can attend. In this first meeting the groups should establish a group charter. This should outline an agreed code of conduct, rules and expectations for the group members to adhere to.


  • Minutes of each of these meetings will need to be taken.

These minutes should be 300-500 words for each meeting and written in a summarised succinct manner. One group member may take the lead in documenting and sharing these minutes or this could be a collaborative activity. Each group member should sign the minutes to show that they were involved and participated in the group meetings. For example, minutes may include some of the issues outlined below (please bear in mind these are merely a guide of best practice issues to consider when working as a group):

  • Meetings – when/where, time preferences of the group taken into account
  • Communication –social media, emails, share contact details and calendars, reasonable time frame to respond to group members etc.FIN research project代写
    • It is expected that the organisation of these meetings will be communicated through your Queen’s email addresses (this may be required as evidence where grievances arise). We recognise that most students may use social media or apps to communicate the schedule of these meetings but the minutes should always be shared through your Queen’s email, after the meetings.
  • Teambuilding/Growing Trust –set common objectives, goals and targets to achieve. Establish (what may be) revolving roles within the group e.g who is the leader, coordinator, researcher(s)/writer(s), tie the final assignment together? Reflect and self-appraise where individuals have key strengths – where can you add most value?FIN research project代写
  • Rules of Behaviour –what behaviours are unacceptable to the team?

(e.g. checking in late/missing meetings; not replying to communication; not completing work on time; not listening/being respectful to others). How will you communicate grievances within the group?

  • Progressing your work to completion – how will you ensure work is completed on time? How will you circulate the completed work between the group? What are the deadlines for completed work?FIN research project代写

Please ensure that every group member has input into each of the above points.

There should be a fair allocation of work to ensure equal contribution to the assignment.

If issues arise within the group it is expected that the group will try and solve these issues themselves where possible with the above criteria being used as a guide to resolve any issues.FIN research project代写

1 Please be aware that this timeline may be more urgent within certain modules, depending on the length of time between the establishment of the group and the submission of the assignment.

The overall aim of the process is to ensure a fair distribution of work among members, develop accountability within group assignments and help enhance each individual student’s group work skills. This process may not factor into the grading of the overall assignment but is a requirement to be adhered to by all group members. Any persistent concerns about group member contributions must be raised at least ten days in advance of the project deadline. Individual group members cannot be arbitrarily penalised, hence the importance of following the above process. If any group conflicts cannot be addressed within the group, then the above process will play a key role in any determinations made.FIN research project代写

Deadline Thursday Week 10 2PM

Upload both the Excel workbook and the report on QOL

Name both files as your assigned group name

FIN research project代写
FIN research project代写

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