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Excel Chart small shortcut operation skills

2018-07-06 08:00 星期五 所属: R语言教程 浏览:698

Today, Excel operations to share some tips to help youimprove charting efficiency ~

← shortcut key 1

  1. Ctrl + Shift + SpaceCan be used in the selected data.Select the data source in the arbitrary non – empty cells after one, press Ctrl + Shift + Space, can automatically select this cell is connected and is connected to a cell extend out of the region, see FIGS. 1 – 7 – 1 is more easily comprehended this key combination use of the method.This key combination most commonly used up in FIGS. 1 – 7 – 1 (a) of the data source.If the first selected cell is empty?You might try ~

  2. Ctrl + Shift +. uparw. or. dwnarw. Can also be used for fast data selected.The selected data of the forward – most of the relevant cells using the Ctrl + Shift +. dwnarw., automatically expands the selection down to the last row of the data source.Ctrl + Shift +. uparw. of the data is used up.

  3. F4 key, also called the "repeat" key, the function of which is repeatedly executed as a result of a recent operation.In the graph of the adjustment element in the process, use the F4 key is able to replicate the latest set of chart elements.

– 2.Rapid application chart formatLeftArrow

(a) Chart Template

Chart Template you can quickly get a graph of the entire graph format apply to their chart types are the same but the data is made to be different.

  • Chart TemplateSave: Choose the template as a graph, right click and select "Save As template (S)………………………………………………………..", as shown in FIGS. 1 – 7 – 2.

  • Chart TemplateApplicationGroup: (i) the selected data source, directly before application of the saved templates.The selected data source, which is preced ed by painting out the default graph, and then select the chart right click on the "type", prior to the application of the saved templates (FIGS. 1 – 7 – 2) (b)

You might have a question: Since Methods so easily, why was he given The method?Since not all types of graph directly in the application template after the template charts and are identical, the following is one example (source file). In the end, it provides:

FIG. 1 – 7 – 3 is the same data source, map different types of charts, column charts directly after application of the template in addition to the aspect ratio is changed, the other main graph format with the template.But the scatterplot directly in the application template, at a time when he was out of the question, a closer look at the data source will find is not caused, and the need to re – select the data source, so it was;Encounter similar scattergram of the case, it is advisable to use a method (2).

(2) of cutting and pasting the chart format

Select the set format of the chart, Ctrl + C to copy, select another format that is not provided with any type of chart, click the "Start" tab under the "paste," paste "is selected by the" format ", i.e. the application of replicated the format of your diagram.

The use of the camera 3.

The camera can be linked to a cell or range of the graphic object, on the work table cell data changes will be automatically displayed in the graphical object, and that has a visually displayed between two tables.

To shape or text box in the displayed chart elements to work into a cell's content, you may be a shape, text box or linked to the chart element that contains display data of the cell.Using the "camera" command, you can also link to the picture area at a time, to the display cell and a region of the content.

Since the cell or range of the link to the graphic objects, click the cell in the data changes will be automatically displayed in the graphical object.

Open the excel and create a new document, click the upper left corner of the office icons, select "option (I)", "User Define" option is selected, the option – for – fill "is no longer functional command", the pull – down of the slide bar, click the "camera", click "Add" button, a "confirmation".

FIG. 1 – 7 4 – Excel Options dialog box

Select sheet1 in C25: G42, and click the camera button, in which case the selected range of cells around the occurrence of flicker of frame, the mouse becomes" + "shape, and then switches to the working table sheet1 in other cells (which may be the same an excel document, the document may also be different),In cell A1; clicking the mouse on the work table in sheet1 of photograph content, and around 8 handles, may be provided like the pictures.As can be seen from FIGS. 1 through 7 – 4, the left cell is set to, for example, a table on the right is photographed using a camera picture.

If that modify the original form of any information, the picture will change synchronously.Colloquially the: camera like Excel's mirror.

FIG.– 1 7 – 5"camera"Use Case


