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Essay范文点评代写 essay范文代写

2023-02-09 09:48 星期四 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:479

申请斯坦福EssayA Dramatic Coup 含点评

Essay范文点评代写 本文为作者 Fareez Giga 成功申请美国斯坦福大学的 Essay 范文,Essay 选题为 talent 天资。下面一起来欣赏该篇 Essay 范文,文后附有招生官的点评与分析。申请美国 Stanford University 的 Essay 范文

本文为作者 Fareez Giga 成功申请美国斯坦福大学的 Essay 范文,Essay 选题为 talent 天资。下面一起来欣赏该篇 Essay 范文,文后附有招生官的点评与分析。

申请美国 Stanford University Essay 范文 “A Dramatic Coup”   Essay范文点评代写

作者 Fareez Giga

I sat there, stunned for an instant, and then jumped as high as I could and screamed as loud as my voice would allow. Blood rushed through my entire body, while the butterflies in my stomach finally few away. I had just received my LAMDA Diploma with Honors, a task that has only been done by one person before me. LAMDA, the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, comes to my high school. As well as others in the states, and gives what are essentially acting exams. In these exams, you must perform a series of monologues, and to receive the Diploma you must perform four five-minute monologues, one pre-1910, one post-1980, one Shakespearean, and one of your choice.     Essay范文点评代写

I had worked for weeks on my monologues, perfecting them as much as I could, staying after school, working at lunch, even at home, despite the shouting by my sister for me to stop. When it came time to perform, I was incredibly nervous; however, after I came out of my performance, I lingered outside the theater, waiting upon my results. And when they came, I was astounded. Not only was I able to pass my exam, but also I came out of it with greater knowledge of theater than I had when I started. I learned a great deal from taking these various exams, most notably the age old lesson that hard work does pay off. The personal splendor I felt was one that I had never felt before, and I live to feel it again.



斯坦福大学申请范文点评与分析 Analysis   Essay范文点评代写

Fareez shares a meaningful accomplishment in a small space. He effectively explains the significance of the LAMDA Diploma with Honors—an award that only one other person had received before him—and portrays a sense of jubilation which reveals to the reader his excitement. Fareez then describes how much work went into preparing the four monologues, each from different time periods. Plus he adds detail on how much he worked to perfect them, even humorously revealing that his sister begged him to stop. He concludes with the greater meaning that he learned from the experience, that hard work pays off.   Essay范文点评代写

In this limited part of the application, Fareez accomplishes a lot and touches on all the elements that highlight the achievement as well as positive aspects of his personality. It’s important to remember that admissions offcers will not know the significance of most awards unless you tell them. Describe how few people receive the award or how selective the competition is. Briefly explain the amount of work that was involved or how difficult it was to prepare. Then, put the award into perspective.www.liuxue.la What did you learn from winning? How can you apply what you learned to your future endeavors? Why was winning important to you? If you write about receiving an award, it’s important to do more than just state that you did. You should also give context to the honor.




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