Semester 2, 2018
ERP Systems代写 INTRODUCTION TO BUISNESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS Assignment 1: Evaluating ERP Systems Failure: A Comparative Study.
Assignment 1: Evaluating ERP Systems Failure: A Comparative Study
Value: This assignment is worth 100 marks. It however contributes to 20% of your overall assessment for the unit.
Submission Date: Friday 5 October, 6pm
Type of Assignment: Individual

1.Submission: ERP Systems代写
The assignment must be submitted in electronic format only through Moodle. Please follow the submission process describedbelow:
a) Your assignment deliverables include a single file: Assignment Report (MS- Word). The filename should contain Unit Code, Assignment Number and your student ID number, similar to the followingexample:
FIT9123Assignment1Report_StudentID.docx, OR FIT9123Assignment1Report_StudentID.doc
b) Submit an electronic version (in MS-Word format, without completed Individual Assignment Cover Sheet) of your completed Assignment Report through the Moodle site of this unit, by 6pm (5 October, 2018). In doing so,please click on the acceptance box of Individual Assignment Submission.ERP Systems代写
2.Late Submissions:
Late assignments submitted without an approved extension may be accepted (up to two weeks late) at the discretion of the lecturer, but will be penalised at the rate of 5% of total assignment marks per day(including weekends). Assignments received later than two weeks after the due date will not normally be accepted. (Please refer to the Unit Guide).
3.References: ERP Systems代写
Students are encouraged to look for relevant extra readings, and draw on scholarly literature. All sources of information must be fully and appropriately acknowledged using in-text citation and reference list. Please use APA style of referencing.
4.Format and Length:
The format of the assignment report is shownbelow:
Title page (with assignment title, student name, ID, unit code, tutorname)
Table ofcontents
Responses to the assignmenttasks
Use one single aggregated reference list at the end of the
Use Times New Roman format, font 11 or 12, and single
Each page (except the Title page, Table of contents) must be
Assignment report should not exceed TEN (10) pages (excluding Title and Table of contents)
5.Other Questions: ERP Systems代写
Please contact your tutor or lecturer should you require further clarifications.
6.AssignmentAssessment Criteria:
Assignment 1 will be evaluated in terms of the following criteria:
Written communicationskills
Logical structure ofreport
Identification of major elements/issues as well asanalysis/discussion
Literature used (range, relevance and number) and referencing/citation technique
Use of in-text references and list ofreferences
7.Warning: ERP Systems代写
Students are encouraged to use materials from a variety of sources BUT materials copied from other sources that are NOT acknowledged in appropriate references will be considered as plagiarism and is a serious offence that will result in failure (see Section 8 on “Plagiarism and Collusion” section below for more details). Any students suspected of copying other students’ work will be immediately referred to the relevant disciplinary committee.
8.Plagiarism and Collusion:
Note that this is an individual While general collaboration between students in terms of understanding of concepts is acceptable, the assignment report must be entirely your own work. You mustnot:
Use another student’s work as the basis for your
Steal, appropriate or make use of the work of another student without their knowledge.
Lend your work to another student for any
Use the ideas, words or other intellectual property of anyone without proper acknowledgement.
9.ExtensionPolicy: ERP Systems代写
Note the extension policy in the Unit When an extension is to be requested, students should consult the lecturer. Extensions will not be granted due to last minute “technical problems” such as an inability to connect to the Internet, PC, laptop problems etc.
10. Broad Assignment Aim ERP Systems代写
This assignment aims at testing students’ understanding about the factors that contribute to the failure of a complex ERP system in two case companies chosen from any two journal articles mentioned in Appendix-A. Students are required to:
a) classify the ERP systems failure reported at those casecompanies
b) applya Factor-based Framework to analyse the ERP system failure at those two case companies
c) citea number of scholarly sources to compare the outcomes of students’ analysis with the broader views on IT systems failure expressed in the IT
d) provide some recommendations to avoid suchfailure
11. Specific Instructions ERP Systems代写
You are required to carefully read any TWO (2) journal articles on ERP systems failure described in SEVEN (7) journal articles listed in Appendix-A. You can access them through using Monash Library e-catalogue search process. Drawing on the reading of the articles as well as your own understanding (developed from attending FIT9123 unit and reading relevant articles identified at your own initiative), prepare Assignment 1 Report addressing the following tasks:
[Note: Please feel free to make any relevant assumptions (if needed) in support of your arguments and clearly articulate those assumptions in your report.]
Your answer should be approximately the “suggested length” specified for each task.
Task 1: Identifying Failure Types (10 x 3 = 30 marks) ERP Systems代写
Drawing on the ideas of various types of IT systems failure (discussed in FIT9123 Unit), analyse the failure of the ERP system described in two case articles that you have chosen from Appendix-A, in terms of:
- interactionfailure
- processfailure
- correspondencefailure
Suggested length: Maximum three pages
Task 2: Identify Critical Failure Factors (4x 10 = 40 marks)
What are the four (4) most critical factors that you believe may have contributed to the ERP system failure described in each of the two case articles that you have chosen from Appendix-A? Discuss.ERP Systems代写
Suggested length: Maximum four pages
Task 3: Cross-Case Comparison (10 marks) ERP Systems代写
Perform a cross-case comparison in terms of the key failure factors. What useful observations do you make (e.g. common failure factors, unique failure factors, classification of failure factors)? Discuss.
Suggested length: Maximum one page
Task 4: Recommendations (5 x 2 = 10 marks)
Had you been the CIO of those two companies reported in two case articles that you have chosen from Appendix-A, recommend TWO key actions, for each of those two case companies, that you would had taken in order to avoid the ERP system failure.
Suggested length: Maximum one page
Task 5: Use of References (0.5 x 10 = 5 marks) ERP Systems代写
Include at least ten (10) scholarly references and cite them in the body of your assignment report and add full references in the bibliography (use APA style).
Task 6: Report Format (5 marks)
Carefully prepare your Assignment 1 report by following guidelines provided in Sections 4 and 6 of this Assignment document.ERP Systems代写
Appendix-A: List of articles discussing ERP systems failure
1 | Scott, J., (1999). The FoxMeyer Drugs’ bankruptcy: Was it a failure of ERP?. AMCIS 1999 Proceedings, p.223-225 |
2 | Traci Barker and Mark N. Frolick (2003) “ERP implementation failure: A case study”, Information Systems Management, Fall, 2003, pp.42-49. |
3 | Wong, A., Scarborough, H. and Chau, P., 2004, July. Examining the ERP implementation process from a failure case. In 8th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (pp. 8-11). |
4 | Xue, Y., Liang, H., Boulton, W.R. and Snyder, C.A., 2005. ERP implementation failures in China: Case studies with implications for ERP
vendors. International journal of production economics, 97(3), pp.279-295. |
5 | Hawari, A.A. and Heeks, R., 2010. Explaining ERP failure in a developing country: a Jordanian case study. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 23(2), pp.135-160. |
6 | Peng, G.C. and Nunes, J.M.B. (2010) Why ERP post-implementation fails? Lessons learned from a failure case in China. In: PACIS 2010 – 14th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. PACIS 2010, 9th – 12th July 2010, Taipei, Taiwan. AIS, pp. 296-307. |
7 | Hustad, E. and Olsen, D.H., 2014. ERP Implementation in an SME: a Failure Case. In Information Systems for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (pp. 213-228). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. |
(The End)

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