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EE课业代做 EE电子电气作业代写

2023-12-09 11:27 星期六 所属: ee代写 浏览:325

EE317 Solar PV Assignment Guidance Document


1.Overview of assignment

This assignment is focused on the development of a Microsoft Excel-based Solar Resource Surveying Tool that can be used to assess the suitability of a site for a PV installation by estimating the expected solar and electrical energy yield at the site. The tool will be useful in estimating how the power output of a solar array will vary on an hourly basis, and how the system energy yield will vary on a daily basis. This tool will enable the user to observe and analyse the influence that altering the array size and specification, and its tilt and orientation, may have on the array power and energy yield over time for a given site location, using available TMY¹ data provided. The functional design of your spreadsheet tool should be based predominantly on the taught material from the Solar Resource section of the course in Semester 1.

¹ Typical Meteorological Year

This assignment is designed to give you the opportunity to review the Solar Resource section of the course; and in so doing bring together much of the theory to build a tangible tool that is of practical use to solar engineers when surveying a particular site’s solar resource and energy yield potential. The tool development will involve the use of: the various formulae studied; measured TMY data; your understanding of characteristics of the solar resource; technical specification data relating to PV modules, geographic site data; etc. The design and development of this tool will require you to understand the various calculations required and the calculation process followed to arrive at the estimated solar and electrical energy yield and array power output.

You have been strongly encouraged to develop a functional flowchart diagram describing graphically how the calculation process flows,   EE课业代做

which will represent the tool functionality (i.e. the interaction of the input data, calculations performed and outputs). It is intended that developing this tool will facilitate your understanding of the interrelationships and interactions that exist between the different solar parameters involved and studied in Semester 1, and the end-to-end process and approach taken to solar resource and PV energy yield forecasting and assessment. Between the lab and this assignment, you will hopefully also gain an appreciation of the usefulness of using both simulation software (e.g. Matlab) and design tools (e.g. Excel) in engineering applications.

You will work in groups to build a Solar Resource Surveying spreadsheet tool. Groups are indicated in the ‘2023

solar assignment group allocations’ pdf file provided in the ‘Solar Assignment’ section of MyPlace. Your group will also submit your completed spreadsheet tool to this ‘Solar Assignment’ section along with an accompanying pdf file, which will include your calculations for the specified hourly interval (highlighted in red in the spreadsheet template provided) that should be used to verify and validate the accuracy of your tool, and also contain your responses to questions posed. Each group member will receive the same group grade for this part of the assignment.


2.Files and data your group is provided with to complete the assignment    EE课业代做

To complete the assignment, you will be provided with the following files which are available from the Solar Assignment section of Myplace:

  1. A template Excel file (“2023_Group_XX_Survey_Tool.xls”) containing a spreadsheet template with input data, which provides the solar resource TMY data for two different days of the year, site data, and PV module/array specification data. This file also contains demand data.
  2. A manufacturer’s data sheet (“Manufacturer_Module_Datasheet.pdf”) for the PV module type that is specified for use in your PV array. You must use this datasheet!


3.Explanation of assignment tasks

The assignment consists of 3 tasks (detailed below), upon which each group will be assessed.

3.1. Task 1:

Build an Excel-based solar resource surveying tool (tip – this too should be based on the flowchart you were advised to develop in preparation for the Solar Lab – note the flowchart should not be submitted – this is to simply recommended to aid your design of the tool)

Tool Requirements –    EE课业代做

You are given the following TMY and location/array input data in worksheet 1. This consists of:

  1. Solar resource TMY data DNI (Gbn) and DHI (Gdh) for two different days
  2. Location data (city name, latitude, longitude, albedo coefficient, GMT time difference)
  3. PV module/array data (model number of module specified for use – refer to manufacturers datasheet for relevant parameters)
  4. You are required to identify other relevant data where required to perform the necessary calculations.

You are also provided with demand data in worksheet 2, indicating the average power demand at each hourly interval of the day. When plotted, this represents the load (profile) that the PV system generation output must supply.

You are also provided with a further three blank named worksheets (3, 4, and 5). These are:    EE课业代做
  • Optimal fixed tilt arrangement
  • Horizontal arrangement
  • Solar Tracker arrangement

Very useful hint: Design your spreadsheet for one arrangement on one worksheet. The approach is generic and so you should be able to copy (with formulae) everything across to the other worksheets representing the other arrangements. What will change are some key inputs to these worksheet cells (it’s for you to determine what these might be, given the arrangements). Using your understanding of the different arrangements, you should be able to make the necessary adjustments to the appropriate input cells of each of the worksheets representing each arrangement, and view the corresponding output charts.

From the input data provided, the tool should be designed to calculate the following outputs:    EE课业代做
  1. Declination angle
  2. B
  3. Equation of time EoT (in minutes)
  4. Zone time (in hours) (i.e. clock time adjusted for DST)
  5. Local solar time (in hours)6. Day length (in hours)
  6. Sunrise solar time (in hours)
  7. Sunset solar time (in hours)
  8. Hour angle
  9. Solar elevation/altitude angle
  10. Zenith angle
  11. Solar azimuth angle
  12. Incidence angle
  13. Eo
  14. Extra-Terrestrial Normal Irradiance (GONin W/m2)
  15. Extra-Terrestrial Horizontal Irradiance (GOHin W/m2)
  16. Clearness Index
  17. Direct (Beam) Horizontal Irradiance (Gbhin W/m2)
  18. Global Irradiance on Horizontal Surface (Gghin W/m2)
  19. Direct (Beam) Irradiance on Tilted Surface (Gbtin W/m2)
  20. Diffuse Irradiance on Tilted Surface (Gdtin W/m2)
  21. Reflected Irradiance on Tilted Surface (Grtin W/m2)
  22. Global Irradiance on Tilted Surface (Ggtin W/m2)
  23. Daily Insolation (Peak Sun Hours)
  24. Hourly Operating Cell Temperature ( oC)
  25. Hourly Power Output from Array (Poutin W)
  26. Hourly Operating Efficiency (%)
  27. Daily Electrical Energy Yield (kWh)
Ensure units are displayed alongside parameter symbols in column headers within your spreadsheet where appropriate.   EE课业代做

While you are asked to use the tool to derive the energy yield resulting from the use of a specified module on a specified day and at a specified location, the tool should be developed to be configurable, i.e. you should ensure that it can calculate these outputs for any given location, and across any 24 hour period of any given day, for any given module/array specification, tilt and orientation. The tool MUST be flexible enough to accommodate fresh input data, and NOT designed to calculate only the case specified, i.e. it should not include fixed numeric values ‘hard-wired’ or embedded into formulae (other than constant values) that should be represented as variables – the tool should be capable of automatically re-calculating the outputs and replotting the charts for any change to the input data representing the TMY data, location and system/module specification data.

The developed tool must be:   EE课业代做
  • Accurate – ensure the tool uses the correct formulae for the calculations and performs calculations correctly. It is sufficient to perform calculations to two or three decimal places.
  • Reliable – ensure the tool is bug-free and capable of dealing gracefully with all eventualities (e.g. DIV by 0 errors, etc.). An example of this may occur due to rounding errors etc. when calculating cos(θ), which may result in an error if θ>1 due to rounding error, e.g. cos(1.0000001). Your tool should include some basic ‘error handling’ capability, and should be able to deal with such eventualities without ‘breaking’. Another example may be when you obtain a negative irradiance value for hours close to sunset or sunrise (which is at the limits of the model’s capabilities). Obviously, you cannot have a ‘negative’ irradiance. In these cases, the model has broken down. If this occurs, you can simply design your spreadsheet to set these negative irradiance values to zero. As the irradiance close to sunrise/sunset is generally very low, not much ‘information’ is lost.
  • Easy to use/Presentation – clearly showing where data entries are required by the user, and clearly display all output fields and charts specified, look and feel of the tool and also neatness and clarity in presentation of calculations and question answers in PDF doc.

The above forms the general assessment rubric for the grading of the tool.


From the calculated output fields of your spreadsheet, the tool should be designed to automatically generate the following charts: 

1.Generate one line chart showing the SUN PATH CURVE of SOLAR ALTITUDE versus CLOCK TIME (in hrs) for both days where TMY is provided. Show the SOLAR TIME (in hrs)corresponding to each hour of clock time on sun path chart using Excel ‘data labels’ on the sun path curve.

2.Generate separate line charts showing the IRRADIANCE versus CLOCK TIME, for each arrangement (i.e. a HORIZONTAL, FIXED TILTED and then a SOLAR TRACKER arrangement) on both days where TMY is provided. Each line chart should show each of the irradiance (G) components of:

a) Direct (Beam) Tilted Irradiance (Gbt) curve;

b) Diffuse Tilted Irradiance (Gdt) curve;

c) Reflected Tilted Irradiance (Grt) curve;

d) Global Tilted Irradiance (Ggt) curve.

3.Generate line charts for both days where TMY is provided, comparing the total/global irradiance incident on the array for each arrangement, i.e. Ggh, Ggt_FIXEDand Ggt_TRACK.          EE课业代做

4.Generate a bar chart comparing the total incident DAILY SOLAR     INSOLATION for each arrangement (horizontal, fixed tilt, tracker) on each of the two days.

5.Generate line charts showing array hourly POWER OUTPUT versus CLOCK TIME for each arrangement (horizontal, fixed tilt, tracker) for each of the two days

6.Generate a bar chart comparing the total array DAILY ELECTRICAL ENERGY YIELD for each arrangement (horizontal, fixed tilt, tracker) for each of the two days.

7.Now plot the Demand Data provided on top of the existing Generation Profiles (of item 5 above), using the data provided in the ‘Demand Data’ worksheet 2. Call this Chart “GENERATION V DEMAND”.

Ensure you have sensible chart titles and all axes and data series are clearly labelled.   

You must present your charts embedded in worksheets, and number the worksheet tabs in line with the 1- 7 numbering above. For example, you should create a worksheet and number it ‘1’ in the tab, where inside this worksheet you can show the two Sun Path curves (one for each day) and ensure the charts are labelled accordingly as Jan and July day. You can then follow the same approach for all other worksheets, such that you’ll have 7 worksheets containing the corresponding charts listed above, where all charts have a  sensible title (e.g. Jan Horizontal Irradiance) to differentiate them.

3.2. Task 2:   EE课业代做

Validate tool by performing worked solution for the specified instance and present within .pdf file

To validate the tool’s functionality and verify its accuracy, show your worked solution (hand calculation) for each of the calculated parameters across the particular row of the spreadsheet that is specified (and highlighted in red), which represents one hourly interval.

This row corresponds to the particular instance of 11am (clock time) for an array at ‘optimal’ fixed tilt angle, facing South, on 31st July (n=212) NOTE: You are NOT required to show worked solutions for any other instances or arrangements i.e. only for the row of the worksheet specified for the Optimal Fixed Tilt arrangement and corresponding to this particular time of day (i.e. NOT for the horizontal or tracker arrangement, or any other hourly interval/row).

You are required to show your ‘hand calculated’ worked solutions for the calculation of all of the parameters,   EE课业代做

associated with this particular instance (i.e. highlighted red row) ONLY, with the exception of the ‘Daily Insolation’ and ‘Daily Electrical Energy Yield’ – i.e. you do not need to show calculation of these two values.

You should validate your tool’s output by confirming that your worked solutions (closely) match the corresponding output cells across the ‘red row’ of your spreadsheet representing the particular instance/row specified. However, small rounding errors may result in some slight differences between your ‘hand calculated’ worked solutions and those shown in your spreadsheet – this is fine!

These calculations can be handwritten and scanned as a pdf, but must be neat and legible. Marks will be deducted if they are not. They should be included in a pdf document that should also include answers to questions posed (see task 3), and uploaded to Solar Assignment section of MyPlace.

3.3. Task 3: Use tool to generate specified Excel charts and explain observations   EE课业代做

You should include in your pdf file brief answers to the questions below. I am only looking for a few brief sentences answering each question. Did I mention this should be brief? 

Use the “GENERATION V DEMAND” chart in your spreadsheet tool to compare and contrast the power output profiles obtained for the three arrangements for each of the two days in turn. In your ‘report’ you should –

a) Compare your bar charts of daily insolation (chart in tab 4 of your workbook). Indicate whether the differences between the daily insolation incident on these different module arrangements (i.e. horizontal, fixed and tracker) are what you would expect for each month, and explain your reasoning.

b) What is the peak power output of the horizontal module in Jan and July?

c) What is the actual fixed tilt angle that corresponds to the maximum incident global irradiance and electrical energy output for the 10thof Jan? [tip: this is not the ‘optimal’ fixed tilt angle, which is designed to maximise the energy captured and produced over the year, but the single fixed tilt angle that maximises the incident irradiance on, and energy out of the array, for this specific day].   EE课业代做

d) What is the actual fixed tilt angle that corresponds to the maximum incident global irradiance and electrical energy output for the 31stof July? [see tip above]

e) Use your spreadsheet tool to prove that on the Autumn Equinox (22ndSept) an arrangement fixed facing South and at a fixed tilt angle at or close to the site latitude gives the maximum energy yield on that day (use the same TMY irradiance data provided for the July day). Explain why this is the case.

f) Use your spreadsheet tool to prove that on the Spring Equinox (10thMarch) an arrangement fixed facing South and at a fixed tilt angle at or close to the site latitude does not give the maximum energy yield on that day (use the same TMY irradiance data provided for the Jan day). Explain why this is the case.

g) If the demand profile shown is for the January day. Plot this on the same chart as the January and July generation profiles. What is the minimum charge in Ah required from a 24 V dc battery over the full 24- hour period to ensure the demand is fully met on this day?

h) Calculate the capacity factor over the July day for the fixed tilt arrangement?

4.Files your group should upload upon completion of the assignment    EE课业代做

Please note that failure to follow this file naming convention will result in the deduction of marks.


5.Motivation and learning

This assignment is designed to give the student the opportunity to review the first semester solar resource content of the course; and in so doing, bring together much of the theory (i.e. focusing on various formulae, solar angle relationships, measured TMY data, calculations, characteristics of the solar resource, technical specification data relating to PV modules, etc.) in order to design and build a practical tool that may be used by a solar PV engineer when prospecting a site’s solar resource. The design and development of this tool will require the student to understand the various calculations required to arrive at the estimated energy yield / array power output (i.e. the functional flow of the tool). The assignment also gives the student practical experience of following a systematic approach to designing and developing a useful software tool, and develop their Excel skills.


6.Assessment grading   EE课业代做

Task No. Task to complete/deliverable uploaded to Myplace Mark available
1 Excel-based solar resource surveying tool 70%
2 Document showing the worked solution for the specified instance and answers to questions prompting you to explain key observations on charts plotted using your spreadsheet tool. 30%

The grade from this assignment makes up 15% of the final mark for EE317.



Students will work in their designated groups of three (see allocation list posted in “Solar Assignment” section of MyPlace), and take responsibility for the allocation and time-management of the assignment tasks/sub-tasks as a group. Students are assigned a group mark, where all students comprising a group will receive the same mark.

Note that group work requires each member of the group to take equal responsibility for the tasks to be completed, managing and coordinating tasks and each other (World Economic Forum’s ‘Future Jobs 2020 report lists these as 4 and 5 in top ten skills employers look for in employees in). You should also support each other with tasks and respect each other’s strengths and requirements within the group. Team issues affecting progress should be dealt with respectfully, collegially and swiftly as a group. If these issues continue despite the best efforts of the group to resolve them (which will need to be proven), they should be reported to the module registrar (Scott Strachan).

Failure to do this in a timely fashion, may undermine your group’s progress and may result in a diminished group grade.   EE课业代做

However, please note that the onus for ensuring a productive and healthy group dynamic rests with the group members. While the module registrar is available to encourage members to participate, it is not his responsibility to ensure or necessarily facilitate group engagement – again, this is the responsibility of group members.

Note that peer evaluation will be available and may be considered in the assessment of any individual group member’s final grade, and used to adjust marks to reflect different levels of contribution (or lack of) between group members. Note that indicating any member of the group has contributed less and so is deserving

of a lower mark will not result in others receiving a higher mark (peer assessment is not a zero-sum game). If there is a clear disparity in the peer assessment, then the module registrar may arrange a meeting with all group members to discuss this, and has the authority to use this to adjust group member grades accordingly to reflect contribution levels.


8.Submission   EE课业代做

On the completion of your assignment, each group will upload to the ‘Solar Assignment’ section on MyPlace ONE SET of the following TWO files. Use the naming convention indicated below, replacing replace XX with your group number:

  1. An Excel file containing your developed tool (i.e. populated with all appropriate formulae). This file should be given the name “2023_Group_XX_Survey_Tool.xls”.
  2. A PDF file including your worked solution for the instance indicated by the spreadsheet row highlighted in red. All necessary charts (remember to clearly label charts and all axes) and your explanations to the questions in 3.3 (Task 3) above. This file should be given the name “2023_Group_XX_Calcs and Answers.pdf

Formal written feedback and grades will be provided within 15 working days of submission in accordance with University assessment and feedback guidelines.




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