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Econ 107代写 计量经济学作业代写

2021-06-26 11:51 星期六 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:777

Econ 107代写

Introductory econometrics – Econ 107

30 points

Econ 107代写 Q1. [ 12 points] Suppose that you collected data on hourly wage and the number of years of schooling for 200 employees in Riverside.

Please answer all three questions and upload your answers as a PDF copy on iLearn

Q1. [ 12 points]  Econ 107代写

Suppose that you collected data on hourly wage and the number of years of schooling for 200 employees in Riverside. The data is summarized as follows: 40 employees have an income of $10 per hour and 3 years of schooling, 20 employees have an income of $10 per hour and 4 years of schooling, 60 employees have an income of $ 16 per hour and 3 years of schooling, 80 employees have an income of $16 per hour and 4 years of schooling. Please use W for wage and S for years of schooling.

Please solve the following questions:

  1. Find the join and marginal probabilities? (hint: you may use a table with wage (W) and years of schooling (S).
  1. Find the probability of W=10 given that the S=3?
  1. Find the probability of S=4 given that W=16?
  1. Find the mean or expected value of wage? Find the variance of wage?
  1. Find the mean or expected value of years of schooling? Find the variance of years of schooling?
  1. Find the covariance between wage and years of schooling? Are they ( S and W) independent?
  1. Find the expected value (mean) of wage given that the S=3? Find the variance of wage given that S=3?

Q2. [ 12 points]  Econ 107代写

The table below represents a data on oil prices and the number of daily cases of COVID-19 where Y is the oil price and X is the COVID-19 new cases:

Econ 107代写
Econ 107代写

a. Find 𝛼̂ , 𝛽̂ , where 𝑌𝑖 = 𝛼̂ + 𝛽̂𝑋 + 𝑢̂𝑖 , and 𝐸̂(Y/X) = 𝛼̂ + 𝛽̂X?

b. Interpret the coefficient in part (a) and draw the regression line?

c. Find 𝑢̂i for each of the observations? Find the SST, SSR, and SSE?

d. Find and explain and R-squared ( 𝑅² ) ?

e. Find the variance and standard error of 𝛽̂ ?

Q.3 [ 6 points]  Econ 107代写

The regression output below represents the impact of income and price on the quantity of demand.


a. Interpret and explain the price and income coefficients?

b. Find the R-square and SSE?


Econ 107代写
Econ 107代写


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