Market Consulting Applicant (Sociology)
cv代写 Assisted the director in the development and administration and Duke’s highly successful undergraduate certificate program.
Duke University, Department of Sociology 800-1 Lasalle St.
Box 90088 Apt. # 13G
Durham, NC 27708 (919)-938-6000
- Duke University. Department of Sociology, Durham, NC
Ph.D. Candidate, Sociology (to be completed, May 2007)
Dissertation: “Globalization From Above or Globalization From Below? Indian
Entrepreneurs in the Software Industry” cv代写
M.A. Sociology, 1997 Subfield: Comparative and Historical Sociology
- Delhi School of Economics, New Delhi, India
Masters coursework in Sociology, 1993-1994
- University of Delhi, New Delhi, India B.A. Sociology, 1993
Academic Achievements and Awards cv代写
- Social Science Research Council, New York: Fellow of the ITIC Program (InformationTechnology and International Cooperation), 2001; Fellow of the IDRF Program (International Dissertation Field Research Fellowship) 1999-2000; awarded the 1999-2000 International Migration Fellowship (Declined)
- Duke University, Center for International Studies: Summer International Research Award, 1999;Graduate School Award for International Research Travel, 1999; Department of Sociology,Graduate Student Fellowship, 1995-1999
- K.C. Mahindra Educational Trust Travel Fellowship, India, for travel to the US for graduate study, 1994
- University of Delhi, New Delhi, India: University Gold Medal awarded for First Position in B.A.,Sociology, 1993
Research Expertise
- Globalization and Development, International Migration, Ethnic Entrepreneurship,
Technology and Society, Qualitative Methodology
Research Experience
- Duke University, Department of Sociology, August 2002-present.
Research Assistant for Prof. Edward Tiryakian, Professor of Sociology
Assisted in the administration of the 2002-2003 Fulbright New Century Scholars Program in which thirty top academics and professionals from the US and abroad collaborate for a year on a topic of global significance (sectarian, ethnic and cultural conflict within and across national borders).
- Duke University Medical Center , Risk Communication Laboratory, Cancer Control,
Detection and Prevention, August 2003- present
Research Assistant, July 1997- October 1998, 1996-97 cv代写
–Conduct interviews with subjects for studies on cancer prevention. Conduct library research for grant proposals. Write reports on research results and administer subject reimbursements.Projects currently involved in: communicating risk factors related to colorectal cancer to men and women over age 50 and assessing college students’ attitudes towards smoking. ,
–Informed women about breast cancer risk, assessed attitudes towards smoking among teenagers, communicated risks associated with hormone replacement therapy and tested different formats for communicating colorectal cancer risk.
- Dissertation Fieldwork Researcher, September 1999- June 2000
Conducted interviews for doctoral research in San Jose, California and in Bangalore, India.
Administrative Experience
- Duke University, Department of Sociology
Event Administrator, Spring 2004
Recruited panelists for a conference session entitled “Global Outsourcing: Threat or Necessity for U.S. Competitiveness?” to be held at Duke University on April 13, 2004. Marketed the event to academic sociologists and business professionals, designed online registration site, arranged for spepaker/panelist transportation and accommodations, edited conference proceedings for publication.
- Graduate Student Assistant, Markets and Management Program, 1998-1999. Assisted the director in the development and administration and Duke’s highly successful undergraduate certificate program. Maintained a database of business employers for the required internship. Advised certificate participant on course choices. Tracked alumni
Teaching Experience
- Duke University, Department of Sociology
“Immigration and Entrepreneurship“ (Spring 2003 and Spring 2002)
Teaching Assistant cv代写
“Introduction to Sociology” for Prof. Rebecca Bach (Fall 1997)
“Race and Ethnic Relations” for Prof. Pamela Jackson (Fall 1995 and Fall 1996)
“Contemporary Social Problems” for Prof. Jay Williams (Spring 1996)
- Markets and Management Certificate Program
Teaching Assistant,
“Sociology of Entrepreneurship” for Prof. Evan Jones (Fall & Spring 2001 and Fall 2000).
“Organizations and Global Competitiveness” for Prof. Gary Gereffi (Spring 1998)
- Market Consulting Applicant. 2002. “Delhi” in Encyclopedia of Urban Cultures, Volume 2, Melvin Ember and Carol R. Ember (Eds). Danbury, Connecticut: Grolier.
- Lipkus, Isaac, Market Consulting Applicant, Kathryn Fenn, Punam Keller and Barbara Rimer.
2001.“Informing Women About Their Breast Cancer Risk: Truth and Consequences.” Health Communication. 13(2): 205-226.
- Lipkus, Isaac, Yancey Crawford, Kathryn Fenn, Market Consulting Applicant, Ruth Ann Binder,Al Marcus and Mondi Mason.
1999. “Testing Different Formats for Communicating Colorectal Cancer Risk.” Journal of Health Communication. 4:311-324.
Presentations cv代写
- “Using Blackboard as a Communication Tool” at the mid-term meeting for Fellows of the New Century Scholars Program, Fulbright Program, Belfast, Northern Ireland, June 2003.
- “Indian Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley” at the workshop organized for Fellows of the Social Science Research Council at the University of California at Berkeley, California, July 2001.
- “The Silicon Valley-Bangalore Connection” at the workshop organized for Fellows of the Social Science Research Council at the International Institute for Research and Education (IIRE),Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 2000.
- “Unequal Globalization? Organizational Networks and Indian Migration
In the Software Industry” presented at the Graduate Student Workshop on Comparative Historical Research, UCLA, May 1999.
Languages cv代写
- English (Native)
- Hindi (Native)
- Turkish (Intermediate)
- Permanent Resident of the US. Interview for citizenship pending April 20, 2004.