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CSE代写 计算机原理代写 Design Project代写

2021-09-26 16:56 星期日 所属: ee代写 浏览:735

CSE/EEE 120 Capstone Design Project

Summer 2021

CSE代写 The design which has the highest point total is the best! Again, it is up to you to define the categories (minimum of 5)

Project Summary  CSE代写

The goal of this project is to design the automation for a home security system. The project is now in the prototype stage, where a simplified version of the home security system will be built. The security system operates in the following manner:

  • From the initial state, the finite state machine unconditionally goes to the wait state.
  • When the signal F=1, and the clear signal is low, the FSM goes to the front gate on.
    state.Once in this state, the front gate melody is turned
  • When the signal F=0 and the clear is low, the FSM goes into the motion state in which the motion detector melody is turned on. The motion detector melody will remain on for at least two and no more than four clock periods, after which the system goes back to thewait state.
  • Any unused state encoding will have the initial state as the next state.

It is up to you to decide where the FSM goes once in the front gate state.

Also, complete (design) the action of the clear signal. The clear signal is active high.

Your first task is to interview several customers (at least 2) to gain insight into what type of features and functionality are preferred by potential clients. These customers can be professors, TAs, UGTAs, or other classmates. You have to weight their opinions to help you finish certain features regarding this design. These people may have conflicting opinions. It is up to you to document these findings and judge which suggestions to accept. You will need to analyze how your design adds value from multiple perspectives (technological, societal, environmental, financial, etc.), so be sure to ask questions other than just about the automation. Make sure you record the names of the people you speak to about your design in your template.  CSE代写

Once you go through this customer discovery, create two finite state machine designs applying what you learned from your interviews and using different assumptions. This means documenting the assumptions made for each design and going through the design process (State Definition Table, State Transition Diagram, State Transition Table, Combinational Logic Design). Note that the two designs you create must be functionally different. That is, you can’t create the same design once as a Mealy machine and once as a Moore machine. In addition, at least one of the designs must be based on Karnaugh maps and logic gates.


Once you have completed two different designs, you will need to choose one design to implement and simulate in Digital.

To do this, you will need to select at least 5 different criteria to use for comparison of each design and aid in your decision-making process. These criteria can originate from your customer interviews or from your own engineering intuition.

Examples of criterion can be “ease of design, response time for passenger, size of circuit, extra features.” Each criterion must be given a weight (totaling 100%) of how important it is to include in the final design. Each design will then need to be rated against how well it meets each of the suggested criteria. Based on these ratings, select the best design that meets the customer’s needs, and implement it in Digital, then simulate it through 16 different clock cycles showing each possible state transition. (Depending on your design, this may take multiple simulations.)  CSE代写

You will also create a video in which you showcase your design. Topics to be covered in the video should include, but are not limited to,

  1. The design assumptions youmade,
  2. A brief description of your two designs and why the one you built wasbest,
  3. Showing your Digital design schematic and itsfeatures,
  4. Simulating the design in Digital showing some different scenarios.

Deliverables  CSE代写

  • You need to propose two different sets of assumptions for the finite state machine for the home alarm system.
  • Youneed to design two finite state synchronous machines that you can demonstrate to your stakeholders. This would usually be the company liaison, but in this class the stakeholders are your (UG)TAs, classmates, and instructors.
  • The designs must be different in theirfunctionality.
  • You should comment on why your controller adds value from multiple perspectives (technological,societal, financial, environmental, ). One or two sentences is sufficient.  CSE代写
  • Thenumber of states is not defined, you can use as few or as many as you  need to provide the desired functionality.
  • If something is not clearly documented in the summary, you need to make assumptions. The assumptions need to be documented.
  • Pleaseremember that you can design the state machines and add functionality to the design as you see fit. However, you need to collect feedback from at least one stakeholder. The optimum would be three stakeholder/customer “interviews”. Again, stakeholders are your UGTAs, the lab TAs, and the instructors.  CSE代写
  • You should describe in a sentence or two how you changed your design based on the feedback you received.

  • You can use D flip flops, T flip flops or J-K flip flops in your design. The type does notmatter.Mixing different types of flip flops with different trigger edge sensitivity is possible but not recommended.
  • Youneed to properly document your  Do a “classic” paper-based design, for which you need to include diagrams and state tables as well as K-Maps and logic. You must have a schematic design in Digital.
  • You need to pick the best design and explain why it is the best. It is very helpful to have judgement metrics in mind, for example, number of states, features, ease of building, number of logic elements, your understanding of the design, or others that you can come up with. You need to define the weight of each of these metrics. That is, ease of building is worth 10 points, number of logic elements 20 points, number of states 40 points,etc. CSE代写

Award points to each design. For example, if one design is easier to build than the other, it might get 6 of the 10 points in the category while the other design gets the remaining 4. The design which has the highest point total is the best! Again, it is up to you to define the categories (minimum of 5) and the number of points each category is worth. You must justify the points awarded with one sentence per category. (Do NOT write an essay!)

  • You will need to simulate one design in Digital.
  • · Make a short video, the contents of which were described above.
  • Upload your completed template (which must include a link to your video) and a zip file of your capstone folder.

Grading Policy  CSE代写

The grade will be allocated as follows:

  • 5% for the value proposition.
  • 5% for the stakeholder interviews.
  • 5% for documenting the changes performed to your original idea.
  • 20% for documentation in the report of how the first circuit performs the application.
  • 20% for documentation in the report of how the second circuit performs the application.  CSE代写
  • 5% for establishing reasonable criteria for picking one design as the “best” design. (The one design you build in the hardware lab does not need to be the “best”design.)
  • 5% for picking a preferred, “best”design.
  • 15% for Digitalimplementation
  • 15% for the video demonstration.
  • 5% for following design template guidelines (organization,legibility).

2% (Extra Credit) Completed Self-Assessment Worksheet


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