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CS33代写 Intro Computer Organization代写

2021-07-21 17:09 星期三 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:445


CS33: Intro Computer Organization 

CS33代写 Question 1. Multiple Choice (26 points)For each question, mark any that apply. Only answers that mark all correct choices will be considered correct.

Question 1. Multiple Choice (26 points)

For each question, mark any that apply. Only answers that mark all correct choices will be considered correct.

1.What are some benefifits of virtual memory?

(a) It allows the address space to be larger than the physical address space.

(b) It isolates address spaces of difffferent processes.

(c) It enables faster memory accesses.

(d) It increases the amount of instruction level parallelism.

2.When you print the address of a variable from C, what kind of address is that?

(a) Physical Address

(b) Virtual Address

(c) Depends on the context

(d) None of the above

3.What’s the purpose of the linker?

(a) Optimize the code’s performance.

(b) Support the abstraction of virtual memory.

(c) Enable separate compilation.

(d) Simplify the contract between hardware and software.

4.Why could loop unrolling sometimes be harmful to performance?

(a) It introduces extra dynamic instructions, potentially adding to the critical path length.

(b) It introduces extra static instructions, putting more strain on the instruction cache.

(c) It results in unnecessary strength reduction, causing more expensive operations to be executed.

(d) Trick question, it is never harmful for performance.

5.What is the standard order of steps in a compilation flflow?

(a) Compile, Preprocess, Link

(b) Compile, Link, Preprocess

(c) Preprocess, Link, Compile

(d) Preprocess, Compile, Link

6.What of the following are reason(s) why multi-threaded code might go slower than expected?

(a) More contention for data in the cache.

(b) Overhead of synchronizing shared variables.

(c) Overhead of starting/stopping threads.

(d) Space overhead from .bss/.data sections.

7.Each thread in a multithreaded program has its own: CS33代写

(a) Heap

(b) Stack

(c) Global values

(d) Text Section

(e) Register Values

8.What is the purpose of a multi-level page table, over a single level?

(a) Faster access to physical memory.

(b) It occupies less space.

(c) Enables memory protection.

(d) Helps to make context-switching faster.

9.Which of the following could be contained in an ELF fifile?

(a) Machine Code

(b) Stack

(c) Global Variables

(d) Symbol Table

(e) Heap

10.Given the simple implicit-free-list approach that we discussed in class for implementing malloc, which of the following scenarios would cause the most external fragmentation?

(a) Repeatedly calling malloc() on many difffferent sizes.

(b) Repeatedly calling malloc() on many difffferent sizes, while sometimes freeing some memory.

(c) Repeatedly calling malloc() with the same size.

(d) Repeatedly calling malloc() with the same size, while somtimes freeing some memory.

11.For a flfloating point number, what would be an effffect of allocating more bits to the exponent part by taking them from the fraction part?

(a) You could represent fewer numbers, but they could be much larger.

(b) You could represent the same numbers, but with more decimal places.

(c) You could represent both larger and smaller numbers, but with less precision.

(d) Some previously representable numbers would now round to infifinity

12.Assuming no errors, which one of the following functions returns exactly once?

(a) fork( )

(b) execve( )

(c) exit( )

(d) wait( )

13.What distinguishes a trap from a fault ?

(a) A trap is an exception, while a fault is not

(b) A trap is intentional, while a fault is not

(c) A trap is recoverable, while a fault is not

(d) A trap is synchronous, while a fault is not

Question 2. And just who is responsible for this? (9pts)  CS33代写

For each blank, write in which entity is primarily responsible for each of the following items. The options are: Compiler, Linker, Loader, Operating System Kernel, or Hardware.

1.Code Relocation                         

2.Symbol Resolution                         

3.Code Optimization                         

4.Initiatinga context switch                         

5.EnablingVirtual Memory abstraction                           ,                         

6.Simultaneous Multithreading                         

7.Allocating memory for uninitialized global variables.                          

8.Allocating and storing data in cache memories (eg. L1, L2, etc).                          

Question 3. Easy Linking (6 pts)

Suppose we compile main.c and foo.c separately, then link them together.




1.Whatis printed? a=___ ,b=___ ,c=___

Question 4. Hard Linking (16 pts)  CS33代写

Suppose we compile main.c and func.c separately, then link them together.




1.What linker errors or warnings (if any) are there for this code?

2.If there are linker errors, how could you fifix them? If there are no linker errors, what is printed when we run this program?

3.For each of the following, describe where that variable is, both in terms of where it is in the ELF fifile after linking (.text,.data,.bss,.debug,.data, etc), and where it is dynamically in the virtual memory space as it is executing(stack,heap,text,etc). If the associated memory does not exist in one of those places (eg. if the ELF does not explicitly contain space allocated for the data associated with that variable) mark with a dash “–”. Also, assume the compiler does not optimize-out unused variables during compilation.

ELF:                           In VM:








Question 5. This problem makes my neurons hurt… (15 pts)  CS33代写


Your task is to analyze the performance of a neural network computation, which is a slightly modifified matrix-vector multiplication. Basically, this code multiplies a vectcor (called neuron in) by a matrix (called synapse), and the output will be a vector (called neuron out). Also, the sigmoid operation is applied to each output element (the sigmoid function is not shown below).

Nevermind what the program is doing, we can optimize it without understanding it at all! Below is the original code, and 4 difffferent “optimized” versions of main.


uint16_t synapse [Nout][Nin], neuron_in[Nin], neuron_out[Nout];

void apply_sigmoid(uint16_t* elem) {
  *elem = sigmoid(*elem);

void multiply_elem(uint16_t* output, uint16_t synapse, uint16_t neuron_in) {
  *output += synapse * neuron_in;

void main() {
  for(int i = 0; i < Nin; i++) {
    for(int j = 0; j < Nout; j++) {

  for(j = 0; j < Nout; j++) {




1.What optimization was applied to Versions A & B? (2pts)

2.Which version, A or B, is faster and why? (use no more than 10 words, 2pts)

3.Which version, C or D, is faster and why? (use no more than 15 words, 2pts)

4.What is one additional optimization that can be performed, besides multi-threading and the optimiza-tions applied above? (use no more than 10 words, 3pts)

5.We disassembled Version C’s innermost loop below (the one that updates i).

0x00000000004003ef <+15>: mov 0x601140(%rdi,%rdx,1),%si

0x00000000004003f7 <+23>: add $0x2,%rdx

0x00000000004003fb <+27>: imul 0x60105e(%rdx),%si

0x0000000000400403 <+35>: add %esi,%ecx

0x0000000000400405 <+37>: cmp $0xc8,%rdx

0x000000000040040c <+44>: jne 0x4003ef <main+15>

Assume that all instructions take 1 cycle, that all branches are perfectly predicted, and that we have an out-of-order core with infifinite functional units. If we run this loop 100 times, about how many cycles will it take to execute? (4pts)

6.If we changed the core so that the latency of a multiply is 3 cycles, now how long would it take? (2pts)


Question 6. Caching Out (18 pts)  CS33代写

The following problem concerns the way virtual addresses are translated into physical addresses.

  • The memory is byte addressable.
  • Memory accesses are to 1-byte words (not 4-byte words).
  • Virtual addresses are 16 bits wide.
  • Physical addresses are 13 bits wide.
  • The page size is 512 bytes.
  • The TLB is 8-way set associative with 16 total entries.
  • The cache is 2-way set associative, with a 4 byte line size and 16 total lines.

In the following tables, all numbers are given in hexadecimal. The contents of the TLB, the page table for the fifirst 32 pages, and the cache are as follows:




First, determine the bit-level mappings. (8pts)

The box below shows the format of a virtual address. Indicate (by labeling the diagram) the fifields (if they exist) that would be used to determine the following: (If a fifield doesn’t exist, don’t draw it on the diagram.)




VPO  The virtual page offffset

VPN  The virtual page number

TLBI  The TLB index

TLBT  The TLB tag





The box below shows the format of a physical address. Indicate (by labeling the diagram) the fifields that would be used to determine the following:

PPO  The physical page offffset

PPN  The physical page number

CO  The block offffset within the cache line

CI  The cache index

CT  The cache tag

Fill in the following: (10 pts)

Virtual Addr. Physical Address TLB Miss? Page Fault? Cache Miss? Byte Read
0x1DFD 0x 0x
0x1DFE 0x 0x
0x1DFF 0x 0x
0x1E00 0x 0x

1.Simulate what happens when a program executes 4 load statements (one after the other), with the corresponding virtual addresses appearing below. For each one, indicate the physical address, whether there was a TLB miss, page fault and cache miss, as well as the byte read. If certain information cannot be determined from the above tables, leave it blank!.

Question 7. You’ve got to be forking kidding me! (15 pts)  CS33代写

Consider the following multi-threaded and multi-process versions of a code. (of course, only one ”main”  function would be included at a time)

pthread_t threads[3];
sem_t s1,s2,s3;

void* func1(void* x) { sem_wait(&s1); printf("Do\n"); sem_post(&s2); }
void* func2(void* x) { sem_wait(&s2); printf("Se\n"); sem_post(&s3); }
void* func3(void* x) { sem_wait(&s3); printf("Yek\n"); sem_post(&s1);}

int main(int argc, char** argv) {  //Thread Version! 

  pthread_create(&threads[0], NULL, func1, NULL);
  pthread_create(&threads[1], NULL, func2, NULL);
  pthread_create(&threads[2], NULL, func3, NULL);

  for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    void* status;
     pthread_join(threads[i], &status);

int main(int argc, char** argv) { //Fork Version! 

  int id1 = fork();
  int id2 = fork();

  if(id1 == 0 && id2 == 0) { func1( (void*) 0); }
  if(id1 != 0 && id2 != 0) { func2( (void*) 0); }
  if(id1 != 0 && id2 == 0) { func3( (void*) 0); }


Answer the following questions BOTH for the multi-thread and multi-process versions of main: (2 pts each)

  1. What could possibly be printed?

Multithread:                                      Multiprocess:

  1. Is there a possibility for race?

Multithread:                                     Multiprocess:

  1. Is there a possibility for deadlock?

Multithread:                                     Multiprocess:

  1. Write the letter T next to any characters relevant to the multi-threaded version (if any), write the letter M next to any characters relevant to the multi-process version (if any). (3pts)




Question 8. Time for Revenge! (16pts)  CS33代写

It’s time to get revenge on the big banks. Your friend Sombra works at InsecureBankCo, and manages to steal some code. She also gets the dissassembly from gdb, which is printed below.

Each user’s data is in a bank account t struct, and there is a table for all the users called “users”. You know your account data is inside.

One of the features of the bank is that they let users set a notifification time for any account alerts – you notice that this occurs in “set notifification time”. This function takes a user ID, an id for the day-of-the-week (0 represents Monday, 4 represents Friday), and a integer representing the notifification time (9 = 9:00am).

This function looks *very* interesting for an exploit.


typedef struct acc {

  char username[16];                  //username string 
  long int dollars;         //each user’s money 
  long int daily_notification_time[5];               //time of day for notificaiton 

} bank_account_t;

bank_account_t users[num_accounts];

int set_notification_time(int user_id,int day_of_week, long int time) {
  bank_account_t b = users[user_id];
  b.daily_notification_time[day_of_week] = time;
  users[user_id] = b;

void delete_all_accounts() {
  memset(users,0,sizeof(users)); //sets the users array to 0 

(gdb) p/x &users
$2 = 0x601060

(gdb) disassemble set_notification_time
Dump of assembler code for function set_notification_time:

0x0000000000400546 <+0>: movslq %edi,%rdi

0x0000000000400549 <+3>: shl $0x6,%rdi

0x000000000040054d <+7>: mov 0x601060(%rdi),%rcx

0x0000000000400554 <+14>: mov %rcx,-0x40(%rsp)

0x0000000000400559 <+19>: mov 0x601068(%rdi),%rcx

0x0000000000400560 <+26>: mov %rcx,-0x38(%rsp)

0x0000000000400565 <+31>: mov 0x601070(%rdi),%rcx

0x000000000040056c <+38>: mov %rcx,-0x30(%rsp)

0x0000000000400571 <+43>: mov 0x601078(%rdi),%rcx

0x0000000000400578 <+50>: mov %rcx,-0x28(%rsp)

0x000000000040057d <+55>: mov 0x601080(%rdi),%rcx

0x0000000000400584 <+62>: mov %rcx,-0x20(%rsp)

0x0000000000400589 <+67>: mov 0x601088(%rdi),%rcx

0x0000000000400590 <+74>: mov %rcx,-0x18(%rsp)

0x0000000000400595 <+79>: mov 0x601090(%rdi),%rcx

0x000000000040059c <+86>: mov %rcx,-0x10(%rsp)

0x00000000004005a1 <+91>: mov 0x601098(%rdi),%rcx

0x00000000004005a8 <+98>: mov %rcx,-0x8(%rsp)

0x00000000004005ad <+103>: movslq %esi,%rsi

0x00000000004005b0 <+106>: mov %rdx,-0x28(%rsp,%rsi,8)

0x00000000004005b5 <+111>: mov -0x40(%rsp),%rdx

0x00000000004005ba <+116>: mov %rdx,0x601060(%rdi)

0x00000000004005c1 <+123>: mov -0x38(%rsp),%rdx

0x00000000004005c6 <+128>: mov %rdx,0x601068(%rdi)

0x00000000004005cd <+135>: mov -0x30(%rsp),%rdx

0x00000000004005d2 <+140>: mov %rdx,0x601070(%rdi)

0x00000000004005d9 <+147>: mov -0x28(%rsp),%rdx

0x00000000004005de <+152>: mov %rdx,0x601078(%rdi)

0x00000000004005e5 <+159>: mov -0x20(%rsp),%rdx

0x00000000004005ea <+164>: mov %rdx,0x601080(%rdi)

0x00000000004005f1 <+171>: mov -0x18(%rsp),%rdx

0x00000000004005f6 <+176>: mov %rdx,0x601088(%rdi)

0x00000000004005fd <+183>: mov -0x10(%rsp),%rdx

0x0000000000400602 <+188>: mov %rdx,0x601090(%rdi)

0x0000000000400609 <+195>: mov -0x8(%rsp),%rdx

0x000000000040060e <+200>: mov %rdx,0x601098(%rdi)

0x0000000000400615 <+207>: retq

(gdb) disassemble delete_all_accounts

Dump of assembler code for function delete_all_accounts:

0x0000000000400616 <+0>: mov $0x601060,%edx

0x000000000040061b <+5>: mov $0x320,%ecx

0x0000000000400620 <+10>: mov $0x0,%eax

0x0000000000400625 <+15>: mov %rdx,%rdi

0x0000000000400628 <+18>: rep stos %rax,%es:(%rdi)

0x000000000040062b <+21>: retq




1.In the box above, draw the stack as it would appear just before instruction 0x4005b5 after calling the function “set notifification time(0,1,9)”. (Meaning user=0, day=Tuesday, time=9:00am). Draw everything you know about the stack. Hint: you won’t know all the data values to put into the stack, instead, label the stack with appropriate variable names (like ”username, bytes 0-7”).

2.With what arguments could you call “set notifification time” to give yourself ONE MILLION dollars? (assume your user id is 10)

3.With what arguments could you call “set notifification time” to delete all the accounts (the users array)?




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