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cs论文essay代写 Programming代写

2022-08-03 09:06 星期三 所属: CS代写,CS作业代写考试代考-价格便宜有靠谱 浏览:531


Programming Learning

cs论文essay代写 The determination of the techniques, which could best fit a specific group of students, is a critical requirement.

Unit Overview  cs论文essay代写

Learning language especially the English language requires the use of practical methods and experiences. The determination of the techniques, which could best fit a specific group of students, is a critical requirement. This paper entails a design of English Mini Unit for the K-6 students and it makes use of information reports with great consideration of grammar with nouns and noun group and the main focus on grammar aspects. The K-6 students entail a special group of students mainly within the age of at most 11 years and mainly within their junior level of primary schooling. This group of students do their best in learning through practically initiated lessons that could be based on factual aspects.

The learning would take place through interactive activities whereby the teacher would teach the students as individuals, as a whole class, or could urge students to form small groups based on students with mixed abilities. All these would depend on the prevailing learning activity. This would make idea sharing easier and would boost the weak students to catch up with their bright counterparts. The use of practical and factual genre to teach them some aspects of grammar and communication in English would greatly enhance their English skills and other learning skills as they gain some new concepts about their social and geographical environment as it has been used for the mini unit in this paper.

In this case, the paper concentrates mainly on nouns and noun groups whereby the teacher would be obligated to teacher the learners how to differentiate the two in readings.

The learners would gain skills in highlighting words and texts to point out important content and grammar features that could be then be used in writing own information reports. They could show their understanding through their ability to handle cloze texts. Information reports have been selected as the most suitable genre in this English mini unit.  cs论文essay代写

The choice information report is based on its aspects of using factual text. It could be used in the case of environmental setting to provide information about the immediate environments in which the students live. Information reports would provide a better understanding of environmental issues and conservation measures to the students. Given that students at the K-6 level learn best through facts and experiences, information reports would be a good genre since it would use facts to explain the environmental phenomena and issues addressed in the KLA topic. This genre would give details about the topic and contain personal views. It would as well give learners a chance to present their views orally, thereby promoting an understanding of both written and spoken English.

Stage : Stage 3

Topic/ Theme : Environmental Conservation/ Protection

KLA(s) : Human Society and its Environment

Genre : Information Report

Grammar focus : Noun Group

English Mini Topic


Rational  cs论文essay代写

Learning requires special techniques and methods. Teaching some topics requires practical and factual experience and interactive participation between the teacher and students as well as among students. The use of practical experiences and interactive participation could be initiated using specific genres in teaching topics on practical experiences such as environmental aspects like environmental conservation.  In this paper, the teacher would use information reports as the genre of choice to provide factual knowledge on environmental conservation to students. The main aim would be enhancing the learners competencies in both language and literacy skills (Hay, & Fielding-Barnsley, 2009).

The teacher would focus on noun group as the main aspect of grammar that students need to learn. The learning would be mainly collaborative where students would learn in small groups consisting of students of mixed abilities or as a class. Some learning activities would require individual work. The use of information report in this case is grounded on its ability to organize learners’ KLA topic and the respective experiences for them. They are useful for the K-6 learners since they enhance recording, organizing, and storing of information that relate to the environment as the KLA topic of choice (Board of Studies NSW, 1998).

Besides, the teacher could find the information report useful since it also entails the workplace setting other than the educational setting.

Their attributes of being a means for apprenticing learners into discourse communities, which are connected with issues related to science and technology would even add onto the many advantages of using information reports.  cs论文essay代写

Again, the genre can be applied with other different genres, which gives learners the opportunity to make use of other information sources to support their learning and grammar experiences (Derewianka & Jones, 2012). Information reports would expose the learners to more language and communication skills such as generalizing, classifying, defining, describing, analysing, as well as comparing and contrasting different texts from an environmental context. Grammar aspects would include the use and application of nouns and noun groups in writing information reports (Rushton, 2010). It could as well include other tasks such as handling cloze texts. Students’ understanding is depicted through learners’ outcomes and the respective indicators.


Derewianka, B. & Jones, P. (2012) Teaching language in context. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. Chapter 2 pp19-25

Hay, I., & Fielding-Barnsley, R. (2009).Competencies that underpin children’s transition into early literacy. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy.32 (2), 148-162.

Rushton, K. (2010) EDU010 Teaching grammar in the context of narrative. Sydney: e: lit.

Teaching Objectives:

The teaching objective for this lesson is to make students gain an understanding of information reports, which could portray factual description and information about their immediate environments and the way such environments relate to other parts of the world.



EN3-5B Discusses how language is used to achieve a widening range of purposes for a widening range of audiences and contexts  cs论文essay代写


ENS3.5 Demonstrates an understanding of the interconnection between Australia and global environments and how individuals and groups can act in an ecologically responsible manner.


– Students can point out some major environmental problems presented various texts based on facts.

– Students identify various causes of environmental prolusion.


 Teaching or Learning Strategies – Lesson Sequence 1

Title – Learning about general environment




Students would be asked to read various texts but mainly those explaining facts about environmental issues in order to understand the concepts behind the information reports. Sample information reports on environmental issues would be preferred the most. They would then concentrate on various information that tackle environmental issues and the best conservation measures. Students would be asked brief questions about their environment and the need to conserve it with respect to what they could understand from the sample information reports.

Small Groups (mixed abilities)

They would provide some characteristics of clean and polluted environments. They would provide random answers on what they understand by environmental conservation in accordance with their understanding from the available information reports. Students would get involved in their respective group discussions to point out the possible causes of environmental issues in the real world. They would conduct some detailed discussion on the implications of environmental prolusion such as air prolusion, water prolusion, and soil prolusion. They would also provide some possible ways of eliminating or reducing each of the human activities that initiate the various types of environmental pollution (Harding, 2006). They would also indicate their participation in polluting their environments.  cs论文essay代写

Information Reports:

– General information reports structures (Appendix 8)

– Internet Information and Society reports on environmental issues

– Electronic sources (Appendix 4)


The teacher needs to assess students by evaluating the comprehension skills in which they could bring out various themes from written information reports.  The teacher could also listen to their discussions and analyse their answers, with respect to their reference materials.

Teaching Objectives:

The teaching objective in this lesson is to introduce information reports to the learners. Students need understand what information report is and how they can construct their own information reports about the topic.



EN3-6B Uses knowledge of sentence structure, grammar, punctuation and vocabulary to respond to and compose clear and cohesive texts in different media and technologies  cs论文essay代写


ENS3.5 Demonstrates an understanding of the interconnection between Australia and global environments and how individuals and groups can act in an ecologically responsible manner.


– Can show some key descriptive skills

– Identifies their participatory basis using facts

– Understands that they have a role to play in conserving the environment


Teaching/ Learning Strategies – Lesson Sequence 2

Title – Learning about information reports and how they can be used to construct  factual ideas on environmental conservation



Whole Class

The teacher needs to depict a good way of introducing and teaching information reports to the learners. The teacher would locate examples of information reports that related to the topic and grammar that the teacher wishes to teach the students. This could include aspects like the verbs used in environment related texts the inclusion of other aspects of grammar.  cs论文essay代写

The teacher can as well begin a list of environmental issues for the class wall and present the same using a projector (APPENDIX 1 & 2). The students can then be proved with information reports, which are cut up into various sentences. To test their writing and language skills, students can be asked to put such sentences into paragraphs or bundles, which contain similar information. The teacher could also ensure that students are able to construct environment related topics when given information in the form of sentences of paragraphs.


– Factual data or information reports on environmental issues

– Structure of information reports (Appendix 8)

– Clear prospects of wall displays in the classroom

– Images (APPENDIX 1)

– Projector



– Observation of students based on their proficiency with information reports.

– Students’ work would be thoroughly assessed by the teacher.

Teaching Objectives:

Students need to understand that they have a role to play to ensure a healthy ecosystem. They main aim of this lesson is to learn how to construct information reports.



EN3-7C Thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about information and ideas and identifies connections between texts when responding to and composing texts


ENS3.6 Explains how various beliefs or practices influence the ways people interact with, make changes to, and value their environment.



– Have proficiency in structuring information reports

– Recognises that a balanced ecosystem is good for them and other climatic balances as depicted in different information reports.

– They can extract main idea from texts and use it to write information reports

– Can follow instructions carefully to construct information reports and complete other activities

– Listens keenly and contributes to the class discussions.

 Teaching/ Learning Strategies – Lesson Sequence 3  cs论文essay代写

Title – Constructing Information report about Ecosystems




Small Groups (Mixed Abilities)

Students would learn how to construct information reports. They would use specific structures as guided by their teacher. They would know how to for the title concerning environmental issues or conservation.


The title would inform the readers about the environmental issue covered in the report.


The students should be able include introductory paragraph, which explains the environmental topic covered in the report.


The other important part is the body paragraph, in which the environmental topic, such as ecosystems, is fully covered in details. The paragraphs in the body of the information reports should have factual information. Learners should use subheadings to break the body and help in organizing the factual information.   cs论文essay代写


The inclusion of a conclusion is vital as it provides any final facts or details about the environmental topic. The conclusion also reviews what the information report is about.

Other sections of the information report include visual elements, which help the reader to understand the topic in a better way. The visual elements could include pictures, photographs, maps, graphs, diagrams, paintings, or drawings of some key features from the environment topic being addressed. A glossary would also be included but at the end of the report. The glossary entails a list of the technical words used in the reports and helps the reader understand the environmental topic in a better way.

– Information report on Pollution,

– Ecosystem books

– Writing material and sample information reports  (these could be laminated and walled)

– Information report structure and requirements (APPENDIX 8)



-Observing the students based on their ability to construct information reports. Assessment of the way students take keen of grammar aspects and structure in their information reports.

Teaching Objectives:

Students gain knowledge of some core international agreements on environmental conservation and are in a position present the same through information reports.



EN3-6B Uses knowledge of sentence structure, grammar, punctuation and vocabulary to respond to and compose clear and cohesive texts in different media and technologies


EN3-8D Identifies and considers how different viewpoints of their world, including aspects of culture, are represented in texts


– Name some global regulations on environmental conservation or pollution.

– List some key agreements such as the Kyoto protocol among others


 Teaching/ Learning Strategies – Lesson Sequence 4

Title – Learning About International Environmental Agreements




Small Groups (Mixed Abilities)

Ask students to name some key facts on global strategies and regulations meant to enhance environmental protection. Ask them to apply the same in information reports and present their arguments in class while ensuring that all aspects of grammar and structure are observed. Discuss why many resources on the planet are vulnerable while basing their answers on environmental pollution and human activities as depicted by factual information.   cs论文essay代写

Other ways of building knowledge is with fact-based data and information to show how countries cooperate to develop common agreements on environmental protection. In this case, students could use international factual reports that are based on environmental activities that affect all people globally. They would use the learned concepts to discuss the way various international agreements help in promoting environmental protection (Solomon, 2010). They can also relate the current trends with the history of such globally initiated efforts to protect the environment.

– Videos and images of environmental pollutions

– Information reports on global protocols



Observation of students based on their notes made.  Observation of their ability to present their views and link then to factual data about the environmental topic studied in the lesson.

Teaching Objectives:

Students will understand facts about of public opinion on environmental conservation. They would be able to construct information reports by looking at various facts concerning their environments and the best conservation measures.



EN3-3A Uses a range of skills, knowledge, and strategies to read, establish, and comprehend texts in different forms and technologies   cs论文essay代写


CCS3.1 Explains the significance of particular people, places, groups, actions and events in the past in developing Australian identities and heritage



– Able to communicate fluently with the public about the problem

– Able to communicate ideas to the public freely

– Listens attentively, and then converses with others about their view from the public opinion.

– Can construct good information reports from the data collected

 Teaching/ Learning Strategies – Lesson Sequence 5


Title – Creating information report based on the public opinion about environmental conservation




Whole Class:

The teacher would ask the K-6 learners to find out what the public thinks about their environments and environmental conservation. The findings would include aspects like the prevailing environmental issues, what the government could be doing about such problems and their participation level towards a solution to the environmental problems.   cs论文essay代写

The teacher would then teach the K-6 learners on how to write an information report based on a good structure. Individual:

The teacher would then ask them to write their own personal information reports using the structure below:

Information Report on Public Opinion towards the Environment and Conservation Measures


All people have a role to play in conserving the natural environment. The natural environment consists of both living things and non-living things, which occur naturally. Many people would approve that they have a role to play to conserve it due to the respective importance to their lives. Other people would only expect the government or other authorities to solve any related issue but the truth is that everybody has a role to play.


Key Environmental Issues  

Most people, about 70% of the questioned individuals, hold that they problems such as global warming, decreasing rainfall, more floods, droughts, and other catastrophes are caused by human activities. Major activities generating such problems include deforestation, new technologies in farming, which contribute to greenhouse gasses, and other poor farming methods initiates most of these environmental problems (Board of Studies NSW, 1998).   cs论文essay代写

Greenhouse gasses and deforestation are the major causes of global warming. Global warming on the other hand has contributed to major climatic changes such as reduced rainfalls and changing seasons as well as melting ice caps on mountain tops and in the polar regions. Consequently, coastlines are submerging due to an increasing raise of the sea level.

Possible Solutions

The public believes that all people have a role to play. Human activities contributing to the emission of greenhouse gasses need to be stopped. These include emission of green house gasses like carbon dioxide gasses, sulphur gasses, and other harmful gasses. People need to stop those activities contributing to deforestation. Tree-planting should be increased.


The key objective in this information report is to stop the human activities contributing to global warming, whether directly or indirectly. Increased regulations on environmental pollution should be employed (Board of Studies NSW, 1998). People should increase their concern about their environment and act responsively towards environmental protection and conservation.

Visual Element

Pictures of destructive human activities, graphs showing the intensity of the problem, and photographs related to environmental conservation


List of technical word

Small Groups (mixed abilities)

The teacher would show them how to analyse the collected data to generate meaningful information and the way they could present the information in class using oral literature techniques while maintain all aspects of information reports. The students could then discuss about their findings and link them to form an informed conclusion about the public opinions about the environment, possible issues, and possible solutions.

– Watch internet videos (APPENDIX 4)

– recording devises

– Notebooks

– Internet resources to access a range of pictures, graphs, and diagrams (Appendix 1,2 &3)



– Observation of students based on their findings and the constructed information reports.
Teaching Objectives:

Students will understand something about government participation on environmental protection, and how to link it to oral presentation as a major aspect in information reports



EN3-8D Identifies and considers how different viewpoints of their world, including aspects of culture, are represented in texts


SSS3.7 Describes how the Australian people, the systems and communities have been globally interconnected and recognizes global responsibilities.


– They can point out the roles played by the government through information reports

– Can examines their participation cs论文essay代写



 Teaching/ Learning Strategies – Lesson Sequence 6  cs论文essay代写


Title – Learning about the History of Environmental Protection





Small Groups (mixed abilities)

The teacher would ask students about their knowledge on historical instances of environmental protection and ask them to present the same through information reports. She could point out some instances of the same to students based on existing factual information works in the form of information reports.

In this case, the teacher can point out the way different factual reports have considered grammatical aspects such as the use nouns and noun groups, verb use, conjunctions, sentence structures, and more importantly, the tenses used in writing such reports. Students would be able to learn the various grammatical rules, which are important in writing good information reports. They could then relate their respective historical backgrounds on environmental protection with that of other countries with respect to the factual information presented in the existing information reports. They would then be able to establish their advancement and efforts as far as protecting their environment are concerned (Solomon, 2010).

–  Historical books and information reports based on factual data

Assessment  cs论文essay代写

– Observations of students from their notes making and their information report presentations.

– Observation of how students can comprehend information from existing reports.

Teaching Objectives:

Students will gain knowledge about various aspects of grammar especially noun groups, reconstruction of noun groups. They would learn this through skills in cloze passages based on government protection on environment.



EN3-2A Composes texts, edits them, and presents them in a well-structured and coherent manner


SSS3.8 Explains the structures, the roles, the responsibilities, and the decision-making processes by the State and federal governments and then explains the Australians value fairness as well as the socially just principles.


– Can handle cloze passages

– Can point out noun groups

– Can reconstruct noun groups

 Teaching/ Learning Strategies – Lesson Sequence 7

Title – Introducing grammar Aspects like Noun Groups in Learning about Government Role



Whole Class:

The teacher can introduce students to noun groups as a key aspect in grammar. Students in this case would learn that noun groups involve linguistic sequences, which could function as subjects, objects, or even act as subject complements (Palma, 2013). Noun groups could as well as preposition complements. Students need to be in a position of identifying these grammar features within different texts that are based on the government roles in controlling environmental pollution.  cs论文essay代写

The teacher could as well teach the learners on how they could highlight information within texts and establish various grammar features that they could use in constructing own information reports (Palma, 2013). They could use factual documents such as the constitution, and acts of law entailing environmental protection. They would then read passages on the role of the government in conserving the environment.

Small Groups (mixed abilities)

To ensure that the students are fully knowledgeable on noun groups, the teacher could ask then to construct their own noun groups while relating them to the immediate environmental topic. The teacher could then conclude this lesson by providing the students with cloze passages related to the government role. Students would show how they are conversant with grammar aspects especially the use of noun groups.


– Relevant constitutional documents on environmental law and acts

– Sample cloze texts (APPENDIX 6)

Assessment  cs论文essay代写

– Observation of students based on their ability to use group nouns and other grammar tools with respect to their knowledge in information reports and coze texts.

Teaching Objectives:

Students will use, understand, and have experience on various literatures related to environmental protection. They would understand the role of using correct grammar when communicating ideas to other people using information reports in this case.









EN3-9E Recognizes, reflects on and assesses their strengths as a learner


ENS3.5 Demonstrates an understanding of the interconnection between Australia and global environments and how individuals and groups can act in an ecologically responsible manner.



– Identifies features such as action verbs within literature texts and reports

– Listens keenly and communicates with others to share information.


 Teaching/ Learning Strategies – Lesson Sequence 8


Title – Use of Literature and grammar (such as nouns and noun groups) to pass environmental conservation information





The teacher would ensure that every student could identify different grammar aspects and features like nouns, noun groups, verbs, adverbs, and other aspects of grammar in texts, and portray the same competences in writing and presenting their information reports to other people.

Whole Class

Students would be taught on the various ways of highlighting texts in order to extracting themes and other literature aspects from various texts about environmental conservation. In this lesson, the teacher would also teach students on the different grammar features in information reports, and how students can enhance their writing skills by incorporating the same in their information reports and general studies. They would also go through different sources and be asked to point out the genres in which each material belongs and how they are close, similar, or different from information reports.

Small Groups (mixed abilities)

They would be asked to extract the main facts depicted in the texts to use in writing own information reports. Students would then be required to use correct grammar in presenting the facts to the target audience through their written information reports. The use of facts, which is the key feature of information reports, would capture the attention of the listeners.

– Books like Antarctica (A book)

– Add noun groups to the classroom wall displays



– Observation of students’ work during activities and observation of their level of understanding grammar rules and aspects of information reports

– Student would also be evaluated based on their presentation abilities and skills.

Teaching Objectives:

Students would use their English skills and knowledge to conduct oral presentations of their information reports




EN3-4A Draws on the right strategies to spell familiar or unfamiliar words correctly when composing texts for effective oral presentation


ENS3.5 Demonstrates an understanding of the interconnection between Australia and global environments and how individuals and groups can act in an ecologically responsible manner.


– Can identify grammatical aspects in texts and utilizes them in writing and presenting information reports

–  Can show adequate confidence in communication, even in public without grammatical mistakes

Teaching/ Learning Strategies – Lesson Sequence 9  cs论文essay代写

Title – Oral Presentation of challenges in protecting the environment





Students are asked to orally present the factual ideas in their written information reports. The presentation includes facts and their views on environmental protection and the possible challenges. Students are urged to be confident in order to gain communication strength when communicating publicly.

They are advised to use their favorite communication techniques when passing the information about the challenges faced in protecting the environment with respect to what they have written in their information reports (Stack Exchange Inc, 2013). They can present their views while observing correct grammatical requirements as indicated in the K-6 English syllabus. They should bring out whatever they have written into their verbal communication skills through the oral presentation. Students should be able to communicate their views and difficult experiences in trying to protect the environment or encourage environmental conservation.

– Books on environmental science

– Information reports on environmental conservation


– Observation of students’ ability to communicate verbally using the right language and grammar requirements.

– Students’ ability to communicate their ideas smoothly and confidently  cs论文essay代写

Teaching Objectives:

Students would use their English skills and knowledge to construct information reports with the help of their teacher.



EN3-5A Discusses how language through correct grammar and genre can be used to achieve various purposes for large audiences and contexts


ENS3.5 Demonstrates an understanding of the interconnection between Australia and global environments and how individuals and groups can act in an ecologically responsible manner.


– Can identify grammatical aspects in texts and utilizes them effectively in information reports

–  Can depict adequate confidence in communication, even in public without grammatical mistakes

Teaching/ Learning Strategies – Lesson Sequence 10

Title – Joining construction of an Information Report on protecting the environment



Whole Class

The teacher would take charge to guide the students as they participate in structuring and writing information reports on protecting their environment. The students need to do this task as a group activity in which the teacher would be available to guide them.

The teacher would guide them on how to form an interesting but real topic, which depicts whatever the information report entails. The teacher would then guide the students through all other parts of the information report such as the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. The body would include subtitles based on the various ways of protecting the environment.  cs论文essay代写

The teacher would guide them on how to attach related and meaningful visual elements and explain to the students on its importance. The students would as well learn on how to extract technical words and find their meanings to making it easier for readers to understand the information reports. They would conclude, as a class, how the use of language through information reports can reach a wide range of audience in which factual information would convince then to apply good human practices that promote environmental protection and conservation.

– Environmental  books

– Books on environmental science


– Observation of students’ work during activities and the way they are conversant with the genre especially the application of its rules.

– Students’ work would be collected and evaluated

Students would be evaluated based on their writing skills, comprehension skills, and their abilities to absorb and accept ideas from other students. The teacher would also evaluate student on the way they have understood all the lessons and how sufficiently they can present their ideas through the learned genre.

References  cs论文essay代写

Christie, F. (2005). Language Education in the Primary Years . Sydney: UNSW Press.

Derewianka, B. (2011). A New Grammar Companion. Newtown: e:lit.

Harding, R. (2006). Ecologically sustainable development: origins, implementation and challenges. Desalination, 187(1-3), 229-239.

Karamanos, P. (2001). Voluntary Environmental Agreements: Evolution and Definition of a New Environmental Policy Approach . Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 44(1), 67-84.

Meng, J. (2009). Origins of attitudes towards animals. Ultravisum, Brisbane.

Solomon, U. (2010). A detailed look at the three disciplines, environmental ethics, law and education to determine which plays the most critical role in environmental enhancement and protection. Environment, . Development and Sustainability, 12(6), 1069-1071.  cs论文essay代写

Stack Exchange Inc. (2013). What are your favorite English language tools? Retrieved from http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/1482/what-are-your-favorite-english-language-tools

Sutherland, R. (2000). Giving kids a healthy start. Parent and Citizen Journal, 51(2), 6-10.

Rossbridge, J., & Rushton, K. (2010).Conversations about text: Teaching grammar literary texts. Sydney: e: lit.

Board of Studies NSW. (1998). Introducing the HSIE K-6 Syllabus to Parents and School Community Members. Sydney: Board of Studies NSW.

Palma, J. (2013). Noun Group. Zulia: Universidad del Zulia.

APPENDICES  cs论文essay代写


Images of Destroyed/ Polluted Environments through Human Activities from: https://www.google.co.ke/search?q=Pictures+of+destroyed+environment&client=firefox-a&hs=qtJ&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=kwBYUomXKOWX4wS98IDQDw&ved=0CDAQsAQ&biw=1024&bih=444&dpr=1

Forest fires


Deforestation poor waste disposal

APPENDIX 2  cs论文essay代写

Images of Natural Calamities from


Wind Destruction

Sea waves



Graphs Showing Intensity of Global Warming from https://www.google.co.ke/search?q=graphs+of+global+warming&client=firefox-a&hs=pXz&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=RAVYUrCHBYSp4gTck4CoCQ&ved=0CD0QsAQ&biw=1024&bih=444&dpr=1


Percentage contribution to global warming


Human Society and



Watch the following videos on environmental protection and conservation from the links provided below:

i.Environmental protection: http://www.google.co.ke/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDUQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DMEn0oIL3uoo&ei=YxBYUquCI8SE4ASuqYAo&usg=AFQjCNFZBcugzRx4xSctnDeoI-NQKl1JoQ&sig2=Ec4QSpOL2LxHyxH5zTubsA&bvm=bv.53899372,d.bGE

ii.Saving the Environment:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vkq_srFGW5I

iii.Educational Environment for Kids: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_eApyjB8sM

iv.Environmental Issues: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1KxC-S7QgA

APPENDIX 5  cs论文essay代写

After watching the videos, and observing the graphs and images, you may answer the following questions:

i.How can define an environment?

ii.What did you learn from the various videos, images, and graphs about environmental issues?

iii.What information can you extract from the images?

iv.What aspects depict the largest enemy to healthy environments?

v.Can you link all the visual elements to form a common conclusion?

vi.What do you learn from:

a.The images?

b.The graphs?

c.The videos?


Sample Cloze Text

Climatic change is strongly believed to be caused by ________1_________. People have been having mixed reaction for this claim but today most people believe that _____2________ is responsible for global warming. This problem has contributed to a number of effects such as catalysing natural calamities, leading to raising _____3______, and contributing to extreme weather conditions such as ______4________ and ________5______. Since _______6________ are highly responsible to global warming and the related effects, collaborative efforts need to be initiated to promote ________7______. This would promote the development of healthy environments but every _______8_______ becomes responsible.

Possible answers to the cloze text could be:  cs论文essay代写

1-Global warming

2-Human activity

3-Sea level

4-Flooding/ draught

5-Other natural catastrophes

6-Human activities

7-Environmental conservation

8-Human being


Kindly fill in the KWN chart to show you experience

The KWL chart

Know Want Learned



 Self-assessment sample:

Fill in the self assessment table below to show your level of understanding how to structure an information report:


Requirement   Yes/No
Use the correct structure
Good title
Classification- good explanation
Description- Clear description
Subheadings (At least 3)
Use of interesting facts
 Use of accurate information
Separation of paragraphs into correct subheadings
Inclusion of topic sentences
Use of noun groups
Use of  technical language
Suggestions made for areas of improvement

Name: _________ Date: ________



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