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cs论文代写 HTML代写 computer science代写

2022-04-22 14:14 星期五 所属: CS代写,CS作业代写考试代考-价格便宜有靠谱 浏览:791


The Abu Dhabi Chess Website

cs论文代写 There’s also a working copy on my PC which is edited regularly, when for example, match results are reported. When a series of changes are complete


This is abudhabichess and since its revival in summer ‘15, has been considerably extended. It is now widely used by the local chess-playing community as a source of reference and information.


The basic principle is that the whole website, (which currently contains over 2,000 files) resides on a server. There’s also a working copy on my PC which is edited regularly, when for example, match results are reported. When a series of changes are complete, the necessary pages (individual files) are uploaded to the server. This makes the new versions available to everyone, and is fully described in Section 3.  Many files are not viewable as web pages, but are used by the web software for administrative reasons.

In order to run (or assist in running) the NCA website, the following are needed:

  • A home PC.
  • A good working knowledge of the Windows operating system (currently the XP version).
  • An internet connection – and broadband is more or less essential, although I managed without it until pictures were added.
  • The Microsoft FrontPage (FP) web admin software, (familiarity with Word would give you a flying start for FP).
  • A File Transfer software package.  cs论文代写
  • A good knowledge of email, and in particular, attachments.
  • A reasonable understanding of HTML (hypertext mark up language) in which web pages are written.

Furthermore, a few other skills may be useful for some aspects of the whole operation. For example a little knowledge of computer programming since this is used in the Perl script which decodes the match-reporting pages. Occasionally Excel spreadsheet files are received (in particular from the League Conductor), so some other means of decoding them is necessary if you don’t have Excel itself. I’ve found that OpenOffice (freely downloadable, see Appendix B) is good for this. To reduce pictures to a sensible size, I came across another free download, Easy Thumbnails, which has proved very useful. Finally, you need a system of backing up files in case of emergencies.

All of these are described below.

Basics  cs论文代写

Note that it was necessary to add two extra feature to the original FP as supplied on a CD:

1)A facility to read in Word files, which was on the FP CD.

2)An add-in for sorting as explained in Section 5.7 (downloaded from the Web. However, before this can be used, it must be activated via the FrontPage Tools/Add-ins menu.


Pages, Views and Browsers

When in Page View, there are displayed at the bottom, three options tabs: ‘Normal’, ‘HTML’ and ‘Preview’, and the first is always used by default, (note, when using Frames, at the top level there are two other modes, see Section 5.8). ‘Preview looks very similar to ‘Normal’, but here, it shows the page as it would be viewed via a web browser, and it cannot be edited.

However if you want to see the page as it will really appear with a particular web browser, you must do so via File/Preview in Browser, and then select a specific browser, which should have been pre-defined via the ‘Add’ option. Currently there are four browsers available by this means: Internet Explorer (IE), Opera, Netscape and Mozilla Firefox – but these must all be on the PC of course. I almost always use Firefox since it’s an Open Source product which is freely available from the web, and it’s much more secure than IE. However, whenever I use any kind of new facility (such as frames and pictures), I always check it out with all of these.


HTML is the computer language in which web pages are coded – and it is defined by internationally agreed standards. However, there are some ‘unofficial’ extensions, but these may be handled differently by different browsers – which is why it’s important to look at new pages using IE etc. The Frames facility is not completely universal, but it does work with our four standard browsers.

You do not normally write in HTML directly. Rather, FP (or any other web software) generates it for you behind the scenes. However, it is widely acknowledged that the HTML produced by FP is not very good, i.e. it is rather verbose. Sometimes it is necessary to modify the appearance of a page, change a link or email address etc. and if you know what you’re doing, it is often easiest to modify the HTML code directly. The ‘HTML’ option is used for this. The special line separators were added using the HTML <HR> tag (Horizonal Rule)  cs论文代写

In fact, the actual web pages generated by FP are always stored as HTML. Even so, when viewing the HTML via FP, you don’t see the file exactly. Themes and navigation aspects are added later, and the only way you can see the real HTML is to go outside FP, and use Notepad via My Documents\My Webs\…


The Tasks view

This is used as a checklist of outstanding problems. It has nothing directly to do with any particular page, and it is not actually necessary to use it at all. However, I have used it, particularly when the whole project was being developed. You can add tasks, edit them, and mark them as complete, in which case they will be removed from the list next time you start up FP. Behind the scenes there are two files which essentially keep a record of these outstanding and completed tasks. If ever the web administration were shared with other people, it would be important to ensure that these two files were copied to the server whenever they changed. These are: _vti_pvt\_X_TODO.HTM and _vti_pvt\_X_TODOH.HTM, (‘to do history’).

Adding Links etc

One major difference between using Word and FP is of course that web pages need links to other pages, either within the same site, or external ones. These are easily added using Insert/Hyperlink. You can then choose: a) a file from a list on the website, b) an external web page, or c) an email address, which uses the HTML ‘mailto:’ facility. Several other useful things may also added using ‘Insert’ – pictures, headers, navigation bars, bookmarks etc, (the latter allows the user to go directly to a place further down a page). In particular there’s a group of things which may be put in forms, text boxes, radio buttons etc, which all feature in the match-reporting facility (see Section 7). It’s all quite straightforward when you get used to it

Tables   cs论文代写

The table sort facility is useful for generating new league tables after new results are added. Here’s the sequence:

1)Click anywhere in the actual league table.

2)On the top row, select Table, then Sort …

3)Set the radio button: My list has Header row.

4)Set the first option to sort by Match Points – descending, then

5)Played – ascending, then

6)Game Points – descending.

7)Finally OK.

However the ½ symbol causes problems here since it isn’t recognised as a numerical value, so it has to be adjusted manually afterwards.


Several pictures needed explanatory text (e.g. naming the players in a group photo). I put these in a separate folder called picture_gallery\pictures_with_text. These were generated by creating a new page, using Insert/Picture, then typing in the text.


The process has five main stages:

1)Use Google to find the postcode,

2)Use this postcode with a web map facility to give a map of the area at a suitable scale,

3)Use a PC drawing facility to add a red arrow,

4)Finally, copy this map into a file in one of FP’s folders (clubs_stuff\club_maps2),

5)Add a link from each club’s page to the map.

The whole process is described in a text file, (clubs_stuff\read_me.txt), and all the postcodes have been collected together in a little text file (clubs_stuff\clubs_postcodes.txt).


The grading season is 1st June – 31st May, and the ECF publishes the new list on its website in July/early August. However, this is a preliminary version, which is followed by a revised (i.e. final official) version around the end of August. They also normally publish revised grades, for Rapidplay only, in January.

Combining and Sorting  cs论文代写

After downloading this add-in, the whole process consisted of the following steps, (but note that it’s a good idea to save the files at key stages when it’s ‘OK so far’, (i.e. it looks OK with your browser), since it’s easy to screw things up with some operations!)

  1. Go to: bcfservices.org.uk/getcountylist.php?code=’CNOU’,’CDUR’
  2. Save the resulting page using ‘File/Save As’, into a temporary file under the grades folder of the FP files folder, say ecfcomb.
  3. Edit this HTML file using Notepad to remove all the surrounding trimmings, leaving just the table (including the header) between <table> and </table>.
  4. Replace all the links in the header line of the form: ‘<ahref=”getcountylist.php?…>Name</a>’  with just ‘Name’ etc.
  5. Open FrontPage, then get a blank new page. Using Insert/File copy the file ecfcombinto it.
  6. Remove the ‘Sex’ column, since table width is tight, thus: click anywhere in that column, click Table/Select/Column, then Table/Delete Cells.
  7. Some long club names can be abbreviated if necessary, e.g. replace “St Theresa’s Abu dhabi” by “St Teresa’s”. Also, it’s a good idea to adjust the column widths so that most players/clubs fit on one line.

Frames  cs论文代写

There are two files associated with the Home Page, main.htm and index.html. The first contains the main text only, i.e. without the LH NB links. The second consists of two parts:

1)a chunk of text which is displayed if the user’s browser doesn’t support frames,

2)the special Frames commands which in effect display the NB on the left,  and the main text on the right.

Note that index.html is not the only page which contains Frames commands. Some pages contain links to external sites, and it would not be appropriate for a user to visit these sites while leaving the NBs on the left. There is a facility to override this – but it may be used in two different ways:  cs论文代写

1)To turn off frames for an individual hyperlink, the option ‘TARGET=”_top”’ is added to the ‘<A HREF…>’ command.

2)To turn them off for all such links on a page, this line is added near the top of the page, somewhere between <HEADER> and </HEADER>:

<BASE TARGET=”_top”>

Note also that when editing pages within FP, the LH column of NBs is not normally displayed, (even when using ‘Preview in Browser’). The only exception is index.html itself. However, when pages are uploaded, they appear as they should when using any browser normally.

When index.html is shown in FP page mode, besides the three standard ones, there two extra tabs shown at the bottom – ‘No Frames’ and ‘Frames Page HTML’.

The former shows what a user will see if their web browser isn’t frames-enabled, while the latter shows the normal view of the page containing the Frames commands in HTML mode. Now that it all works, these two views are never needed, but they were useful during development. (Note that if you link to other pages via index.html, the LH column of links remains in place).

The LH column, lh_nav_bar.htm, is a page like any other, but only contains a vertical NB. It appears in the Navigation View at the top level, and every other page except main.htm is below it in the tree. Unlike most other pages, it does not have a header block.

One person reported that when he tried to save the site directly to his desktop, and subsequently accessed it by double-clicking, the NB on the left was missing. There is more than one way to do this, but the way which works with Internet Explorer is to reduce the size of the window, then drag the little IE icon (top left) into a blank area of the desktop.

Headers, Text Blocks and ‘Mouseover’ Files

Every file whose name appears in a brown text block, spawns three special files. One is the banner header, the second is the block which appears as a link. However the third is subtle. If you point to one of the links in the LH Navigation Bar, and pause before you click, you will notice that it changes its appearance slightly; this is the third file. For example, the three files associated with the ‘Officials’ page are:

_derived\officials.htm_cmp_sandston110_bnr.gif (banner)

_derived\officials.htm_cmp_sandston110_vbtn.gif (vertical button)

_derived\officials.htm_cmp_sandston110_vbtn_a.gif (the ‘mouseover’ file)  cs论文代写

(In fact there can be another group, which corresponds to the horizontal layout; these have similar names).

To summarise, I’d say that this whole topic is rather messy! If ever you need to add a new page which appears in a navigation bar, before uploading, have a good snoop around the various folders to see what files have just been created, and upload them. They may not in fact all be needed, since FP spawns these files all over the place, and I do know that they’re not all actually used (e.g. any file containing ‘010’). After uploading everything you think is necessary, go to the real website and check all the pages and related links, just in case you’ve forgotten anything. If you see anything wrong, try to sort it out quickly before anyone else sees it! (This has actually happened quite a few times).

Security of Website on Server

There was an even more serious security problem in March ’09, when some individuals’ PC security systems (including my own Grisoft AVG anti-virus) prevented access to the whole website. On consulting Web Mania’s technical staff, I was told that the site had been hacked, and malicious code inserted. The cure was to upload the whole site again from my PC – a daunting task which would take many hours (due to the fact that uploading on broadband is much slower than downloading). In the event I only uploaded about 50 pages, which was enough to ensure that it was available again. We never fully understood what had happened. However, I was advised to change the two passwords, and to continue to change them regularly, which I now do about once a week.

.shtml files and the ‘SSI’ facility  cs论文代写

In the ‘Submit Match Report’ facility, in each version (normal and ‘big’ league and Summer KO matches) there are two drop down lists to specify the Home and Away teams. There are also test versions of each page. Therefore there is much duplication of team lists. Since these lists change slightly each season, there is much repetition of the annual file editing.

Therefore to simplify this process, use was made of the rarely used ‘Server Side Include’ (SSI) facility in the HTML language. This allows just one copy of each list of teams to be needed for league and KO competitions. Therefore the main web pages can remain unchanged from year to year, with one file only needing to be edited for each type of competition.  cs论文代写

If a line such as:

<!–#include file=”select_ko_team.htm” –>

is included in a page, the file specified is slotted into the sequence at that place, and this can be used more than once. However, to ensure that this mechanism is activated, the ‘calling’ file must be specified as ‘.shtml’ rather than the normal ‘.htm’.

This trick is also used to specify the year used in the date field (since this also obviously changes each year).

How the Files are Processed



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