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CS代写:pyhon code代写CS-521 Project Guidelines (Online Class)

2018-08-21 08:00 星期二 所属: Python代写,python代做代考-价格便宜,0时差服务 浏览:646

CS-521 Project Guidelines (Online Class)


One of the requirements for CS-521 is the final project (20% of the grade). The project must be done individually. This is an opportunity for you to be creative in solving a problem that is of interest to you. The project should be challenging enough so that you could discuss it at future interviews with potential employers. Your project will also give me the opportunity to provide you with a future reference if you ever need it.

The project is due by the last day of the course. For the online class, you will have to record your (3-to-5 minutes) presentation of your results.

In addition to presentations, you will send us the following:

(1)  one-to-two page summary of what you have done and what were the main results

(2)  source file(s)

(3)  instructions how to run your code

Some of you are doing projects related to your work and sometimes the code can only run in your office. – for a number of reasons. It might be proprietary or it may not be a not a complete application but a piece of functionality. Our viewpoint is that you should apply what you learn in the classroom to the office, but we cannot grade for the work you do in the office.

The presentations should be at the level that other students can understand what your project is all about. Imagine that you are have an interview and you are asked to describe in a few words a Python project of your choice.

You are free to choose any topic that is of interest to you. The most important thing to keep in mind that this is a Python project. You will not be judged on the originality of your topic or the difficulty of implementation. We want you to show us the use of Python constructs. At the minimum, your code should include:

(1)  at least one of the container types (list, tuple, set, or dictionary)

(2)  at least one iteration type (for, while)

(3)  at least one conditional

(4)  at least one user-defined function

(5)  at least one user-defined class. Class file has to be imported and the class should have several required structures. It should have at least 1 public and 1 private method that are used, at least 2 attributes, plus an init() method that takes any number of arguments and a repr() method. (could be very simple)

(6)  file input or output. Please provide us with input data that you use


In addition, for each of your project please prepare a separate program with automated tests that can run on your code. Testing is a very important component and should probably be stressed more. We would like to see that your program works! Every module that you (factor, support library, whatever!) must include appropriate tests.

If someone wants to include an external module, they must first get permission from their facilitator. The run instructions for the code must also include specific instructions on how to install the module. We cannot grade your project if it uses proprietary modules that we do not have.


We asked you to send us your 1-2 sentence proposals so that we could assess if your project may be too difficult. If you are interested in more advanced Python projects, we can discuss it separately after you finish this class.

Finally, your project should contain no confidential data from your employer or any non-public source.

Good luck to all of you.




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