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2019-09-22 12:06 星期日 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:1001



Introduction: Week 4, 12 August

Submission: Week 8, 16 September, midday

Weighting: 40%




This assessment task challenges you to produce a short work of design criticism. This will take the form of a piece of writing no longer than 1000-1500 words, supported by a maximum of 5 relevant images. For the subject of your critique you are to choose a project (proposed or realised) of relevance to your design studio. Given the length of this task you are not expected to produce a comprehensive account. Rather, you should aim to address a particular aspect of the project in detail. Your critique is to be constructed using one of a number of contemporary approaches to design criticism currently in use by leading landscape architectural critics (to be outlined during class in week 5).




Criteria 1 – Subject matter 20%

the critique addresses a specific aspect of a chosen project, is relevant to landscape architecture, and is approached in an accurate, precise and detailed manner


Criteria 2 – Method 30%

the critique makes critical use of a pre-defined approach to landscape architectural critique, exhibiting a sound understanding of its aims, techniques and associated conventions


Criteria 3 – Argumentation 30%

the critique advances a compelling and reasoned argument using relevant examples to illustrate key concepts and ideas


Criteria 4 – Execution 20%

writing is clear, precise and coherent, and conforms to basis standards of grammar, punctuation and referencing




References are to be organised as footnotes and formatted using  UTS Harvard  conventions. The document is to be digitally submitted as an A4 PDF. 

Include a cover page with the following information:


  • Titleof critique (for you to determine)
  • Projectname
  • Projectlocation
  • Project designteam


  • Yourname
  • Your studentnumber


Type is to be 10pt, Helvetica, and 1.5 line-spacing.


When submitting your PDF save the file using the following protocol: surname_first name_11196.pdf




WEEK 4 – 12 August


In class:

  1. Introductionto 11196 and AT1 Design Criticism
  2. Workshop: Ways to becritical


To do for week 5:

  1. Identifya minimum of  3  projects (proposed or realised) relevant to your design Compile a detailed written summary for each project, supplemented by key images (across 2 pages).


Identify the following information for each project:


  • Location
  • Designteam
  • Keydates
  • Designbrief (agenda, problem, program)
  • Design intent (aims andobjectives)
  • Design strategy(method/technique)
  • Outcomes (whererelevant)
  • Describehow the project relevant to your studio


  1. Readand summarise (keep direct quotes to a minimum) the following assigned sources:


Czerniak, J. 2013, ‘Critics on criticism: landscape work’,  Harvard Design Magazine , no. 36, pp145-149.  


McAvin, M., Meyer, EK, Corner, J., Shirvani, H., Helphand, K., Riley, RB & Scarfo, R. 1991, ‘Landscape architecture and critical inquiry’,  Landscape Journal , vol. 10, no . 2, pp155-172. 


WEEK 5 – 19 August


In class:

  1. Lecture: Criticism: origins, conventions and emerging approaches     
  2. Workshop: Project review andselection


To do for week 6:

  1. Criticallyreflect on the methods discussed in class and identify your two preferred approaches for use in this assessment Considering your chosen project from the perspective of your shortlisted approaches what possible emphasis could your critique adopt? Write down your thoughts for discussion in week 6.
  2. Usingonline resources and the UTS Library locate existing criticism on your chosen Compile physical copies of the examples you find. Review the examples you’ve collected. Identify how the approaches used in these examples relate to those discussed in class. Furthermore, make a note of the focus of critique published to date.


WEEK 6 – 26 August


In class:

  1. Lecture: Criticism:crises
  2. Workshop: Methods review andselection


To do for week 7:

  1. Prepare a first draft of your critique. Bring an a3 printed copy of your writing to class (10pt text and 1.5 line spacing). In order to get started you may find it useful to establish a set of preliminary topic sentences, in the form of statements or questions. Use these to generate content. Don’t be overly cautious at this point in time. Write freely, and get your thoughts on the page (however rough).


WEEK 7 – 2 September


In class:

  1. Lecture: Criticism: leading byexample
  2. Workshop: Criticism inprogress




Monday, 9 September – In order to receive comments on your draft submission please email  your work to Rhys before 18:00 on the first Monday of stu-vac. Please provide your work in form of word format (for ease of track changes).


WEEK 8 – 16 September



Upload your submission to UTS online before the midday deadline.


In class:

  1. Lecture: Introduction to AT2 Critical Design
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