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Corporate Social Responsibility代考 ACC10107代写

2023-02-17 09:15 星期五 所属: 会计代写 浏览:380

Corporate Social Responsibility代考

The Business School

 Corporate Social Responsibility


Corporate Social Responsibility代考 Drawing on relevant literature, explainhow such a system is sustained over time and the role accounting plays in this.

Academic session: 2019/20

3 Hours (excluding reading time):

Reading time:  10 Minutes

Total exam time:  3 Hours 10 Minutes

Please read the full instructions before you start writing.

Exam paper information  Corporate Social Responsibility代考

  • Total number of pages: 4
  • Number of questions: 6
  • There are THREE sections.
  • Attempt ONEquestion from each section.
  • All questions carry equal marks

Special instructions

· Please answer each question in a separate answer booklet

· Dictionaries may only be used during reading time. After reading time, all dictionaries must be placed on the floor for the rest of the exam.

Special items

  • None

Examiner(s): James Dunn, Simon Gao, Jane Zhang

Section A  Corporate Social Responsibility代考

Answer ONE question from each section

Question 1

As a management accountant at Patagonia; a multinational company manufacturing clothing for outdoor wear, you are tasked with reviewing the performance of their ‘Better Sweaters’ line of tops which are made from 100% recycled materials. You are well aware of Patagonia’s mission to “save our home planet” but are concerned about the increased cost implications of such a statement.


a)Provide threeillustrated examples of how you might overcome these concerns. (15 marks)   Corporate Social Responsibility代考

b)Drawing on the Institute of Management Accountants Statement of Ethical Professional Practice, analysewhether the principles and / or standards are violated or upheld if you undertake the suggestions in part a).   (60 marks)

c)Critically evaluatethe extent to which ethical codes are helpful for management accountants when dealing with economic / social / environmental tensions in cases such as those in parts a.   (25 marks)

Total [100] marks.

Question [2]

a)Critically evaluatethe ethics of the current economic system from a consequentialist and/or non-consequentialist perspective. (40 marks)

b)Drawing on relevant literature, explainhow such a system is sustained over time and the role accounting plays in this. (60 marks)

Total [100] marks.

Total marks for section [A] is [100]

Section [B]

Answer ONE question from each section

Question 3

XYZ Ltd. is a newly established tour operator in Edinburgh. The newly appointed managing director wants to develop XYZ’s corporate social responsibility strategy and would like to engage stakeholders.   Corporate Social Responsibility代考


a.)Discussthe importance of stakeholder engagement.  (50 marks)

b.) Critically discuss the criterions to be used to judge “meaningful  stakeholder engagement” proposed by AA1000.  (50 marks)

Total [100] marks.

Question [4]  Corporate Social Responsibility代考

Sustainability has been widely considered as a key issue driving business in the future.

Critically discuss the concept of sustainability and the difficulties of understanding the concept from a business’s point of view.

Total [100] marks.

Total marks for section [B] is [100]

Corporate Social Responsibility代考
Corporate Social Responsibility代考

Section [C]

Answer ONE question from each section

Question 5

Referring to agency theory, critically discuss the functions of corporate governance.

Total [100] marks.

Question 6

Corporate governance has been developed mainly with two main approaches: the “principles-based” approach and the “rules-based” approach.


Critically compare these two approaches and discuss their advantages and disadvantages in the context of developing an effective corporate governance system for business.  Corporate Social Responsibility代考

Total [100] marks.

Total marks for section [C] is [100]

End of Paper

The information on the Cover Sheet is particularly important as it gives students essential instructions on completing the exam paper.  It is a requirement that this sheet is in Arial 12 Font.

The text highlighted in yellow must be completed.  The text highlighted in red can be selected from a drop down menu.


  • Space for matriculation number
  • Your school or department name – select from drop down menu
  • Module title
  • Module number

PART B  Corporate Social Responsibility代考

  • READING TIME – If no reading time enter none select from drop down menu
  • Total duration of exam


This information is important to the student as it provides them with enough information to help them through their exam

  • Please indicate the total number of pages
  • Please indicate the total number of questions
  • Indicate special instructions or enter none
  • Indicate if the special items should be available or enter none

*This information must be exactly the same on the Requisition Form

Ensuring the accessibility of your exam paper  Corporate Social Responsibility代考

Follow the template provided.

The exam paper template is set up to be as accessible as possible for most people without needing further changes.  In particular, the headings and sub-headings are formatted so students can use a screen reader without missing anything.  The formatting also means students viewing the paper in Word or Acrobat can use the navigation pane to click between each section and each question easily.

Enlarging the font size.

The easiest way is to enlarge the regular A4 version to A3.  However, please make sure that any images, diagrams, etc are of sufficiently high resolution to still be readable once enlarged.  Corporate Social Responsibility代考

Images & diagrams

Small images and diagrams should be included in the main paper wherever possible.  This can be especially helpful for students with specific learning difficulties who might find it challenging switching their focus between different pieces of paper.

For larger images and diagrams that need to be provided on separate sheets, make sure they are clearly labelled, indicating which question(s) they relate to, eg ‘Diagram for question 9’.

Make sure the images are of sufficiently high resolution to allow for high quality reproductions if the paper needs to be enlarged for a student with a visual impairment.

Add in alt-text to provide a brief description of the image by right-clicking on the image to avoid disadvantaging students using a screen reader.

Quotes, tables and charts

Shorter quotes and small tables and charts should be included in the main paper wherever possible.

For longer quotes and larger tables and charts that need to be provided on separate sheets, make sure they are clearly labelled, indicating which question(s) they relate to, eg ‘Diagram for question 9’.   Corporate Social Responsibility代考

Multiple pages

Where the exam paper stretches over several sides, ensure that questions are not split between pages.  This includes sub-questions and options in multiple choice questions.

Where a blank page is required for formatting reasons, include the words [Blank Page] in the centre of that page.

Additional materials

Additional materials, for instance reference material, should be prepared using the same accessible format.  An accessible Word template is available at: XXXXXX

Please remember that if the student needs the exam paper to be reformatted or printed on off-white paper, all the additional materials will need to be produced in that same alternative format.


Corporate Social Responsibility代考
Corporate Social Responsibility代考
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