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COMS3000/7003作业代写 信息安全作业代写

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COMS3000/7003 – Information Security

Assignment 2 (Due Date: 28 Oct 2020 20:00)


COMS3000/7003作业代写 This assignment give students insight on how firewalls work by playing with network scanning, firewalls and a ···


Description                                                           1

                                                           .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . . . 1

                                                         .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 2

2 Overview Of Lab Tasks

2.1 Iptables .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 2

2.2 Nmap.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3

2.3 Snort.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3

3 Submission                                                                                4

4                                                                                                         5

This assignment give students insight on how firewalls work by playing with network scanning, firewalls and a Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention system. In this assignment we will use Nmap for scanning and we will focus on Network Based Firewall and Host Based Firewall. Network Based Firewall filters traffic going from Internet to secured LAN and vice versa, a host based firewall is a software application or suite of applications installed on a single computer and provides protection to the host.

Description  COMS3000/7003作业代写

1.1 Setting Up A Local Seed Lab environment

Students need to set up a local seed lab environment, please use image of SEED Ubuntu16.04 VM(32-bit):

1.Seed Labs Image Download

2. Seed Lab Setup Guide

Please consult the tutors in tutorials regarding issues regarding setting up a local seed lab environment

1.2 Your Tasks  COMS3000/7003作业代写

1.Using iptables (Host-BasedFirewall)

(a)PreventMachine A doing telnet to Machine B

(b)PreventMachine A being telnet from Machine B

(c)PreventMachine A from accessing an external website

(d)PreventMachine A response to ICMP (Ping) requests

2.UsingNmap to perform scanning and use three different Nmap flags (e.g. flags for normal scan, udp scap, xmas scan, ) to perform three different types of scanning

3.Writing Snort Rules (Network-Based Firewall)to

(a)Alertscanning corresponding to each type of scans in your Nmap task (3 Snort rules)

(b)Alertwhen local machine tries to access http://staff.uq.edu.au

(c)SSH brute force attackalerting

Overview Of Lab Tasks  COMS3000/7003作业代写

2.1 Iptables

Linux has a tool called iptables, which is essentially a firewall. In this task, the objective is to use iptables to set up some firewall policies, and observe the behaviors of your system after the policies become effective. You need to set up at least two VMs, one called Machine A, and another called Machine B. You run the firewall on your Machine A. Essentially, we use iptables asa personal firewall for host A. You can find the manual of iptables by typing “maniptables” or search it online. We list some commonly used commands in the following:

# List all the rules in the filter table

sudo iptables -L

sudo iptables -L --line-numbers

# Delete all the rules in the filter table

sudo iptables -F

# Delete the 2nd rule in the INPUT chain of the filter table

sudo iptables -D INPUT 2

# Drop all the incoming packets that satisfy the <rule>

sudo iptables -A INPUT <rule> -j DROP

2.2 Nmap  COMS3000/7003作业代写

Nmap is used to discover hosts and services on a computer network by send- ing packets and analyzing the responses. Nmap provides a number of features for probing computer networks, including host discovery and service and op- erating system detection. You can find the manual of iptables by typing “man nmap” or searching online. We list some commonly used commands in the following:

# scan for port 22 within a CIDR range

nmap -p 22

#  scan  for  the  os info

nmap  -o

You are required to experiment with three different types of Nmap scans (e.g. flags for normal scan, udp scap, xmas scan, etc.).

2.3 Snort

Snort is an open-source network-based intrusion detection/prevention sys- tem (IDS/IPS), it has the ability to perform real-time traffic analysis and packet logging on Internet Protocol (IP) networks. Snort performs protocol analysis, content searching and matching. You can install Snort in Seedlab via command:

sudo apt-get install snort

During the installation, Snort requires the name of the network interface. (See screenshots below) The network interface name may be different on your machine. It can be identified via the command: ifconftg, so in this case we should modify eth0 to enp0s3.


Figure  1:  Snort Installation


Figure 2: Get Correct Network Interface

This task depends on Nmap task, for example, if the Nmap tasks con- tains A, B, C, three types of scanning, the snort rules should corresponding to detecting and alerting A, B, C three types of scanning. Besides the 3 types of Nmap scanning detection, you are also required to write two additional snort rules:

1. Alert “Warning: This machine trying to access staff.uq.edu.au”

whenever machine A (running snort) tries to access http://staff.uq.edu.au

2.Alert against SSH Brutal Force Alert when external ma- chines fail 5 SSH logins to local machine A within 120seconds.

In order to finish this task, you need to modify the rules in snort con- figuration, to get familiar with these concepts, please refer to Snort User Manual

Snort demonstration will also be included in tutorials

Submission  COMS3000/7003作业代写

  • Fortask Iptable, your report needs to include the complete command, screenshots of before applying the relative iptable commands as well as screenshots after applying the iptable commands as well as your description of the iptable commands
  • Fortask Nmap, your report needs to include the complete command, screenshots of your scanning results as well as your description about the nmap commands
  • For task Snort, your report needs to include the snort rules, screen- shots of the running snort, as well as your description of the snort rules

Assessment  COMS3000/7003作业代写

  • Iptables (20marks)

– Prevent Machine A doing telnet to Machine B (5marks)

PreventMachine A being telnet from Machine B (5 marks)

PreventMachine A from accessing an external website (5 marks)

PreventMachine A response to ICMP(Ping) requests (5 marks)

  • Nmap Scanning (15marks)

Threetypes of different scanning, 5 marks each

  • Snort Detection (25marks)

threetypes of different Nmap detection, 5 mark each

Alert accessing staff.uq.edu.au (5marks)

Alertagainst SSH brutal-force attacks (5 marks)

Total Marks: 60


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