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Chapter 4 – Lab Exercise Using the EER diagram of the Horse Racing enterprise from Figure 3.23数据库代写

2018-03-05 08:00 星期一 所属: 数据库代写,Database代写SQL代做-cs大神助你起飞 浏览:1674

Chapter 4 – Lab Exercise


Using the EER diagram of the Horse Racing enterprise from Figure 3.23:


a) Write a relational schema for this EER diagram in a Word file or a text file. Underline primary keys and indicate foreign keys. Choose an appropriate representation for the Horse specialization, the Person specialization, the TrainerJockey multiple inheritance, and the Owner category.

b) Using Access, LibreOffice Base, or OpenOffice Base, create the database to correspond to the schema.


c) Insert several records in each table and print out the tables.


d) Using a Word file or a text file, write out five questions, design the queries, and execute them. Copy the results into your Word or text file, and print them out.

Chapter 4 – Lab Exercise



Examine the following ER diagram, which appears in the exercise section of Chapter 4:





Figure 4.9: (copy) E-R Diagram for CustomerOrder Example



a) Write a relational schema for this E-R diagram in a Word file or a text file. Underline primary keys and indicate foreign keys.

b) Using Access, LibreOffice Base, or OpenOffice Base, create the database to correspond to the schema.


c) Insert several records in each table and print out the tables.


d) Using a Word file or a text file, write out five questions, design the queries, and execute them. Copy the results into your Word or text file, and print them out.




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