COMP249 Assignment: Job Board Web Application This semester we will be writing a simple job board application called Jobs! that allows users to post job position descriptions. To give you an idea of what the application does, there is a … 继续阅读“代写Web Application Python CS留学生题目:COMP249 Assignment: Job Board Web Application”
毕业设计任务书 学 院: 专 业: 班 级: 学号: 学 生 姓 名: 设计题目: 网站表单sql注入扫描系统 起 迄 日 期: 2017年11月30日~2018年6月20日 设计地点: 指 导 教 师: 负 责 人: &nbs … 继续阅读“代写CS专业毕业设计网络安全相关网站表单sql注入扫描系统”
ECS30: Homework #5 UC Davis, Winter 2018 1 Changelog 2 General information 3 Programming exercises 1 Changelog v1: First publication 2 General information Due before 11:59 PM, Friday March 9th, 2018 You are to work with a partner for this homework Th … 继续阅读“linux系统c语言代写CS计算机科学代做题目:ECS30: Homework #5 C语言”
Classification Assignment Project Description The goal for this project is to build a classifier that can distinguish between pictures of birds and pictures of non-birds. The training and testing data for this task is adapted from CIFAR-1 … 继续阅读“Python AI人工智能的实现与探究Classification Assignment代写”
北京邮电学院毕业设计(论文)任务书 姓名 学号 14180125 专业 物联网工程 系(院) 通信与信息工程 设计(论文)题目 微博意见领袖自动识别系统研究与实现 题目分类 □ 工程设计;□工程技术研究;■软件工程(如CAI课题等);□ 专题研究;□艺术设计;□ 其他 题目来源 □ 自然科学基金与部、省、市级以上科研课题;□ 企、事业单位委托课题;□ 院级课题; & … 继续阅读“北京邮电学院毕业设计(论文)任务书代写微博意见领袖自动识别系统研究与实现”
ANLY550{Spring, 2018 Python Programming Assignment 1 Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to experience some of the problems involved with imple-menting an algorithm (in this case, a minimum spanning tree algorithm) in practice. As an add … 继续阅读“Python 3 assignment Programming tree algorithm树算法代写computer science”
COMP5434 Big Data Computing Project 1: Implement Logistic Regression with Gradient Descent Backpropagation Introduction In Tutorial 1, we got start with Python and TensorFlow basics, and in LAB 1, we are going to have hand … 继续阅读“计算机数据科学大数据代做数据分析处理题目编号:COMP5434 Big Data Computing Project 1: Implement Logistic Regression with Gradient Descent Backpropagation”
Machine Learning Theory (CSC 482A/581A) Problem Set 1 Due on Friday, February 2nd, 5pm Instructions: • You must write up your solutions individually. • You may have high-level discussions wit … 继续阅读“代写机器学习Machine Learning Theory Python实现:Machine Learning Theory (CSC 482A/581A)”