Homework #7 This homework assignment requires submitting both written answers and code. All written answers should be submitted in a PDF file named hw7.pdf. Each individual question specifies the submission guidelines for the code. &nbs … 继续阅读“代写CS之C++图程序编程Homework #7”
一、 判断题: 1. C程序的基本组成单位是函数 2. C程序可以由一个或多个函数组成 3. C语言可以不用编译就能被计算机识别执行 4. main()函数必须放在其它函数之前 5. 每个C程序中都必须要有一个main()函数 6. 在C程序中main()函数的位置是固定的 7. C程序中的main()函数必须放在程序的开始位置。 8. C语言编译时不检查语法 9. C程序中注释部分可以出现在程序中任意合适的地方 10. C程序中一行可以写多条语句 11. 分号是C语句之 … 继续阅读“代写C语言计算机专业编程程序代做题目:复习期末指导”
KIT205 Data Structures and Algorithms Assignment 2 Due: Friday 1st June, 11:55pm Introduction You are a member of a team developing a mars rover. Your job is to develop the path-finding system and it is crucially important that you minimise energy co … 继续阅读“CS代写之C语言基础课程Data Structures and Algorithms Assignment 2实现”
CSC 016 – FinalProject Description The final project is an open style one. It is designed to stimulate your creativity and encourage you to explore algorithms and data structures that you are personally interested in. The only project topic limitatio … 继续阅读“代做CS之C++ CSC 016 – Final Project ADTs and data structures (STL usage is allowed)实现”
CSC 415 – Consumer Producer Problem Project 5 Total Points: 175 Points Description Project ve will introduce you to POSIX synchronization primitives. You will rst x your code from homework four using the corre … 继续阅读“CS代写之C++ CSC 415 – Consumer Producer Problem英文”
EEE102 C++ Programming and Software Engineering II Assessment 2 Assessment Number 2 Contribution to Overall Marks 15% Submission Deadline Monday, 16-April-2018, 23:55 How the work should be submitted? SOFT CO … 继续阅读“CS代写做之-C++ Programming and Software Engineering II”
CQUPT CSI 311. Spring 2018. Assignment 2 – BNF Due: EOD before Discussion 4. Your submission should be in the form of MS Word file (MAC users need to save a document created in Pages as a MS Word .doc or .docx file). You ma … 继续阅读“CS代写之C/C++—"BNF"范式实现代做:CQUPT CSI 311. Spring 2018. Assignment 2 – BNF”
Assignment 1: Search Methods Deadline Submission: 5pm, Friday 20 April, 2018 (week 6). This assignment is worth 10% of your final mark. It is an individual assignment; no group work. Late submissions policy No late submissions are allow … 继续阅读“CS代写之use Python, Java, C, C++ or MATLAB 实现代做The 3-digit puzzle”
Analyze the performance of Google PageRank algorithm “d”是一个阻尼因子,通常在0.85左右,这意味着用户在点击了一系列链接后将停止冲浪。您将使用迭代算法来找到以下问题的解决方案: 上述递推方程。在该算法中,我们从顶点的一些初始秩值开始,然后用上述方程迭代修正它们。 在项目的第一部分,您将实现这个算法,该算法的输入将包括(I)一个有向图,(Ii)一个阻尼因子,(C)迭代限制和(D)误差限制。你 如果新的秩值与上一次迭代中的值在误差范围内不同, … 继续阅读“CS代写之C++ Analyze the performance of Google PageRank algorithm代做”