2021 September Semester (213)
BUSINESS STATISTICS/analysis and application
Business Statistics代考 You must complete this assessment by yourself using only the approved materials listed on the following page.
You must complete this assessment by yourself using only the approved materials listed on the following page. Do not use any additional materials or other aid. Do not discuss this assessment with anyone during or after the assessment period. Violation of the conditions of this assessment shall be deemed academic misconduct and will be dealt with accordingly by the Bond Business School Disciplinary Committee. |
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INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATE: Business Statistics代考The assessment is: Final Semester Assessment MATERIALS ALLOWED Open Book 1. Show ALL workings. 2. Answer ALL questions. 3. All answers must be submitted using the submission instructions below. |
Date of Assessment: | 14th of December 2021 |
Start Time (if applicable): | |
Duration: | 135 Minutes |
Lead Educator: | |
Lead Educator Contact Details: |
Please not that from 9:50am to 11:15am, please contact Sekar Rajaguru at
Submission Instructions: | iLearn will make the exam available to you at the start time. Complete the exam and upload it like a normal assignment. The exam file containing the questions will be available under the “Manual Calculations” iLearn link. A separate Excel submission link will also become available at the start time. Submit your Excel file there. If you have any problems, contact me immediately. |
For examiners use only
Manual Calculations Section
You may either use Word to record your answers or scan your answers from a written page. The filename must be based on your student number. As examples, “1312345.docx” and “1312345.pdf”. Your document must not contain your name. Penalties may result if the above is not strictly followed.
Question 1 Business Statistics代考
The CEO of EG Burgers, Emily Grace, wants to determine if queue waiting times are higher during the COVID pandemic than before the pandemic. A sample of 40 customers surveyed during the pandemic revealed a mean waiting time of 7 minutes. EG Burgers knows that the historical standard deviation of waiting time is 1.1 minutes and the mean waiting time is 6.5 minutes. Using α=0.01, test the CEO’s hypothesis. [_15_marks]
Question 2
A new training course has been implemented at EG Burgers in the hope of decreasing the time it takes to make the new Flaming Wing™ hamburger. The time taken (in minutes) to create the burger is measured for four workers before and after the training course, and is given below:
Worker | Before | After |
1 | 4.1 | 3.2 |
2 | 3.6 | 3.5 |
3 | 5.2 | 4.1 |
4 | 4.6 | 3.8 |
Is there evidence of a decrease in the time it takes to make the new burger after the training course? Test at the 10% level of significance. [_15_marks]
Question 3
EG Water is a very popular item at EG Burgers. During the manufacturing stage, the bottles are filled according to a normal distribution with a population mean of 500 mL and population standard deviation of 25 mL.
a)What is the probability that the bottles will have more than 510 mL in them?
b)What lower and upper volumes of water are contained within 20% of the bottles symmetrically distributed either side of the mean?
c)Given a random sample of 50 bottles, what is the probability that the sample mean is below 495 mL?

EXCEL Section
Put each question in a new tab and label each tab according to the question number. For example, “Question 1”. Name the Excel file using your student number, for example, “1312345.xlsx”. Your file must not contain your name. Penalties may result if the above is not strictly followed. Use of the Data Analysis ToolPak in Excel is required.
Question 1
The CEO of EG Burgers, Emily Grace, suspects that sales of the new Flaming Wing ™ hamburger are greater in their Northport restaurant than their Narrowbeach restaurant. To test this, the company counted the number of burgers sold during ten randomly selected days. The resulting data are represented in the table below:
Day | Northport | Narrowbeach |
1 | 670 | 410 |
2 | 420 | 500 |
3 | 515 | 440 |
4 | 690 | 645 |
5 | 825 | 655 |
6 | 751 | 592 |
7 | 693 | 578 |
8 | 588 | 640 |
9 | 605 | 696 |
10 | 701 | 555 |
Do these data support the hypothesis CEO’s hypothesis? Test at the 10% level of significance.
Question 2 Business Statistics代考
The number of bottles of EG Water and Flaming Wing™ hamburgers sold over ten consecutive days were recorded at EG Burger’s Frond Beach restaurant in the table below. The CEO of EG Burgers, Emily Grace, is interested in predicting the number of EG Water bottles sold.
Day | Flaming Wing™ | EG Water |
1 | 2951 | 1456 |
2 | 2068 | 1021 |
3 | 2338 | 1250 |
4 | 2729 | 1399 |
5 | 2272 Business Statistics代考 | 1079 |
6 | 2746 | 1402 |
7 | 2016 | 1050 |
8 | 2966 | 1457 |
9 | 2826 | 1388 |
10 | 2978 | 1488 |
a)Determine the regression equation.
b)Interpret the estimated intercept and gradient coefficients.
c)Is there a linear relationship between number of Flaming Wing™and EG Water bottles sold? Test at the 1% level of significance.
d)Find and interpret the coefficient of determination.
e)Based on the model you estimated in part a), how many Flaming Wing™hamburgers are likely to be sold for there to have been 1110 EG Water bottles sold?
Question 3 Business Statistics代考
EG Burgers is looking to add a new restaurant. The CEO, Emily Grace, decides to use a regression model to help select the location of the new restaurant. She decides to use the annual gross revenue for her current restaurants as the selection criterion/dependent variable. She believes that the determinants of revenue include the following variables:
- Number of people living within 1km of the restaurant (PEOPLE)
- The average number of vehicles passing the restaurant on a daily basis (TRAFFIC)
- A logical variable (set to either Yes or No) about whether there are competitors within a 5km radius of the restaurant (COMPTORS)
Emily Grace randomly selects twenty of her existing restaurants and has her team gather the values for the variables for these, along with their annual gross revenues (REVENUE) in tens of thousands of dollars. The following table gives the values of the variables for the twenty restaurants:
Restaurant | REVENUE (tens of thousands of dollars) | PEOPLE (thousands) | TRAFFIC | COMPTORS |
1 | 184.6 | 12.7 | 2400 | No |
2 | 190 | 9.4 | 2550 | No |
3 | 196 | 6.7 | 2600 | No |
4 | 185.8 | 5.9 | 2206 | No |
5 | 189 | 20.5 | 2200 | No |
6 | 167.5 | 16.8 | 1956 | Yes |
7 | 197.9 | 30.2 | 2610 | No |
8 | 220 | 19.8 | 2690 | No |
9 | 214.4 | 26.6 | 2650 | No |
10 | 171.9 | 26.2 Business Statistics代考 | 1876 | Yes |
11 | 208.7 | 11.6 | 2507 | No |
12 | 145 | 23.9 | 1700 | Yes |
13 | 149.1 | 21.7 | 1765 | Yes |
14 | 203.8 | 20.7 | 2490 | No |
15 | 191.1 | 20.7 | 2420 | No |
16 | 160 | 20.6 | 1805 | Yes |
17 | 164 | 22.5 | 1820 | Yes |
18 | 194.9 | 17 | 2455 | No |
19 | 198.8 | 25.1 | 2453 | No |
20 | 202.1 | 16.5 | 2297 | No |
a)Estimate the appropriate model and find the estimated regression equation.
b)Examine the overall significance of the model at the 1% level of significance.
c)0Eliminate the statistically irrelevant factors at the 5% level of significance, if any, and re-estimate the model with the relevant factors.