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Business论文代写 HC3131代写

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Integrated Business

Management Project

Business论文代写 We understood some customer say is too sweet. So PepsiCo beverage manufacturing should reduce adding more sugar.

1.0 Introduction

The project report is based on finding the major differences between Pepsi and Coke. The business project has been completed in about for 12 weeks. These 12 weeks are utilised for research and finding out the market strategies implemented by Pepsi and Coke. These companies are major market players in soft drink industry having core supremacy over other soft drinks.

Pepsi Cola was founded in 1898 by a Pharmacist known as Dr Caleb Bradham. However Coca-Cola was founded a bit earlier than Pepsi which could be one of the reasons of its dominance. It was invented and patented in the year of 1886 by Dr John Pemberton. It was the first soft drink made out of a fountain beverage by mixing Coca-Cola syrup with carbonated water. Later on it was registered as a trademark in 1893 and arrived in soft drinks market. The first bottled and distribution process was initiated in 1899. The core competencies of both the soft drinks and their threats are also included in this report.   Business论文代写

The Coca-Cola Company is leading and producing more than 3000 products to more than 200 countries.

They are having extremely recognizable brands all around the globe. The bottling system of both Pepsi & coke is one of the supreme potency in maximising there sales volume. Coca-Cola have produced soft drinks with largest distribution network over the world wide than which is followed by Pepsi on number second. According to Michael Porter there are three generic business strategies. Coca Cola follows the Differentiation Strategy .They spends enormous amounts of money in advertising to differentiate and create a unique image for their products. They have a variety of products to suit everyone’s preference. However, Pepsi stands at second position.

To find out the precise and correct data to support this project, Akok and Ibrahim went out to conduct face-to-face surveys. This is done by distributing questionnaires. The questionnaires were distributed in Highpoint Shopping centre and Dandenong plaza.

2.0 Purpose   Business论文代写

The purpose of this research project is based on the dominance of Coca Cola over Pepsi. The reason for this hypothesis is that the members of this project observed various distinctions between these two products. Some of the vital points can be illustrated as:

The price of Coke in Melbourne is double the price of Pepsi in supermarkets such as Safeway and Coles. Taking this fact into account, it can be stated that Coca Cola is practising much more enhanced marketing strategies than Pepsi that is why its market share is high. Even though the price is high, Coke still manages to remain on top in soft drinks industry.

3.0 Specific Research Questions

The research questions are designed to find out the critical aspects of this business project. Hence the questions which are designed are aligned with the findings of primary data.

  1. Is it possible for Pepsi to acquire Coke’s customers? How?
  2. Coke sells more, is it the taste or any other hidden factor?
  3. Pepsi sells cheaper than Coke, does it mean it’s a non-reputable brand?
  4. Does Pepsi & Coke need advertisements to sell? Why? Who does it better?

4.0 Methodology  Business论文代写

There are a number of different types of research. These include action research, case study research, experimental research and survey research. For our research we decided to use survey research because they are easy to distribute to people, the questions are designed so that answers from individual interviews can be added together to produce results which apply to the whole sample and they are efficient and flexible.

4.1 Sampling Method

As discussed above the sampling method which is selected for this business project is the distribution of questionnaires. The questionnaires have been distributed at highpoint shopping centre by Akok and Ibrahim distributed them at Dandenong plaza. This area is more elaborated in timeline which is mentioned further in this report. The major advantage of questionnaire is that it is précised and correct to some extent, however the surveys which are done on email are not that effective.

4.2 Sample Size  


The sample size for this project was 60-70 questionnaires. The questionnaires which are collected for this project are 67. 34 questionnaires were completed by Akok at highpoint shopping centre. The remaining 33 questionnaires were collected by Ibrahim at Dandenong plaza from people for our primary research. This data and information helps us in making decisions. Some interesting facts which came out through primary research are included to support the business project.

4.3 Location

This primary research was collected in Dandenong Plaza and Highpoint Shopping centre at Safeway and Coles and plus small supermarkets. As the tasks of gathering primary data was divided in two of us. Thus it was done separately in two different locations. This was decided to enable variety of data and information and near where each of us dwelling, which would help to reduce time and cost. So Ibrahim did a survey in Eastern Suburb at shopping centre mentioned above, and Stephen did the same survey in western suburb listed above.

4.4 Time



The entire time for this whole project is 12 weeks. The first four weeks are exploited for refining topics for the research proposal and gathering information to support the argument which is mentioned in the research proposal. Furthermore from week 5 to week 7 are used to prepare questionnaire and completion of literature review. Week 8 and 9 are utilised for collection of questionnaires and analysis of primary data. Week 10, 11 and 12 are used to prepare final report, present the whole project and the submission of the final project.

5.0 Limitations

The limitations of this project include the information which is collected as primary data via distribution of questionnaires. It can be stated that the people who are filling the questionnaire might be in hurry and they might fill the information which could be irrelevant. Thus the information which is collected can’t be guaranteed as hundred percent true.

6.0     Gantt Chart for Research Schedule  Business论文代写

Weeks / Topics Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 Wk 7 Wk 8 Wk 9 Wk 10 Wk 11 Wk 12
Research topics
Refine topics
Gather information for proposal
Research proposal
Prepare and design questionnaire
Collect data on literature review
Literature review
Collect data questionnaire in certain location
Analyse collected data of questionnaire
Prepare report
Presentation of Findings
Research Report

6.1 Gantt Chart Explanation

The Gantt chart is created to achieve the goals and complete the tasks of this business project on the given allocated time limit. The entire project is completed in the total span of twelve weeks. The above chart depicts that the first four weeks are utilised for research proposal. The research proposal was comprised of refining the topic, gather information for proposal and presenting the proposal.

The period from week five to week seven includes the preparation of questionnaire for primary data and completion of literature review. Week 8 and week 9 were assigned for the survey in different locations, and analysis of the data which were collected through the questionnaires. The last 3 weeks which are 10, 11 and 12 were devoted for the completion of this report and making PowerPoint slides to present the complete business project.


7.0 Timeline for Primary Research

Week Monday

















Day Off



Day Off


Ibrahim conducted survey at Dandenong Plaza


Ibrahim conducted survey at Dandenong Plaza


Ibrahim conducted survey at Dandenong Plaza


Akok conducted survey at Highpoint S/centre


Akok conducted survey at Highpoint S/centre

Week Monday

















Day Off



Day Off


Akok conducted survey at Highpoint S/centre



Akok conducted survey at Highpoint S/centre


Akok conducted survey at Highpoint S/centre


Ibrahim conducted survey at Dandenong Plaza


Ibrahim conducted survey at Dandenong Plaza

7.1 Table Explanation

This business project is the mutual work of both the members of the group. Ibrahim and Akok divided there tasks to ensure that the project should be completed before the given time. The above table show the days of week 8 and 9 in which the survey was conducted at different places such as Dandenong plaza and highpoint shopping centre to get effective results. Moreover the time is provided in the table to have an idea of foot traffic of the shopping centres.

In week 8 from Monday till Wednesday, Ibrahim did survey at Dandenong plaza at different timings. The rest of the two days were covered by Akok and he did survey at highpoint shopping centre.  In the following week from Monday to Wednesday, Akok conducted research by distributing questionnaires at highpoint shopping centre. The remaining two days were covered by Ibrahim at Dandenong plaza. The major purpose of doing this survey at different places, different timings and different days of the week is that the information and data which is collected should be random and essential for this business project.

8.0 Literature Review  Business论文代写

Literature review is a study of various articles and journals which are co-related with the research project. These articles are based on the information which is relevant to support the topic of the business project. It is predominantly a study of different authors and their point of view on particular subject.


Any organisation, for profit or not for profit; must have the strategic planning in customer retention and marketing strategy. Because it is important, to build a strong and influencing customer to develop, love with endless needs on the same brands and loyalty products or services. This is to make customer like the products or services most than other in the market.

To handle this situation of many rivals in market, the company must have it own way of managing customer service to focus on product differentiation and keep observing how much and for how long they are buying the same brands. It is always very easy when making decision to reflect what customer demands on price, quantity and others relevant. Thinking of a taste of product is what customer possibilities and their expectation levels are resolved.

From this article, it is discussed an influence of price and quality increase level of customer satisfaction.

According to (Kotler 1994) points out that the key to customer retention is just a customer satisfaction, is much on price and quality, is agreed to develop customer wants to spend more. The market environment is very complex that organization must always get it right. Maynes (1985) states that there are three shopping environment such as:

I.The overabundance of brands in the marketplace leads to information overload

II.The technical complexity of many products market quality assessment virtually impossible the average consumer

III.The urbanization of our society creates an environment where there are too many stores offering similar products or services.

Therefore, market information is to be communicated very effectively and respectively and selectively. If communication were inaccuracy would cause low motivation and result to low productivity. Customer expectation meets with what went out to stay in place. So information should be clear and accurate to keep customer trust and loyalty in business.

Second to it “the drivers of customer retention” are mentioned that, the customer loyalty and affect behaviour are suggested to be understood in the evaluation,

attitude and intention (Oliver 1999) showed what drive customer toward product and services provided. So when everything reaches customer need level is defined as overall customer satisfaction at performance update (Johnson and Fornell 1991) when business set up necessary price and provides hearty products or services.

This organization always advantage from customers help bring their friends and other to know products. Customer should drive the business’s efficiency and effectiveness. If clear objectives are set up with eyeing on both organization and corporate social responsibility to be evaluated, tested weakness and threats including external environment are adapted to change to success.  Business论文代写

Third article mentioned some successful and failure to economy growth in the business markets are unknown and known.

The unintentional poor service is stated that occur what the management team provide wrong information to influence worker to do task. Reward without useful method for incentives given out.

Having recruited unskilled staffs and mixing jobs would leave many gaps according to (Loveman 1998, Chase and Stewart 1993, Hauser et al. 1994 Chu and Desai 1995, Chu et al. 1998). These situations there are needs to be addressed in relation to human resource management development. To recruit the rights employees or provide the training when it clear understood the needs for training that might be done in organization or outside by hiring specialist or expertise to do so.

Some intentional poor services:

In switching costs when management brought increases to make up products price or services while there are perfectly market completion. Failing to estimate or check the costs if organization want to recruit or train staff. Thus is done to increase performance must be planned first. After knowing that will work well as result toward profit improvement, according to the “service profit chain” (Heskett et al. 1997, Loveman 1998, Kamakura et al. 2002).

Misleading pricing:

It deals with making customer believe that business advertising campaigner or marketers information are different at store charging customer full price on which was advertised with discounted 25 % off. Even though customer complaint to managers and staffs about mistaken charged is not well addressed to get customer understand why it happen. That way because was wrong decision made by store manager to get extra amount left to his or her pocket.

Customer relationship management:

It is major key that keep business life, if business has no customer or buyers then will close down. Otherwise may move to else where there are no same products or services existing (new market). The technology and globalisations brought many opportunities that some will sell the same products and make it price cheap to gain more customers. New innovation is changing the whole world everyday there is new comer in to the market. As the online buy and sell changing the young generation life style as well as market strategy and older model are changing the new one.


All articles mentioned in this literature review are primarily chosen for this project. The chosen literature has enlightened the theme of this project. It is focused on the significance of brand loyalty, customer retention and satisfaction. The theories of modern advertising are also been discussed in this literature.

9.0 Secondary data  Business论文代写

The secondary data is the information which is collected from various other channels. It is also known as second hand information. This information can be found from internet, newspaper, journals to support the whole argument. Some of the secondary data which is collected is illustrated below with the help of diagrams.

Figure 9.1: Market share

Reference: http://www.accuval.net/insights/industryinsights/detail.php?ID=142


The figure mentioned above depicts the market share of different soft drinks brands. Pepsi and Coke own various other brands as well. Pepsi Cola owns Mountain dew, diet Pepsi and Diet Mountain dew. The Pie chart above shows the market share of Pepsi that is 15%, Mountain Dew is 10%, and Diet Mountain dew is 3%. However on the other hand Coke’s market share is much higher. According to the secondary data collected, Coke’s Market share is 26%, Diet Coke 15%, Sprite 8% and Fanta carry 3% of market share.

Figure 9.2: Comparison


Reference: http://money.cnn.com/2002/05/10/pf/investing/q_cola/index.htm


The above diagram is mentioned to identify the vital differences between Pepsi and Coke. The diagram is based on the breakdown of financial and product aspects of both the organisations. The Stock price of Coke is stated at $56.50 and Pepsi at $52.06. Thus it can be analysed that the market value of Coke is higher than that of Pepsi. Furthermore the diagram has included the market value of both the companies. It is fairly visible that Coke carries market value of $140.4 billion and Pepsi is far behind with having the value of only $92.0 billion. Hence it can be stated that Coke has major dominance over Pepsi which is also proven with the help of primary data collection.

Figure 9.3: Media Usage 2010


Reference: http://www.mediamonitors.com/weeklyspots/2011/01-03-2011/


The above mentioned pie chart shows the media usage of Pepsi and Coke in the year 2010. Coca-Cola has 92,800 employees and they produced revenues of $30.99 billion with the net income of $6.82 billion. On the other hand Pepsi has double of Coke’s employees with around 203,000. PepsiCo produced revenues of $43.23 with the net income of $5.95 billion.

The major aspect to identify from this information is that Pepsi have double employees than Coke but still they lack in sharing equal market share. In 2010 both the companies launched advertising campaigns to increase there market share. The radio advertising of both the companies is much more similar. Pepsi leads with 293,304 spots where Coke ran 232,890 spots on radio. On TV advertising Coke is far behind than Pepsi. Pepsi ran 85,283 ads in the last 12 months where Coke ran only 52,183 spots on TV. Hence it can be stated that Pepsi is working hard on advertising to clutch the market share.

10.0 Primary data findings  Business论文代写

Primary data is the particular information composed by the individual who is doing the research. It can be obtained through scientific trials, case studies, factual experiments and randomized controlled studies. This information can be analysed by other experts who may decide to test the legitimacy of the data by repeating the same experiments. There are various types of collecting primary data which are observation, focus Group and Personal interviews (one-on-one). In this project questionnaires are used to find out the information in form of surveys.

10.1 Collection of Primary data

The collection of primary is done through the questionnaires. Akok and Ibrahim went to different locations conduct the survey. Altogether there are around 67 Questionnaires which are collected. The results and there explanations are briefed below:

10.2 Analysis of Primary Data

Questions Options Responses
Section A (Tell us about yourself J)
What is your gender? Male 40
Female 27
Your age group Under 20 12
20-40 41
Over 40 14
Your range of income? Under $ 25,000 PA 26
$25,001 – $75,000 33
More than $75,000 08
Are you a brand loyal person? Yes I am 43
No, Not really 24
If you your desired brand of soft drink is Buy any Brand 24
Not available, what would you do? Suggest them to have it next time 15
  I will save my money instead of wasting it on any other brand 10
  Try elsewhere 18
Section B (Cola and advertisements)
Do you drink Pepsi or Coke? Yes 64
No 03
Do you drink only Pepsi or Coca-Cola brands? Only Pepsi Brands 17
Only Coke brands 21
Doesn’t matter, I drink any 28
Who’s advertising style appeals more to Pepsi 22
You? Coca-cola 35
Neither 09
Section C (What’s vital to you, how do you consume?)
Does advertising motivate you to buy a Yes 42
Product? No 24
Would an advertisement with your personal Yes 36
Idols affect your choice of cola product? No 30
When do you consume soft drinks? During or after food 41
  While at work 30
  In a party/day out 23
  To quench my thirst 19
  Other 04

 10.3 Explanation of Analysis

The above table depicts the results of the sample questionnaire that was given to sixty seven people. These questionnaires are constructed in such a way that they are correlated with the three stages of questionnaire’s design. The stage one is finding out about the basic knowledge of the diversity of the people whom we are asking to fill up this questionnaire thus the questions of name, occupation, gender, age group and salary range are included in this section.

As the whole questionnaire is predominantly designed to find out the market significance of Pepsi and Coke, therefore the second section is based on the questions having précised information on the data which needs to be collected for this project. The final section of this questionnaire analyse the importance of consumer needs related to the soft drink industry, consequently the questions for this section are premeditated to get the view point of the customer’s consumption of soft drinks. Under below are the explications of each of the questions which are paramount for the research project. Each question is presented with different sort of bar and pie charts.

10.3.1 Section A

The Section A of this questionnaire includes the information if the customers with respect to their gender, age, income personal preference.

Figure 1


The above pie chart explains about the genders who participated in this research survey. The question above is not included in the questionnaire because when we were conducting this survey, we marked down at the top of the questionnaire that the respondent is male or female. This is done to save the space in the questionnaire and improve its quality. As we distributed 67 questionnaires from which 40 were males and 27 were females.

Figure 2


The purpose of this question mentioned above is to identify the major age groups who are the actual target market of soft drinks giants. It is quite visible from the above diagram that the people having age group from 20 – 40 are highest in respondents with 41 percent. The second highest are the people who are over 40 with 14 percent. This factor is pretty astonishing for the research purpose because it is considered that the teenagers are the vital consumers but this is fairly interesting factor for this whole scenario. The least percentage of respondents is the people who are under 20 with 12 percent.

Figure 3


The above bar diagram includes the question which is based on customer loyalty. It shows how many people are loyal to their brands which is paramount for this research project. Out of 67 people 43 says that they are brand loyal and 24 percent of people are not brand loyal. It means that the majority of the people are loyal to their brands. Hence this factor is significant to recognize the customer satisfaction towards their products.

10.3.2 Section B

The Section of this questionnaire is primarily based on the questions which are related to Pepsi and Coke. This section is paramount for the whole business project.

Figure 4


The purpose of this question mentioned above is to recognize the market of soft drinks. The questionnaire is exclusively designed to find out the vital quality differences between Pepsi and Coke. So it is understood that the respondents should be the one who consume soft drinks so that they could give productive feedback for this research project. As it is stated that 67 questionnaires are collected for this project from which 64 people says that they drink Pepsi and Coke and only 3 percent are the non-consumers of these products. Thus it can be stated that the information which is collected is fairly appropriate to identify the core prospects of this research.

Figure 5


This research project is primarily executed to determine that why Coca-Cola has been more popular than Pepsi. The entire research is done to identify the key areas of Coca-Cola for which the customers become loyal for decades. The above donut chart illustrates that the most of the people having percentage of 21 percent drinks only Coca-Cola brands. The Pepsi customer stands at 17 percent. At this stage it is hard to perceive any statement as the research is in progress. The combination of primary data and secondary will be to portray the precise findings.   Business论文代写

Figure 6


The purpose of the question which is mentioned above is to understand that whose advertising techniques are more attractive for the ultimate customers. However it can be argued they might don’t need any advertisements as they are the most mature players of soft drinks industry? According to the conducted survey the advertising strategies of Coca-Cola is widely popular than Pepsi with having 35 percent of people in favour of Coke. Pepsi comes second with having 22 percent of people who like there advertisement. It can be stated that Coke’s market share is higher than Pepsi due to one of the reasons which is better implementation of advertising approach.

10.3.3 Section C

This section of the questionnaire is mainly based consumer habits. This section briefs the consumer approach to buy a soft drink. This section would be helpful for the Cola giants to understand customer behaviour.

Figure 7


The above question is included to recognize that the advertisement of the products would help the customers to buy a product. The advertisements and sales are co-related with each other, thus it is vital to have enhanced advertising strategies. It is quite visible from the above chart that most of the people are emphasize on better and smart advertising methods. 42 percent of people get motivated to buy a product via better advertisements. However 24 percent people are those who stick to whatever they buy.  Business论文代写

Figure 8


The above pie diagram is mentioned to identify the customer preferences. Customers are the main part of all strategies which any company implement. Thus it is vital to understand the needs of customers. The question above explains the importance to include personal idols in the product advertisements. 36 percent of people would prefer there choice of product based on there idol. However, 30 percent of respondents do not consider there product selection relying on the there personal idol.   Business论文代写

Figure 9


The last question of this section talks about that how people consume soft drinks. What are the vital factors to consider selecting and consuming a soft drink? This question is included to identify the choices of the consumers. 41 percent of people say that they like consuming soft drinks during or after food. 30 percent of people like it at work. 23 percent of people consume soft drinks in a party or day out. 19 people who participated in this survey states that they like consuming soft drink to satisfy there thirst. Lastly, 4 percent of people who chose others, states that they like soft drinks while sleeping, while playing and some said all of the above.

11.0 Conclusion

After all the details discussed above it can be stated that there are many differences between these two cola companies. In this report, our intention was to find out why one is better than one another between PepsiCo and Coca-Cola market strategy.  After the completion of project proposal, coca-cola brands name, quality, re-brands and taste are displaying a big role in customer loyalty and consumer mind. We have come up with three parts useful from the data and information we have analysed.

First, those who drink Pepsi dislike coke as well as those who drink coke dislike Pepsi. On its third option, many people have no problems with both of them; they just drink any one available in shop or in restaurant. As Coca-cola has got the first mover advantage and introduced soft drink to the market, and kept producing and promoting since 1886. They have implemented local, national and multinational market strategies. Even though its price is high, whereas PepsiCo price is lower, many people still like drinking Coke.  Business论文代写

Pepsi is still behind than Coke taking second position in soft drink market positioning, might have it market redesign and restructure it market strategy.

To bring any thing that up holding customer loyal as it’s showed in pie-chart above. Also, Pepsi is targeting and attracting young generation most than others in its market position. However, both Pepsi and Coke have threats from their external environment rival in market, for instance juices companies and coffees and teas and hot chocolate are taking some customers, who were not interesting in Pepsi or coke.

When we were collecting primary data and secondary data about Pepsi versus coke we learned and believe, that there are some people do not drinking Pepsi and coke at all. The time was limit but at least eleven people we interviewed were concerns about health issues and they stated that they only drink juices and pure water rather than Coke or Pepsi. So Coca-cola and PepsiCo management teams should take clear plan to engage their customer retention strongly for the next trends environment and plan for unexpected situations.

12.0 Recommendations  Business论文代写

We recommend that, Pepsi top management and those involved at level of managing in strategy planning need; to innovate, redesign, develop and implement its brands and change little a bit in taste. We understood some customer say is too sweet. So PepsiCo beverage manufacturing should reduce adding more sugar. And it should be produced to satisfy customer need. If possible to goes with people life style is changing for fitness and new technology in day today business. Every one concern sugar in food or drink requires solution to implement by restructure market strategy to gain competitive advantages. If not put in rights place there are possibilities for other firms’ entry in to the market and gain advantages over the existing one.

Beside, might be switching of many customers who are moving to take coffees, teas in daily basic and some drink, like hot chocolate and juices. In this situation Pepsi need to come out with new innovation and brought new information that hold its customer as well as coca-cola too should does the same. Coca-Cola is still number one leader in producing largest products and supply & distribution chain management just in time around the world wide. But, engages to change to consumer behaviour thus, it is addictive soft drink and obesity is much in it. Final, it highly recommended that these two cola companies have successful operation in home and host countries. They should keep up the best level for offering products and services and looking for customer expectation and satisfactions always right.

13.0 Bibliography

Chase, Richard, Douglas Stewart. 1993. Fail-safing services. The Service Quality Handbook. AMACOM, New York, 347-357.

Chu, Wujinand, Prayas S. Desai. 1995. Channel coordination mechanisms for customer satisfaction. Marketing Sci. 14 (4) 342-359.

Eitan Gerstner, Barak Libai. Marketing Science. Linthicum: Nov/Dec 2006. Vol. 25, Iss. 6; pg. 601, 5 pgs   Business论文代写

Johnson, Michael D. and Claes Fornell (1991), “A Framework for Comparing Customer Satisfaction Across Individual and Product Categories,” Journal of Economic Psychology, 12 (2), 267-86.

Kotler,  P. 1994 marketing management. Analysis, Planning, Implementation, and Control (8 th ed.). Englewood Cliffss, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Maynes, E. S. 1985. Quality as a normative concept: A consumer economist’s views, in Jacoby J & Olson J (eds.) Perceived Quality: How Consumers Views Stores and Merchandise. Lexington, MA: D.C. Health, 193-206.

Oliver, Richard L. (1999), Whence   Consumer  Loyalty?” Journal of Marketing, 63 (Special Issue), 33-44.

13.1 Secondary data

Figure 9.1: Market share – Reference: http://www.accuval.net/insights/industryinsights/detail.php?ID=142 – Retrieved 3rd June 2011

Figure 9.2: Comparison – Reference: http://money.cnn.com/2002/05/10/pf/investing/q_cola/index.htm – Retrieved 3rd June 2011

Figure 9.3: Media Usage 2010 – Reference: http://www.mediamonitors.com/weeklyspots/2011/01-03-2011/  Retrieved 4th June 2011

14.0 Appendix – A (Questionnaire)


Section A
Tell us about yourself J

  1. Your age group?

Under 20              20 – 40

Over 40

  1. Your range of Income?

Under $25,000 pa $25,001 – $75,000 pa

I earn more than $75,000 pa

  1. Are you a brand loyal person?  Business论文代写

  Yes, I am!       No, not really

  1. If your desired brand of soft drink is not available, what would you do?

I will buy any brand Try elsewhere

Suggest them to have it next time

I will save my money instead of wasting it on any other brand

Section B

Cola and Advertisements

  1. Do you drink Pepsi or Coke?

Yes                       No

  1. Do you drink only Pepsi or Coca-Cola brands?

Only Pepsi brands            Only Coke brands

Doesn’t matter, I drink any

  1. Whose advertising style appeals more to you?


  1. Does advertising motivate you to buy a product?

Yes           No

Section C

(What’s vital to you, how do you consume?)

  1. How much do you like your preferred soft drink and dislike the opposite brand?  (Use Pfor Pepsi and C for Coca-Cola)*



       1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9



                       1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9

  1. Would an advertisement with your personal idol affect your choice of Cola product?  Business论文代写

Yes                  No

  1. When do you generally consume soft drinks?

(Please select as many as applicable)*

During or after food                  In a party / Day out

While at work                  To quench my thirst

Other (Please Specify: ____________________________)

  1. Rank the following attributes in the order of importance for buying a soft drink

1 2 3 4

Highly Important                  Important         Unimportant  Least Important

  • Price
  • Brand
  • Star endorsement
  • Nutritional Value
  • Sweetness

 End of this Questionnaire, thanks so much for your time



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