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bibliography代写 bibliography论文代写

2024-01-06 11:30 星期六 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:368



PROMPT: Provide a bibliography containing 10 (for paper) or 5 (for project) primary references.

For one of the references, write a statement that might be in your paper/project summary to demonstrate how you would use an in-text citation.

Bibliography Format – General Guidelines

– For this class, use the format used by the journal Animal Behaviour (which currently follows APA style formatting).

o Note – APA uses ampersand (&) instead of ‘and’.

– Bibliography should be in alphabetical order based on the last name of the first author.

– Bibliography should be formatted with a hanging indent.

– All references must be cited in the final product (paper or project), and all in text citations should have a corresponding reference in the bibliography.

– Only peer-reviewed journal articles count as primary references. Double check with your TA if you are unsure if an article is considered primary research.

– For APA style in-text citations:

o The first citation: For five or less authors, list all the last names, but use “et al.” for six or more authors. Example: Blah blah blah (Kelly et al., 2015).

o Subsequent citations of the same work: Use “et al.” for three or more authors.


1.Journal Article   bibliography代写

Author’s last name, first & middle initials. (Publication year). Article title. Periodical title, volume number, inclusive pages.

In text:

Often female mate choice is based on some aspect of male performance (Byers, Hebets & Podos,2010).

In bibliography:

Byers, J., Hebets, E., & Podos, J. (2010). Female mate choice based upon male motor performance. Animal Behaviour, 79, 771-778.



Author’s last name, first & middle initials. (Publication year). Book title. City of publication: Publishing company.

In text:

Male ornamental traits are the result of selection by either female mate choice or male-male competition (Darwin, 1859).

In bibliography:

Darwin, C. R. (1871). The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. London, U.K.: J. Murray.


3.Book chapter   bibliography代写

Author’s last name, first & middle initials. (Publication year). Chapter title. In: First/middle initials Last-name (Eds.), Book title (edition, pp. page #s). City of publication: Publishing company.

In text:

In some bird species, both males and females are ornamented, which may suggest selection via mutual mate choice (Amundsen & Pärn, 2006).

In bibliography:

Amundsen, T. and Pärn, H. (2006). Female Coloration: Review of Functional and Nonfunctional Hypotheses. In: G.E. Hill & K.J. McGraw (Eds.), Bird Coloration: Function and  Evolution (pp. 280-348). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.



4.Magazine articles    bibliography代写

Same format as Journal Articles, but with a more specific date: (2006, May/June), (2004, July 5).


5.Newspaper articles

Author’s last name, first initial. (Publication date). Article title. Periodical title, volume number  (if available), inclusive pages.

In text:

While penguins have striking coloration today, that may not have always been the case (Wilford, 2010).

In bibliography:

Wilford, J. N. (2010, October 1). Extinct penguin wore tones, fossil shows. The New York Times. p. A12.


6.Website   bibliography代写

Authors/Name of Website, if known. (Date written/posted/updated, if known). Title. Retrieved month day, year, from URL (note: there is no period after the URL)

In text:

Plumage color may vary between different age classes of birds (Wikipedia, 2010).

In bibliography:

Wikipedia. (2010, October 8). Plumage. Retrieved 14 October 2010, from


(Note: Wikipedia is NOT a primary reference. This is just an example for citing a website. However, Wikipedia articles sometimes cite primary references, thus helping you find primary resources.)




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